the doctors

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Jeff the killer
Jeff sat at the chair, his head down so nobody saw his face. He felt sad that you burnt your hand, he knew that feeling. the doctor came in and said it was all right and to just rest for a few days.

Ben drown
Ben got to the room you were in, his face blue and red. he took two steps in and passed out, you laughed at ben. ben sat up and smiled
" I got you a cookie but I eat it sorry "

Lost silver
Silver got to the doctors and found you laughing, you got a concussion so you weren't aloud to play games or watch TV. silver floated by you all day and night and never left you even when you were in the bathroom

Ticci toby
He got to the doors and slammed face first in the door you sat on the other side laughing, you should of warned him about the window on the door. toby got up and opened the door and hugged you nothing was wrong but you did get three days off school.

Masky got to the hospital and asked for you, the nurse led him to you. you sat in a drees thing, he got to you and hugged you softly because he didn't want to cause damaged to you.

 hoodie found you in the hospital room, he jumped on the bed which'd made you jumped, your eyes landed on him and joy filled your body. you were fine just stiches and a big head act.

Slender man
Slender popped in the room you were in, and with luck you were alone.
"(Y/n) how's your head " he whispered
you looked up and smiled your head hurt to speak and you wanted to sleep but you were on stricken rule no sleeping.

Eyeless jack
He looked in the glass you were in a hot room and he wasn't aloud to go in so he stood there for days, your eyes opened and he jumped in the room and hugged you. you shrived and hugged jack trying to get warm. in the end you both cuddled each other to sleep and the doctors and nurses were pissed.

He floated to you, his eyes dripped with yellow stringy tears. he looked at the tubes the went in your nose, he couldn't stop crying.
" please stop crying I'm trying to sleep" you snapped closing you eyes again.

bloody painter
he didn't bring you to any doctor just EJ and doctor smile, because it was closer and  he didn't want to pay money. you were fine you just a had a burse on your back and face. the one on your back as falling down them the one on your face was Helen throwing a Book a EJ but missed and hit you.

Smile sewed your heart back in and zapped you with power, he laughed darkly
" it alive it aliv-"
" and it's trying to sleep " You snapped going back to sleep with a angry doctor and a Lue laughing his ass off

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