when he gets jealous

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Jeff the killer
You went to the park with Jeff but jeff left to get his knife because he felt he needed it, so you just played fetch with smile. You threw and watch smile run after the stick. you smiled seeing him run. You felt arms rap around your waist, you looked back and saw a male. You pushed him away
" what are you doing " you yelled in anger
" You looked lonely so I thought you needed a friend or a boyfriend " he said winking.
You backed away looking for Jeff or at least smile but you were out of luck.
" sick him " you heard Jeff yelled.
You saw the male drop with smile biting his neck. Jeff walked to you, he looked pissed.
" Did he hurt you " Jeff asked you, you nodded and you both walked home.

Ben drown
You went to the arcaded with ben but you couldn't get in because the cashier kept saying ' no kids allowed ' which pissed ben off
" I'm not a kid I'm just short " ben yelled in anger slamming his fist agents the counter.
The male smiled finally notice you, he leaned forward his eyes only looking at you.
" Hey baby what to go out " He said
" um no she with me, fuck off or get us tickets " ben yelled grabbing and pulling you down into a kiss.

Lost silver
you went for a walk with silver, he was happy to be in the sun. You look around only to see a few boys, you speeded up hoping they didn't you but they turned around and starred at you. you grabbed silver and walked as fast as you could, but they caught up
" hey baby wait up " the first male spoke
" lets have a little fun " the second one chuckled.
" Leave me alone please I have a boyfriend " you spoke trying to walk away.
" shuure and I am a fairy " The third male spoke.
Silver floated away from your gripe and floated to the three male, his eyes blacken and dripped blood. The males ran away and you continue your walk with silver.

Ticci toby
You and toby walked down the road, since you house was stuffy and the sun was out. Toby grabbed your hand and pulled you to the park. You were laughing even though you almost tripped ten time. You and him got to the swings and chat and swinging a little. A guy walked to you and waved his hand in front of you. you looked at him annoyed.
" so baby want to ditch this guy and date this guy "he said cocky.
" no thank you I'm fine, but you should run because my boyfriend is going to kill you.

you sat next to the highway having a picnic, eating, drinking cool aid, and watching people drive by hoping for some car to flip for some reason. One guy walked to you two and grabbed you and pulled you in a kiss. Masky sat there shocked you froze in fear. he pulled away but was pushed into a semi by masky and you two packed up and went home.

You sat at the park with hoodie till he got up to use the bathroom, and luckily they added porterpotty so he walked inside it.  One guy walked beside you and smiled, you looked at him as he gave you a rose.
" So would you like to date a guy like me since were both single" He said flirty.
" Well I have a boyfriend and you have more girlfriend and you will die if my boyfriend see you, so fuck off " you said calmly, throwing your rose at him
He grabbed you, his nails digging into you. You heard a gun shot and the pain in your arm left, you looked around and saw hoodie with his gun out.

Slender man
You were picking up sticks to make a gift for slender. You kept looking till you felt to hot because of the sun so you hid under a tree, which cool you down till a guy sat next to you even though there was other trees around the forest. You looked at him calmly and a little annoyed.
" did it hurt when you fell from heaven " he said winking
You sighed but smiled.
" Yeah but it hurt more when I crawled from hell " you spoke calmly.
he smiled putting his arm around you.
" get you arm off me before you die " you warned him.
smiled till he was thrown across the forest by slender.

Eyeless jack
You sat in the lunch room because of rick and his buddy's since they were hitting, and they knew you had a boyfriend. You looked at the clock and your jobs was done so you checked your self out, than ran out. you ran into rick who was waiting for you, which scared you. You looked around and saw jack sitting behind a poll. he got up and ran punching rick and picking you up bride stile and ran home.

you went to puppet's puppet show, and he wanted you to come since it was a new scripted from his master. well while you watch the show a guy sat next to you , even though there were a lot of seats at the front that was not next to you. You looked at him annoyed but he smiled at you and waved. After a while he decided it was a good idea to put his arm around you. all the lights went out and everyone heard a scream, the lights went back on and blood was everywhere and puppet was nowhere in sight.

bloody painter
You sat next to Helen on the park bench. He wanted to go out since it was nice out and he wanted to spend more time with you with out the full mask on but only a half one. He got up to go to the bathroom and you sat there waiting for him. A guy stood in front you smiling.
" hey baby wanna smash" he said winking at you
you went to say something, but Helen stabbing him in the eyes stopped you. He grabbed you and ran home.

you and lue and skully sat at McDonalds waiting for your happy meal. every on was looking at you two since you had a dairy queen shirt and lue had a burger king shirt . You heard you number called and got up to get it with lue following you. You saw the guy and grabbed you bag.
" hey girl I have a happy meal you can have, you just have to reach in my pants" he said cocky.
" Sorry but she likes kings more than clowns" Skully said darkly.
you both left laughing.

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