the game pt 2

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Jeff the killer

you sat on the couch while Jeff yelled in your ear. you looked at him calmly, your eye twitched when he slammed his fist on the table. you looked at the TV wanting the ass to leave.

"one more time"

you nodded not wanted to hear his yelling, you started the game and played. you lost so you wouldn't hear the yelling.


your eye twitched as ben laughed in your face. you sat up and walked to the kitchen grabbing a cup of water, you walked back and sat down holding the water looking at ben with a dark look.

" rematch or I'll drown you in this cup" you spoke holding the cup above his head

he nodded as his gray skin turned to white.

in the end, you won because ben was too scared of the water

lost silver

you ran around with silver since he brought you into his game to play. you ran after a Pokémon tying to grab it but it ran up the stairs. you slipped and hit your knee so silver brought you home so you could treat your knee so you could play tomorrow.

Ticci toby

you ran to the bathroom hiding in the bathtub. the sound of his giggles filled the halls. the foot's steps echoed through the halls, it got closer and closer. 'step step', the footsteps stopped in front of the door, (y/n) staired at the door. a hand grabbed your shoulder from behind

" I found you"

a scream left you echoing the bathroom.
" How did you do that" you yelled shocked.
" magic " he spoke.


you grabbed the ball and walked carefully but was slammed to the ground

"you need to run, not walked," he said holding the football

you tried again but this time you bolted, you fell face first and the ball slipped from your grip. you hurt your knee so you jogged with the ball, masky pity you so he walked.

you smiled feeling happy, but that feeling left when he was far away.

" look, grandma finally di it, jezz," he said fake yawning

after that you wanted to kill him, but left not dealing with him. he sat in the window sad cause he had no one to play with.


you had scissors he had rock, another hit along your arm. you started to Starr at him closely, the feeling of him cheating lingered in your mind.

   " are you cheating"

he looked at you, he shook his head. he got up and dig in your frigid like it was his. you looked at him shocked but looked out the window, a chuckle was heard

" if you want to win you must be as good as me, that is surely not in your favor "

you looked at him pissed, you got up in a flash

" you are cheating, you ass hole"

he ran out your door laughing, you stood there shocked as he ran for his life.

slender man

you ran to the woods, trying to find this guy. you ran but tripped hurting your leg so slender picked you up cared for your leg. he started to count, you ran and hid in a hole. you heard static but you keep quiet. you thought it was a good place to hid till your hands slipped and fell to the bottom. you saw skulls and bones, you let out a bloody screeched.

" child where are you" the faceless male yelled

you cried from the sight and coughed from its spell
" down here" you cried

he found you and took you home after you talked about what you saw and how you felt. you found out I was an old trap his older proxy made in 1757.  your mother came in and he left fast. even though you were scared shit less your mother just passed it as a school.

eyeless jack

you ran into the dark kitchen. you opened the fridge but no room for the cabers but they were too small. you opened the oven and slipped in closing the door. what felt like hours were only minutes. you heard footsteps stopped in front of the door, you hoped he didn't find you. the sound faded away, the oven started to heat up. your eyes widened as you realized he turned on the oven, you cried hoping he was joking. it began to burn you so you slammed your fist on the door.

" let me out, let me out please" you cried in fear

giggles were heard from the other side, you screamed. fear coved your face you hit the door harder.

" ok, ok I'll let you out in a minute"

you gasp knowing you would in a minute so you screamed again, the door slammed opened a hand grabbing your arm, and you were dragged out.

" don't hide in dangerous places" he laughed

you glared at him

" fuck you" you hissed
" gladly " he chuckled.


you walked with him to the bathroom, lit two candles, and turned off the lights

" bloody Mary bloody Mary"

you froze and looked at the puppet boy who looked at the mayor smiling. he was going to be the death of you.

" bl- bloody Mary"

 the candles went out, a hand grabbed your shoulder

" stop this is not funny"

" what do you mean"

you paled as griped got tighter

"where are you then"

" I'm floating near the roof"

you lit the candle and turned around. there was bloody Mary her self blood dripped off her face, her white dress had blood over it and she had no eyes.

" holy monkey shit" you yelled

" goodbye Mary, "the puppet boy said calmly

she was gone

" never again understand" you yelled storming off.

bloody painter

you ran through your house trying to get away from the painter since he was right behind you, so you did a sharp turn and tripped on your cat. you started to laugh and he tagged you and ran away you got up and pet your cat while smiling.

 you ran after the artist. you looked in all the rooms so you looked in the basement and he wasn't there, the door slammed closed. you ran up trying to open it, but to no Advil, you cried.

" let me out, pleased" you're cried

the door opened, but your mom was the one to open it, you smiled and hugged her like no tomorrow. you ran upstairs. "payback gonna be a bitch" you spoke to yourself.


you ran after him laughing, like a child. you tagged him and ran the other way and slipped and started to giggled

" oh my are you ok," he asked

you nodded and got up and ran before you were tagged. you ran around the house over and over as he chased you. you looked at the sky, the sunset filled the sky, you looked at him with a sad look.

" don't worry I'll talk to you tomorrow," he said calmly.

" yea"

he left and you went inside, your mother came home and made dinner. after you washed the dishes and went upstairs.

" about time we got board" skully hissed

you giggled and talked about people you didn't like, he was going on a killing spree and wanted to know who you wanted dead.

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