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Jeff the killer

The sun was setting, and the park was empty. So you walked hand in hand with Jeff, even though your hands were sweaty. You loved being with Jeff since he was kind to You, and only you which made you feel special. You smokes when you got to the top of the hill, you watched as the sun set. You loved it since the sky looked like a perfect picture, and Jeff was next to you to you seeing the same thing. You looked at Jeff and smiled.

"Beat honeymoon every" you said getting Jeff's attention.

"I know" he responds back.

Ben drowned

You sat next to Ben, who was making you a crown. Even though you askes him not to, though he simply ignored you. You sighed as he placed the finished crown on your head, you looked at him and smiled. "Your such a dork" you laughed kissing his cheak.

"Im not a dork" he whined. 

You laughed falling on your back with a sigh, Ben joined you with a smile.

Lost sliver

You sat next to the lake, holding silver close to you. His eyes watched the sun rise, which reflect of the water. You smiled at the sight, while hugging the male close to you. You loved it, everything about it you loved.

"This is the best" you said kissing his head.

He nodded.

Ticci toby
I sat at the top of the water slid, while Toby leaned on you. You smiled as you looked at the sky, since the northern light was shinning bright. You loved this place, since so much happen here.
" This is amazing " you said pulling Toby closer.
He smiled and nodded with a toothy grin, he turned to you and kissed your cheek.
" we I hope so" he said with a small laugh.
He turned back to the sky, though he ended up falling asleep after five minutes. You smiled, before slipping into your slumber.

you lied on the rock, while your head rested on masky's lap. You watched the sky, while he watched the lake. You smiled and rested your eyes, since you were up for almost 48 hours, due to your job.
" You tired" he asked stroking your hair
" Yea" you yarned
He smiled and picked you up and carried you to your house, since he wanted you to sleep in his arms.
" Sorry we couldn't have a good honeymoon " you said softly.
" Don't worry, will have another one" he sighed with a big smile.
you smiled falling into a slumber.

Hoodie sat in the tree holding you close, while he hummed a soft toon that you didn't recognize. you looked at the night sky, and smiled. he kept his eyes on you, since he wasn't interested in the night sky. The branch began to crack, which made hoodie grab another branch. You screamed as the branch gave out, you held onto him for dear life. Even though you could touch the ground if you straiten out your body, since hoodie wasn't stupid to climb high why holding you. though you ended up lying on the ground looking up at the sky.

Slender man
you sat under the falling leaves, while slender stopped any from falling on you. You laughed when he missed, which made him chuckle. You shivered when a gust of wind past by you, since fall of almost over.
"You want to get to a warm place, or are you find" he asked.
" We should go, before I freeze to death" you answer.
he chuckled, before picking you up and teleporting you to your house.

Eyeless Jack
You cuddled to jack, since his house was cold. Due to it being abounded, and there was holes in the walls and windows. You looked at him with a soft smile on your face, he looked back at you.
" How you holding up" he asked trying to keep you warm.
" Good, just cold" you said shivering.
He smiled bring you close, you giggled from his action.

You watched as puppet dance on the stage, while you watched. You loved it, not because he was dancing. Though it was because he was in a tux, and you hardly get to see him in them. He grabbed your arm, while you stared into space. You let out a scream, when he made you dance with him. 
" Having fun" he said with a smile.
" Yea" you laughed out.
He stopped and pulled you into a kiss.
" Good" he said calmly.

Bloody painter
You walked threw a corn maze, while holding Helen hand. You were scared, since it was Halloween themed. Helen would laugh, when you screamed. He wasn't fazed, since he knew they were there. Due to them steeping on the dead grass, which gave him the upper move. half way threw you started to cry, which case him to carry you home. He wished he could finish the maze, though he loved you. So the rest of the night he cuddled you.

You lied o the roof with lue, while you both looked at the night sky. Lue was humming softly, while you listen since you love his voice. Your eyes widen with amassment, when you saw a shooting star.
" Did you see that" you asked with a big smile
" Yea, so what did you wish for" he asked looking at you.
" Nothing, I want a child to get a wish come true" you said looking at him with a smile.

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