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jeff the killer

jeff still hadn't come back, and it began to stress you. you were almost due any day now, you were scared and was panicking. out of no were you water popped, you stood there wounding if you pissed your self or not. you shrugged it off and went to watch Tv to see if Jeff was on TV. after an hour of watching TV you began to have contractions, you began to panic. you were alone and your water popped some time ago and you had no way to get to the hospital and you weren't paying thousands of dollars to go to a hospital. so you called a taxi, they took them to get there. when they did you were screaming in pain, they asked whats wrong. you screamed that the baby was coming, they panicked and drove you to the hospital. sadly you didn't make it there, the driver had to deliver it himself. three hours of pain and you screaming in pain, the baby was finally born. it was a baby girl, and it was healthy. he then drove you to the hospital to get the child checked out, she got her shots and she was allowed to go home.

ben drowned

you were home alone waiting for ben, to come home. he was coming home today or tomorrow, you couldn't wait. you decided to go for a walk, you only brought your keys and water bottle. leaving your phone to charge, as it was near death. as you walk down the sidewalk you notice there was a garage sale, you walked to the sale and smiled. you noticed there were baby clothes, so you decide to look around. a lady walked up to you and smiled.

" So when are you due," she asked you with a smile.

" any day now," you said with a smile

" So where is the father," she asked looking around

" he's at work, he might be coming home today or tomorrow," you said with a small smile.

she nodded before looking shocked.

" I think your water just popped," she said pointing to the bloody puddle under you.

you sighed and looked at her

" can you give me a ride," you asked

she shook her head

" I have a grade sale to attend to," she said while walking away

" bitch" you muttered under your breath.

you walked home and called your neighbor to help you, they did but halfway you went into labor. though you had a baby boy

lost silver

you were at the hospital to see how the baby was doing, and your water burst in the middle of it. they rushed you to the emergency room where you spent five long hours of labor giving birth to a baby girl. though they had some difficulties, the baby was healthy.

ticci toby

you were with your father, as he wanted to spend some time before he went to work for another month. he was singing to your belly, and teaching them math and the Alphabeat. you were smiling, till he asked you one question.

"where is your husband, I want to know what job he has" you began to panic

and on cue, your water popped. your father looked shocked, he sighed pick you up. he brought you to the car and drove you to the hospital, where you went into labor and had twins. a baby boy and baby girl.


you were at the mall looking at baby toys, while you waited for your taxi to arrive. you smiled as you saw some things but stopped as your water broke, you panicked and called your taxi to hurry up as your water broke. he hurried though, by the time he got there you were going threw contractions, he rushed you to the hospital though you two got stuck in rush hour. though you did make it where you gave birth to a baby boy

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