birds and bees

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Jeff the killer
After you finished your ice-cream, you had Jeff walked you home. Since you hated to walk alone plus you had nothing to do at home. After the fifteen minute walk you walked threw your door with jeff following you, jeff grabbed your shoulder.
" Hey (Y/n) are you ready to have kids" jeff said while his voice cracked.
" Yea, though why are you asking" you asked.
" Because I want to have sex, so let kill two birds with one stone" he said.
You smiled and jumped on him, he smiled and walked in the house and towards your room. The door was kicked open, and you were tossed on your bed. You let out a giggle, jeff smiled and jumped next to you on the bed.
" You ready" he asked
" Hell ya" you yelled.

ben drowned
Ben brought you home after, since you couldn't go threw TV's. He told you to get washed up, so you did since the blood was getting dry and it felt weird. You got to the bath room and undressed, you sighed throwing the clothes in the trash. You turned on the hot water and jumped in, you let out a sigh of satisfaction. You grabbed got your self cleaned while ben made your bed, he wanted to ask you something. He smiled when the show was turned off, though he felt his heart beat hard agents his chest. You opened the door and saw Ben in a really seep thought, you sat next to him which brought him back to earth.
" So what's on your mind" you asked looking at him.
" I was wondering if you wanted to have kids, or try to have them" he said fiddling with his hands.
"I'd love to have kids" you said. " when should we start" you asked.
" Is now ok" he asked.
You stood up watching his eyes follow you, you let a smile grow on your face when you let the towel hit the floor.
" I-I take that as a yes" he said.
You nodded sitting on his lap.
" Start stripping" you said getting off of him.

lost silver
You sat cleaning the house since Silver got chased but a dog, that was full of mud. Silver would of helped, but he hiding in your room since he doesn't want to get chased. You smiled as you got the last dog print off your floor, though you knew you had to do the walls now. You sighed walking to the bathroom and dump the water in the toilet, since the water was to filth. You wounded why the dogs owner grab his dog and made you clean it up, with out a sorry or I'll pay what's broken. You door open while you were dumping the water in the toilet, you smiled knowing it was Silver.
" Hey (Y/n) I was wounderi-" He was cut off but the front door be pounded on.
" Hold on" you said to Silver.
You walked down he stairs and saw the male, that had his dog chase your boyfriend around the house.
"Hey I was wondering if you would go on a date, I'll pay for everything" he said leaning agents your door.
" No, I have a husband which your dog chased around the house, two your cleaning my walls and replacing all my vases that your dog broke. Unless you want me to get the cops involved" you hissed.
" You know what our not my type anyways" he said walking away.
" Is it because I'm loyal or smart" you said before slamming the door.
"(Y/n) I was wondering if you wanted kids" he said.
" Ya, plus I need something to get rid of my stress, which it might help" you said walking to your room with him.

Ticci Toby
Toby set you down when he got you into his little tree house, you looked around to see a bed full of leaves. Toby stood behind you kissing your shoulder, you looked at him while he did this.
" Toby what are you doing" you asked.
He covered his face, this made you smile since it reminded you of a shy kid who got caught doing something. You turned around and kissed him, his eyes closed while his arms rapped around your body. He walked you to the bed, and broke the kiss. He lied you down and kissed your neck, he stopped and looked at you.
" You wanna have sex" he asked while his voice cracked.
" Sure, have a condom" you asked
" nope" he said sitting there.
" Oh well" you said bring toby in a kiss.

You got home and turned on the tap, Masky looked at you with a worried look.
" What happened" he asked pulling you into a hug.
" He hugged me and I flipped out so I killed him" you said hugging him back.
" How dare he, No male shall touch you unless they have a death wish" he said letting you go.
You looked up at him and his mask was above his lips, you smiled at him. He pressed hid lips agents yours, your eyes closed. You grabbed his shoulders to deepen the kiss, he smiled grabbing your thighs and picking you up. He pulled away and walking to the bedroom, you let out a scream when he almost dropped you. Which was at your room, He smiled and placed you on the bed. He climbed on top of you, he looked at you ((kind of)).
" Top or bottom" he said in a dead serious tone.
"Safety or no safety " you said mocking you.
" No safety and top" he said while you glared at him.
" Fuck you" you hissed.
" Getting to that, hold your horses" he said making you laugh.
" Your a dork" you said kissing him.

