the next day

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Jeff the killer
You opened your eyes, and saw you were in your room. You sighed and sat up, you looked around and smiled since you saw Jeff sleeping next to you. You crawled out of the bed, and walked to the dresser to get clothes on. You grabbed PJ's since you knew you didn't have plans, and you didn't want to leave today. You slipped the clothes on, and crawled back into the bed. You closed your eyes and fell into a slumber.

Ben drowned
You woke up on the floor, with ben sleeping next to you. You smiled and sat up, and headed to the bathroom to get cleaned since you smelled like sweat. You got in the bathroom and jumped into the shower, you washed your body and hair. You got out of the shower and get changed, than went back to bed.

Lost silver
You woke up on the couch holding sliver, you smiled and got off couch. You headed to the kitchen to grab an apple, since you were hungry. You opened the fridge and grabbed an apple, you smiled and ate it as fast as you could. Once you finished you went back to the couch, and fell back to sleep.

Ticci Toby
You woke up in a an unfamiliar, you panic and looked around. You calmed down when you saw Toby snuggling you, you sighed and lied back down. You smiled as you stared at him, while he slept, you love watching him sleep since he looked like an angle. Until he wakes up, since he gets creeped out. You smiled and went to bed, before he got creeped out.

You woke up to the sound of humming, you sighed and sat up and looked around. You spotted Masky holding your body, while he hummed. You smiled since you saw him with out his mask, he looked down at you.
" You awake" he said calmly.
You looked at him and smiled, snuggling him close.

You opened your eyes to see that you were in a tent, you rolled over to see Hoodie. You smiled and snuggled close to him, since the air was cold. You sighed and pulled the blanket closer, to keep your back warm. You closed your eyes and fell into a slumber, since you were tired from the night.

Slender man

You woke up in a big bright room, which had a desky next to the bed. You looked more and found a book self next to the door, you rolled over and saw slender sleeping next to you. You smiled and closed your eyes.

Eyeless Jack

You opened your eyes to see you were in your room, you sat up cunfused since you remembered being in the bathroom. You sighed and looked to your side to seep Jack sleeping next to you. You smiled and snuggled close to him, you closed your eyes to get more sleep.


You woke up on the floor sitting up, you looked around to see you were leaning on puppet. You smiled and sat up and got off the ground, you picked him up and carried him to the bed. You place him down and lied next to him, and fell asleep.

Bloody painter

You woke up on the floor, with Helen  sleeping on you. You sighed and grabbed your phone, which was plugged into. You started to play games, till he woke up. Since you knew he hated waking up in the mornings. 


You woke up on Lue, while he slept on the ground. You smiled and sat up, you looked around to see the blanket was on the bed. You sighed and grabbed it, you lied back down on him. You cover you and him so you both would be warm.

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