the accident

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There will be another book for this like part two, it'll be a parent series.

Jeff the killer

You and jeff had been arguing for a while, he's been avoiding you at night. It's like he doesn't love you anymore, you sighed as he came in the house yelling. You looked up and saw him bloody, you had enough of him being a prick.

" I told you not to come here bloody, what if my neighbors see you," you said as you walked to him.

" she up I don't care I'll just kill them,"

" not everything is about killing," you yelled.

He snapped as he jabbed his knife into your chest, you stood there as you felt your blood fall down your chest. Jeff looked horrified, he just killed the love of his life.

" bitch," you muttered to him before falling dead.

You had the last laugh.

Ben drowned

Ben was in the house while you swam in the pool, he didn't want to be near it as he hated water. You were just happy he wanted to spend time with your child, you swam to the ledge and climbed out of the pool, and walked away from the pool. You walked through the open door and saw Ben playing with your child, he held keys as he jungled them above his child's head. You walked back out and jogged to the pool, slipping on the wet ground hitting your head, and falling into the pool unconscious. Drowning as Ben played with the baby.

Lost silver

Sliver was out on a mission and your child was with a friend, you were now cleaning as the day before you spilled juice everywhere and you were going to clean it up. You hated the smell of the now rotten smell, you walked back to the sink and threw your cloth in the sink. Grabbing the broom you walked to the stairs, washing the first step. Then the next and the next, till you got to the top. You went to walk down the stairs slipping on the wet floor and falling down, snapping your neck on the last step. You laid lifeless on the ground.

Ticci Toby 

Toby was at home watching the two kids while you walked on the sidewalk, you had o get milk as Toby was wanted and had poster of him all over the town. You looked around before crossing the road, you listen as a car sounded close. You looked around as you were almost to the sidewalk, with a warning you were hit and ran over. The driver panicked and drive off, leaving you on the ground bleeding to death.


You sat in the woods while masky fiddled with a gun, for some reason the gun wouldn't fire. He was trying to find the problem, while you sat on the ground.

" Hey you're pointing the gun at me," you said.

" it's fine it doesn't have bullets," he said as he pulled the trigger a few times.

Jumping when it went off, he looked horrified as he realized he shot you dead.


You sat at home as the pipes were getting fixed, hoodie was ort with your child. You shook your head as you got tired, why was the guy taking so long. You closed your eyes and fell into a forever slumber.


Sitting in a tree, slender was next to you holding your child. You smiled as you shifted on the branch, slender looked at you.

" be careful," he said as he looked away.

'Snap' you fell from the tree.

Slender tried to catch you though you only hit the ground, dying on impact.

Eyeless Jack

Sitting in the hospital, you weren't feeling so well. You were having massive headaches and blurry vision, Jack wanted to help you though you went to the hospital instead. 

"(Y/n)," you stood up and walked to the nurse.

They screamed as you fell on the ground, rushing you to the emergency room. It was pointless you just had an aneurism.


Sitting on your bed, you waited for puppet to come home. Even though he was working you knew he would be home soon.

'Click' you stood up and walked to the front door.

You scream as a man pointed a gun at you, you fell to the ground as he shot you in the head.

Bloody painter

Helen was in the woods, you were with him. You were picking flowers to make into the paint, you had got all colors except white. You stopped as you saw a white flower, you slowly walked to it as it was close to the edge. Yelping as the ground crumbled underneath you.

Homicidal lue

Lue had been absent as skully taken over, it's been a while since he showed up as you had calmed him down. It was like he was never there like lue was a normal kid again.

" I'm not leaving," skully yelled as he held you by your neck.

In all honestly, you were scared, you knew he was going to kill you. You just hopped your child was safe in their room, you hopped they stayed quiet.

" leave me and my husband alone," you yelled at him.

He growled as he began to choke you, you lived thrashing against him and pushing on him trying to get away. Though it was pointless he was stronger than you, he wanted you dead and out of Lue's and his life. You closed your eyes and accepted your fate.

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