Hoodie lied in the tent since his back hurt from getting wood, and he felt his pride break when you carried more wood than he did. You on the other hand were making hot-dogs, you looked at the tent and sighed. You knew you should of carried less, since he was male and tend to have pride that could be broken easily. You put the last hot-dog on the pan and went inside, you looked at the male and saw him in the corner.
" Sweety come and eat" you said calmly.
" I'm not hungry" he said almost in a whisper.
You open your bag and grabbed a sandwich bag out, you placed the food in there before putting it in your bag. You crawled to him, you noticed his mask was off, though he was in the darkest corner making it hard to see his face.
"What's wrong" you asked sitting on his lap.
" I'm a failure, I can't make a fire and can't carry more wood than you" he said looking away.
" Y'know what I can't stand you being a little bitch, so let's have sex before I punch you" you said grabbing his face.
He smiled, rolling over making you lie beneath him. You smiled pulling him into a kiss, he kissed back.

Slender man
You walked threw the woods with slender, since it was day and the park had people in it. You wished you wore lighter clothes since the sun as burning you alive, and you didn't have a braw on which made everything worse. Slender noticed you in your anger state, so you two stopped under a tree to cool off. You smile since the sun wasn't kill you anymore, but your white clothes were soaked. You sighed and looked at slender, who face was red.
" What you looking at" you asked
" Umm nothing " he said
You sighed knowing he was looking at your tits.
" You were looking at my tits weren't you" You said with a smile
He nodded wrapping his tentacle around you, you smiled as he lifted you up.
" Slender do you want kids" you asked looking at him while he placed you down on his lap.
" I do, though I feel like I'm not worthy of being a father. Since I'm a monster, the child would fear me" he said looking down.
You sighed and looked up at him with an annoyed look.
" I don't think that, I think out child would love you" you said with a smile.
" Than should we try and have a kid" he said nervously
You nodded, slender felt happiness fill him. He picked you up and teleported you to his room.

Eyeless jack
You got home and striped your clothes, You headed to the shower to get the blood off your body. Jack smiled and wondered if her should follow you, or let you have your personal space. He smiled and followed you, he got to the bathroom door before he closed it. You smiled and let him in, you closed the door after. You jumped in the shower and Jack followed after, you smiled and looked at him.
" You want kids" he whispered in your ear.
" Sure" you said pulling him into a kiss.

You got home and went to your room, to change into your pj's since you were tired. Though you knew puppet wouldn't leave you alone, since you were already up. You sighed and changed into your soft pj's, you turned to see puppet floating in your room with a creepy smile.
" what do you want" you hissed jumping into bed.
" All I want is you" he said floating to you.
" Fine get in bed" you said rolling over.
He smiled and floated on the bed, he cupped you cheek and pulled you into a kissed.

Bloody painter
You left after the cops cleaned up your mess, since you payed them. You walked into your house and saw your house was a mess, you sighed and walked around to find Helen. You got to your room and saw Helen, playing on his phone. He had bags under his eyes, you sighed and walked to him. He smiled and put the phone down, he looked back at you.
" Let's have kids" he yelled pulling you into a hug.
" Ok" you said looking him in the eyes.

You got home with Lue following you, you were home arrest after you attacked the male. You walked to your room and flopped on the bed, you let out a sigh and rolled onto your back. Lue flopped next to you, he turned his head to look at you.
" you seemed stressed, you want me to start a bath for you" he said putting an arm around you.
" No I'm fine" you hissed looking at him.
He sighed and sat up, he got off the bed and grabbed the blanket. He covered you, you smiled as he kissed you.
" Do you want to take it to the next level" you said looking at him.
" Sure" he smiled and tackled you.

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