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Jeff the killer
you walked down the Ille with jeff, you had almost ran out of food; well the food you wanted to eat. Jeff was glad he could go in the store with his mask with out getting weird looks due to the new virus that was going around, though you also made him wear it everywhere due to you being pregnant. you walked to the frozen section and saw a women standing in the way.
" excuse me, can you move for a second" you asked the blond hair women.
she looked at you and rolled her eyes.
" fine whatever" she said.
" ma'am your suppose to wear a mask" you said as you backed away as you were scared she would cough on you.
" I have a health problem I can't" she hissed
" than could you back up a few feet, I'm pregnant and I don't want to get sick" you said as you backed up more.
she rolled her eyes and walked to you, she stopped in front of you and coughed in your deration. You screamed, getting the attention of jeff. he ran to find that a person was coughing on you, he walked to you pushing the lady away. she let out a scream before she started to have a temper tantrum, jeff sighed and walked away with you. the lady followed screaming that your husband assaulted her, you sighed and turned around and socked her in the face. she fell as she held her face, she screamed for help.
" stay the fuck away from me you phyco " you screamed. people looked away as if nothing happened, you walked away to get more shopping done

bed drowned
you sat at McDonalds eating your burger, while ben sat in front of you.
" so how is the baby doing" ben asked
" good, they kick here and there" you said with a smile.
" I can't wait to see them, I can't wait I'm so excited" he said with a smile.
you felt someone pull on your sleeve, you looked over to see a little girl with pink ribbon in her hair.
" why are you fat" the girl said
" I'm not fat I'm pregnant" you said with a smile.
" what's that" she said.
" it means I'm going to have a baby" you said with a smile
" ok" she said as she walked away
you looked at ben and let out a laughed, he smiled back at you.
" kids are crazy " he said.
" excuse me" a women yelled next to you.
You turned to see a women with long brown hair, glaring at you while the child before stand next to you.
" how dare you tell my child that you were pregnant" she yelled.
" I'm sorry, but it was also rude for your kid to call me fat" you said.
" I don't care, I demand payment or I'll call the cops" she yelled
" I'm not paying you, not even a dime" you hissed
" than I'll take you child for my payment, my daughter needs a sibling" she said
you looked at her with pure anger.
" get away from me" you screamed, while ben tried to calm the situation down.
she let out a scream, the manger came out and sighed.
" ma'am please get out, before I call the police" the manger said.
" I want her kid, she owes me her kid" she yelled the guy sighed and went to the back to call the cops.
you sighed as she screamed till the cops showed up and took her away.

lost silver
you walked to the park that was close to your house, you wanted to see if it was safe for your child. you smiled as it came into view, it was small but big enough for your child. you walked to the park and saw there was two playgrounds, one was meant for the older kids while the other was meant for the younger children. you walked to the smaller playground, you smiled as you saw how safe it was. well as safe as it could be.
" hey what are you doing here, this is private property" a women yelled at you.
" no it's not" you said calling out her bullshit
" yes it is, I owe it" she said as walked closer to you.
" ma'am back up I don't wan to catch the virus" you said.
" it's a hoax, my husband is a doctor and he said it is" she said as she walked closer to you.
" back up" you yelled
" than get off my property" she yelled
" call the cops than" you hissed as you walked onto the playground
she ran at you pushing you to the ground, you let out a scream.
" get off my property" she screamed.
you kicked her in her gut and got up, you ran away from her away from the park. as you got home you called the cops.

Ticci Toby
you walked to the abound park with Toby, chatting about the baby.
" so does it hurt" he asked
" sometimes, but it's fine that's part of the prosses" you said with a smile.
" it's been a while since we went to the waterslide" he said with a smile
" yea, I think we were there before our wedding" you said with a smile.
 you bumped into a women, you turned around fast and apologized.
" how dare you, I'm going to call the cops on you for assault" she screamed.
you sighed and turned around and walked away, she huffed and pushed you. Toby turned to her, socking her in the face.
" how dare you" she screamed.
" now that was assault" you said as you pulled your husband along before he killed her.
" what a bitch" you said
" yea she is" he said.

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