fan girls

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Jeff the killed
You were walking with Jeff down the road, while the sun was setting. Jeff was really on edged but you didn't blame him since fan girls attack him and try to kidnap him. You look behind you and saw five girls yelling Jeff name, wearing white sweaters and small skirts. Jeff looked at you worried.
" run " Jeff said scared
You looked at him before he was attacked by fan girls.
 You looked at Jeff who told you to run so you did.

Ben drowned
You and ben were at the park sitting at the table, since you forgot to pay your bills. Ben looked at the sky and smiled till he heard two girls scream his name. He looked at you hoping they left you alone, or they left but that didn't happen. The girls pushed you off the bench and looked at ben smiling, like they were dating him.
" (Y/n) go home and lock the doors and windows, and turn on the TV and don't throw anything" ben said panicky.
You nodded and ran.

Lost silver
Silver was in your arm while you were shopping, because you couldn't leave him alone at home. You looked a silver who was now trying to hid from sight.
" what's wrong " you asked
He looked at you.
" f-fan girls " he shivered.
You looked at the girls now trying to grab him, but you just move away and got security.

Ticci toby
You and toby were at the abandon water park sitting next to the water slid when toby went to get his goggles because his hair kept going in his eyes. You saw a female climb up and look at you.
" Hi " you said annoyed
" Don't talk to my toby " she hissed.
You smiled and pulled her up all the way and pushed her down the slid and watched her hit the cements face first .
Toby came back and smiled.

Masky was sitting next to you on the ground, he was happy and he wasn't wearing his sweater but a long sleeves. He looked around and saw a female.
" Omg it Tim " the female yelled causing masky to jump up and run away.
you sat there calm trying to blend in the trees but the lady walked to you angrily
" why were you with Tim " the female asked
" who's Tim " you asked
before she could answer she dropped dead and masky was covered in blood with a knife in his hand.
" we need to leave" so you both left.

You were calmly sitting next to hoodie looking at the lake, with the other people. you were having a good time until hoodie slapped you because of a bug.
" It's Brian " a girl yelled causing hoodie to use you as a human shield.
one girl threw a rock at you because she didn't like you being near hoodie. hoodie grabbed his gun and shot them and dragged you home.

Slender man
You were walking with slender because you were mad at your mother again. You saw a few people looking at slender, you were find with it till you were body checked to the ground. you got up and looked at slender who in a tree trying to get away from the people. You climb a tree and sat there calmly, but slender was worried for you so he picked you up and shared the same tree. the people threw rocks and mud at you but slender didn't like it so he threw them far away.

Eyeless jack
You and jack sat on a bench annoyed with the birds chirping, jack sighed before sanding up. You looked a him and smiled, butt jump when he was tackled to the ground by a teen.
" omg it's ej " the girl yelled.
" it's a dead human " You said calmly
Jack pushed the girl off and killed her and dragged you home.

You were at a cake shop and you and puppet were sitting at the back seats.
" anything new (Y/n) " Puppet asked.
" Why are you asking me, you stalk me all the time you should know " you said with an annoyed look.
He smiled before sipping his coco.
" just trying to be sociable, plus I've been busy so I haven't been stalking you " you laughed looking at him.
you went to speak but a girl hugged puppet. You went to say something but puppet screams of fear made you sit they in silence.

bloody painter
you walked around the park planning his new painting, and it had to be about life and he wanted to do a night theme. So you and him were out at night you wore a scarf around your face and he wore his mask so no one knew who you two were. You got to the bridge and saw two fish swimming in the pound, you both smiled before heading home. You got out of the park and two girls scream wearing the same mask as him. He handed you two notes before running in the park with girls chasing him. you read the notes one was 'two fish in love' the other was ' go home I'll see you there soon'. So you walked home.

you and lue were talking about fish because you saw someone git hit by a fish hours ago, and both of you were fond of it. You got to the store as Lue waited out side, because of the stiches. You grabbed milk, banana's, chocolate, and water. you paid and walked out only to see people hugging him, and he looked scarred.

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