he Hamiliates himself

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Jeff the killer

Jeff ran on the side walk and you told him to stop, he just didn't listen because he thought he could do anything and everything with out fail. Jeff leg got caught and tripped and landed on his face, you tried your best not to laugh. Jeff went to say something until someone yelled

" dude you were pink boxers" the male across the street yelled which caused everyone to look at him

Jeff made you walk home and asked you to drop it, you did when his head hung lower then a few hours ago.

ben drown

ben sat at the mall since he need new pants because they were to small or had holes or stains. He thought it was gunna be a good day until his last good pants ripped when he stood up. his face went redder then blood. the thing was it was really busy, and one kid yelled from behind him

" hey look that guy's pants ripped and he's wearing hello kitty boxers" at that moment every body stopped and looked.

in the end you bought new pants for ben, but you couldn't get the pitcher of bens boxers off the web.

lost silve

silver was busy so you went shopping since you ran out of food. when you got to the store which you ended up meeting some of your friends. you got what you needed while hanging out with them and paid and went home with your friends. when you got home you saw silver in a pink dress which you stood there amazed, though your friends laughed at him. you looked at them with a don't you fucking dare make a joke look which scared them and silver. they stopped and held each other

" friends this is my floating boyfriend" you said with a blank face.

 they nodded but did apologize for laughing because they were afraid you would throw the fridge at them.

ticci toby

you went for a jog with toby but after a while you two stopped at a bus stopped. he went in while you listen just in case he needed you which would never happen. A guy stopped and asked if someone was in there, you nodded and went to say something but out of no were singing happened.

"lets go tinkle, tinkle mister winnie because you are not fun to hold"

you tried not to laugh so you bit your hand to stop laughing, the guy looked at you and said

" oh I didn't know you had a son"

" I don't that my boyfriend" you chocked you choked out

" lets go tinkle because I have to tinkle, tinkle mister winnie".

the guy bust out laughing, and the sound of a little girl was heard from the bathroom. after a minute toby came out.

" (Y/n) I told you to outside and watch" he said covering his face in his hands

" I tried to but I didn't want to bother you or your dick" you laughed falling on the ground.

Toby's face went red and looked at you with anger.

" don't worry, I rather have a son like you that sings about holding his dick then my son who just left his family for another chick".


Masky thought it was a good idea to wear white jeans on a rainy day, it went smooth till he fell on his ass in a puddle. People looked at him weird, one guy made it worse by yelling

" sir did you shit your self".

Every body looked at masky and in a seconded every ones cameras were out and took pitchers or videos, after that his jacket covered his ass and he swore to NEVER wear white pants again.


hoodie walked with you and the kid you had to watch. you walked to the bathroom while hoodie watch Satan I mean the sweet little girl. after people looked at him while one chick came to talk to him

" oh so who the lucky lady"

hoodie went to speak but the child spooked

" he not my dad, he single" she spoke giggling

 hoodie looked at the child, now he agreed with you that this child was a little shit.

"so how about me you and that bush right now"

hoodie backed away till he tripped making an unbeliever able screaming noise, it sounded like a dying

" Have fun" the child spoke evils

in the end hoodie did kill the chick and threatened Satan he would kill her family, friends, and pets and destroy all her stuff if she made him annoyed again.

slender man

Slender sat in your house singing because you weren't home. you walked into your house and put your groceries away and helped your friends in then you all heard singing. you all followed the singing to find your boyfriend, so you stopped and listen

"come little children and I'll take thee away, into a land of enchantment. come little- (Y/N) WHY ARE YOU HERE EARLY"

you looked at him shocked you never heard him sing and yell before.

eyeless jack

jack thought it was a good idea to wear all black in the middle of summer. he did stop under a tree so the shade hit him instead of the sun which he did a  lot then he dragged you to a mall so the coolness hit both of you, after five minutes he did pass out and you had to carry him to your place. he awoke in the bath with both you, your dad, and your best friend who was a doctor who was gay. jack went to sit up

" lay back down" you yelled in horror.

your father covered his eyes and your BFF stared at him with a perverted smile

" oh, yea your nude" your BFF said most weirdly ever.

After that day jack wore black at night and when it's cold because his BFF scared him.


puppet boy had a good idea to play with his puppets in public, and of course, a guy came up and sat next to him and said

" if you go to jail don't let anyone know that you play with puppets because they'll say this, come here puppet boy"

Puppet looked at him and backed away.

" what the fuck is wrong with you" yelled puppet in fear

the guy got up and chased the puppet then left but the puppet keep yelled

" get him away from me"

people looked at him like he was crazy, after he found out he left 40 minutes ago he left as nothing happened.

bloody painter

Helen decided to open his new store when you sat watching the camera so no one could steal anything and if someone did he would take what they stole and at night take their blood for Helen's paint. He looked at his customer and said

" hey how are you, may you take my order I mean may I take your order"

the guy looked at him and patted his back. after that, he took his break and napped for a bit forgetting what happened.


Lue walked down with you with pink because why not, people looked at him on guy said

" dude are you gay"

skully turned around and said


which lead to a fight Lue fell ripping his pants, the guy fell laughing. after that, he went home and found the video of him ripping his pants on the web and wanted to die.

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