pregnancy test

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Jeff the killer

You were over the toilet throwing up,  while Jeff went to the store to get a pragancy test. Since you couldn't go, and you wanted to stay inside. You heard the door open. 

"Here" Jeff said handing you the box.

You sighed as you walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind you. 

Jeff sat beside the door, he wanted to have a little Jeff. Though he didn't let it show, as his pride was to big. He looked at the clock on the wall, the Tick was the only sound of heard. 

The door opened, making a large creak. Jeff shot up looking at you with hope in his eyes. 

" I'm pregananant " you said calmly.

He jumped into your arms with a happy scream.

Ben drowned 

You walked walked down the store, getting groceries as you ran out three days ago. You also wanted to get a pregnancy test done, as you were feeling sick for weeks.

"Hey babe can we get some lucky charms " Ben said while pushing his sunglasses up more.

" are you going to just eat the marshmallow" 

" well yes, what else am I going to eat"

" than no"


You walked to the lady Ile, while Ben watched the cart. 

Ben smiled and grabbed the lucky charms, he hid it under everything.

Jeff the killer 
You held your pillow as the thunder snapped near your house, sending a horror sound to your ears. You looked around  your room, seeing if it was safe. Dark dark made it hard, you wished the power didn't go out. So you stayed in bed, waiting for the storm to pass over. Looked at the window and saw someone climb in. You grabbed your knife that was under the pillow, and held it close. You now wished you had closed the window, though you had a feeling Jeff was coming. You just wished it was Jeff, and not some creep. A spark of light shined in the sky, lighting your room up. You smiled when you saw Jeff, though you were still scared. He jumped onto the bed, to comfort you.

Ben drowned
You walked threw the house, turning off all the electronics. Since the storm was getting bad, and you didn't want them to be fried. Lightning struck the tree, that was only three feet away. you screamed, as the house rumbled. Thunder deafened you for a few seconds, though the sound of a ring was heard. You walked to the last room to turn off the TV, before another lighting bolt hits. You turn the corner, and saw a small figure stood. The light from the TV made it easy to tell who was there.
" Hello Ben" you said calmly walk to the TV.
" So what are you doing" Ben ask walking around the darken room.
" Turning off the electronics, before the lighting fries my stuff" you said walking to the kitchen where the candles where.
" Can I join you since it's dark" Ben said slightly scared.
" Sure" you muttered.
He nodded and followed you, since he didn't know the way in the dark. You smiled slightly, since you wouldn't be alone.

Lost silver
You sat on your bed, while you played on your DSI. The lights off, due to a storm that was over your head. You didn't mind though, since silver was coming soon. You put the device down on you bed, since you needed to light more candles. So you could see the whole room, since you loved the lights of candles. It was peaceful, and brought joy to you.

Jeff the 
You were over the toilet throwing up,  while Jeff went to the store to get a pregnancy test. Since you couldn't go, and you wanted to stay inside. You heard the door open. 
"Here" Jeff said handing you the box.
You sighed as you walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind you. 
Jeff sat beside the door, he wanted to have a little Jeff. Though he didn't let it show, as his pride was to big. He looked at the clock on the wall, the Tick was the only sound of heard. 
The door opened, making a large creak. Jeff shot up looking at you with hope in his eyes. 
" I'm pregnant " you said calmly.
He jumped into your arms with a happy scream.

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