you tell your parents/gardians your pregnant

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Jeff the killer 
You sat at home, on the couch, Jeff was out killing somebody. He was taking money from his victims since you couldn’t work. You sighed and grabbed your book, You opened the book and began to read. Your doorbell rang, and you let out a sigh. You got up and walked to the door, looking threw the peephole. Your eyes widen as you saw your parents, you sighed and backed up.
“ Why are you here”
“ We want to visit our child" 
“ So now you want to see me, I’m still mad at you after what you said to Jeff”
“ just let us in" 
You sighed and opened the door, your parents walked in with an annoyed face.
“ We came to say that Joe is still single and we want you to be with him”
“ I’m not dating Joe, I’m not leaving my boyfriend for him not with the baby on the way" 
Your parents stopped and looked at You, they face turned to joy. 
“ I’m the gonna be a grandmother, “ your mother said in pure joy your
 father hug you with a big smile on his face

Ben drowned
You lied in the tub, the warm water relaxed you. As the baby was stressing you out, more than usual. Your phone went off, you picked it up and answered it.
“ hello"
“ Hey sweetie its mom were coming down this week, and we have a surprise”
“ so do I, you go first"
“ we adopting a child, you're going to be a big sister" 
“ cool, I’m pregnant “
Your mother screams in happiness.
“ I’m Gunna be a grandmother, “ she said loudly.
“ Hey what’s going on," your father said.
“ we’re going to be grandparents “
You father started to cry

Lost silver
You sat in the kitchen while your husband slept in your bedroom.
A knock was heard from the front door, you sighed and got up. You opened the door to see your mother, who was smiling big.
“ it’s been a good life without your father, and I got everything from the divorce”
“Oh that is good, and where is he"
“ dead, he died before he could change his will and we got everything" 
You smiled and hugged her.
“ I also have good news”
She looked at you with a big smile
“ I’m pregnant “
She jumped up and down making a happy laugh

Ticci Toby

You sat at the restaurant waiting for your father, As he had good news. You smiled as the waitress came to You, she looked at you with a happy look.
“ are you ready to order" 
“ not yet, I’m just waiting for my father “ She nodded and walked away.
You looked at the door when the chimes rang, you smiled as you saw your father.
“ (y/n) how are you, “ he said while sitting down at the table
“ I’m good how about You”
“ I’m good, I’m better since I got a girlfriend"
“ that’s great, I have good news as well"
“ what is it I want to know the news “
“ I’m pregnant “ he smiled and hugged you spilling your drink at the same time.

You walked down the Ile, your aunty walking by your side. You were looking at baby clothes, your aunt picking a red shirt with blue bows.
“ sweetie why are we in the baby isle
“ it has to do with the surprise" 
She looked at you and smiled, though confusion covered her face.
“ I’m pregnant “
She laughed and hugged You.
“ can’t breath"

You sat in your car, while you waited for your parents and sister at the airport. It was your sister’s birthday and your parents wanted to spend it at your house since they wanted to throw a party and keep their house clean. The door opened and your sister sat next to You, her hair in a ponytail with a scrunchy.
“ so how is my big sister, and how your mask boyfriend"
“ I’m good and my husband is doing good, he’s getting the party-ready. Also, one of the rooms in  my house are blocked off”
“ why can’t we go in that room, maybe your sister could sleep in there or play" your mother cried
“ well I don’t want anyone in the room, well before the baby is born"
“ don't take this day away from your sister" 
“ no, it’s ok mom this is the greatest birthday present I got, I’m going to be an aunt," your sister said as she put on her shades only to poke her eye.

You sat at your mother’s table, it was your turn to visit her. Your sister walked to you and hugged you, it’s been a while since you saw her.
“ how’s my big sister doing, “ she said with a big smile.
“ I’m good, how has my little sister been,” you said as you pulled her into a hug.
“ I’m good, mother been teaching me how to cook it’s fun. Anything new with you” she said as she pulled away.
“ well I’m pregnant,” you said with a big smile.
A smile grew on her face, she grabbed you and pulled you into a tight hug.
“ I’m going to be an aunt” she cried out which caught the attention of your mother.
“ What’s going on,” she asked confused.
“ (Y/n) is pregnant,” she said with a bounce. 
Your mother sighed and looked at you, she seemed disappointed.
“ you sure you want the kid, your too young I was to myself,” she said as she sat in front of you.
“ I want to keep the baby,” you said while your sister held your hand. 
Your mother and the Others left the room, your sister sat next to you comforting you.
“ it’s fine don't worry about me”

Eyeless Jack
You sat on the couch while you talked to your dad over the phone, you hadn’t talked to him in months as he worked. That’s what he tells you, you don’t question it. You didn’t want to lose another family member, not after your mother. Even though you hated her, you had someone to talk to.
“ so what’s going on sweetheart, you usually don’t call me on workdays,” he asked.
“ I have a surprise, I couldn’t wait till the weekend,” he said, happily.
“ what is it,” he asked
“ I’m pregnant,” you said with a smile.
Silence, nothing else was heard for about 30 seconds. A joyful laugh came threw.
“ I’m going to be a grandpa,” he said with the happiest voice you ever heard.


You sat in front of your mother talking about what you got at the mall, glad that puppet didn't kill when they first met. You smiled as you remember something.

" oh I have great news," you said with a smile.

'What is it" your mother asked excitedly.

" I'm pregnant," you said waiting for your mother's reaction.

She jumped up in joy, getting everyone's attention.

" I'm going to be a grandmother" she yelled with excitement. Everyone cheered at the good news but soon went back to their own business.

Homicidal lue

You sat at pop tarts grave, a smile on your face. It's been a while since you talked to him.

" Hey buddy how's it going, I know I haven't talked to you in a while. But I have good news, I'm pregnant. I wish you were with me, I really miss you as well and hope you are with me in your spirit form" you said as tears slipped from your eyes.

He was the only family you had left, they were all dead, Lue was the only person left. You got up and walked away before you would start crying.

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