bloody painter

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pregnancy test

you sat in your paint store while Helen stocked the shelf, you were feeling a little sick for the past week. you didn't know why you had no fever and hadn't puke at all.

" (Y/n) are you ok," Helen asked as he walked to you

" Yea just don't feel good," you said with a smile

he smiled and sat next to you, he placed a hand on your shoulder.

" I'm gonna buy you a pregnancy test, just to be safe," he said as he got up and walked away

you sighed as you waited for him to come back, while you check people out. 15 minutes passed and he showed up, he handed you the box. you went to the bathroom and did the test, you soon came out with a positive on the test. you walked to him, he smiled and pulled you into a hug.

baby clothes

you sat at the store looking at baby clothes, while Helen grabbed handfuls and put them in the chart. he looked at you with a smile and pulled you away, while you looked at him

" I got one of everything, lets go," he said with a smile

you nodded and went to check out with him holding your hands

when you tell your parent ( guardian) your pregnant

you walked into the shop while your father stood behind the register, you walked up to him with a small smile. he looked at you with a what did you do this time look.

" dad," you said with a big smile

" what did you do," he asked

" Oh nothing, I'm just pregnant," she said with a smile

he looked at you and smiled.

" no your not, you haven't had sex yet," he said

you slowly backed away, he looked at you with a shocked look.

" (Y/n) you get your butt here now," he said while running to you


you stood behind the counter while your husband stocked the shelf, you had so much to do as the store was full. you were exhausted, as people were being loud and asking you questions about the baby. women that had tones of stuff stood in front of you, she had he hair stile that said let me speak to the manager. you sighed and looked at her with a smile, hoping to get this over with. you checked and bagged her stuff after you looked at her with a smile.

" that will be 350 dollars," you said with a smile

" well that's too much, I want a discount," she said with a smile

" We don't do discounts," you said as you looked at her.

" well if you don't I'll call you manager and get you fired," she said as she played with her phone and put it to her ear.

you rolled your eyes as your father walked and looked at you with a smile, he was going to see how this turned out.

" Hello, yes. your employee is harassing me, I want her fired and computation. thank you, yes I'll tell her" she said and put her phone away," he said your fired and also said I get 70% off she said with a smile.

you looked at your dad and smiled

" wow dad, why did you fire me. and how did you do it without picking out your phone" you said looking back at the women who glared at you

you smiled and grabbed her bags and handed them to Helen so he could put them back, you turned to the women and pointed t the door

" get out" you said

she turned around and walked out, before screaming that she would sue.


you walked around the town talking about ways to help the shop with Helen, he was making good ideas but now way to make it happen as it would cost you money. you would have done it but you wouldn't be able to pay the bills and the supplies for the store.

" so why don't we do 10% than for three days," he said as he walked past a child dressed as Mario

" yea that might work," you said as you saw one kid look at you before running away.

you were dressed up as a zombie, you looked realistic as Helen helped you with the makeup

" we should go back before we a track Keren" you said

Helen nodded and you two walked home


you sat on the couch as Helen painted you, it was early in the morning so your father wouldn't walk on you as you were in a mature outfit.

" hold still," he said as he dipped his brush into the paint

" I'm cold" you whined as you

" I want to capture the moment," he said as he began to paint again. " also I'm almost done," he said as he looked at you

you nodded and held your pose, as you held a smile on your face. you looked away as you heard a creak, Helen looked at you with a serious look. you looked back at him and smiled. the door burst open

" Hey (Y/n) are you coming down for- oh my god why are in you underwater and bra" he yelled

" they're lingerie, now get out" you yelled as he ran out of the door

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