Christmas special

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Jeff the killer
you and jeff sat in front of the heater with milk and cookies, with blankets around you. You smiled at him and he smiled at you, before pulling you into a kiss. You looked at him.
" it's time for the presents " you spoke calmly
he nodded
" yea you go first (Y/n) " he said grabbing a present for you.
you unwrapped the present and found a wring in it. you looked at him and smiled.
" Thank you" you cried.
Jeff opened his and found a new and sharpen knife. he pulled you into another kiss.

Ben drowned
you and ben stayed inside after ben found out snow was water. you both made cookies, and ate the rest of the dough that was in the bowl. after the cookies you made the cookies you ate them and opened the gifts. you both got what you wanted, and you both kissed each other under the miso toe. you both fell asleep next to the heater.

Lost silver
you and silver set up the tree at the last minute and you both had fun, you had no gifts but you had each other and that's what the both of you wanted. You sat in front of the heater with a blanket around you and silver in your arms, which made you happier. you both fell asleep in each others arms.

ticci toby
You and toby built snow men and an snow fort, and a big snow ball fight till you fell in a pound you thought was frozen. the rest of the day you snuggled toby next to the heater, while toby looked out side. you sat up and toby left, you frowned till you saw him back in with snow on him. he sat next to you and lifted a miso toe above you head before giving you a kiss.

you and masky spend all day throwing snows at Santa because he called you a hoe, which was fun till the cops came around 5:04 pm. You and masky went to you house and drank coco, and kissed under the miso toe. and hid in a closet together when the cops came by, which was every hour but you had a fun 3 hours in heaven.

you and hoodie threw carrots at people in the tree. you saw Santa and smiled
" who gets Santa " you whispered to him.
" how about both of use " he said pulling you closer to him.
he walked next to the tree and carrots hit Santa on the head.
" you two will get it " Santa yelled throwing carrots which hit hoodie and he fell landing on a snow man.
you jumped down and helped him up and ran to your house were you sat next to the fireplace and kissed mostly.

Slender man
You and slender scared people, or ate their cookies and drank their milk which was till the cops were called so you stayed a slender's and snuggled and ended up falling a sleep even though it was cold as hell. slender didn't mind since he spend Christmas with you alone for the first time.

Eyeless jack
 you and jack sat in the tub with cookies and kidneys, eating in the tub with a miso toe above the both of your head. you kiss here and there, you would kiss him longer and more but you hated the taste of blood. the bath didn't bother you at all since he's blind and you saw him naked before. you heard fire works going off.
" I love you " jack said softly since the bathroom echoed.
" I love you too " you said before kissing him.

you and puppet played with dolls and stuff animals since you both were in the spirt of Christmas, and you were board of the radio.
" (Y/n) I love you with all my demonic soul" he spoke with a big smile
" I love you with all my heart that I would throw my life away for you " you said with a smile as your face was looking at him and away from the window.
The fire works went off and you face looked happier from the lights. puppet pulled you into a kiss.

Bloody painter
you and Helen made cookies and candy canes and painted Christmas stuff but you two were just happy with each other being beside each other. You jumped on the couch and waited for Helen to bring the blankets cookies and candy canes. He walked in with all in his arms, he put the cookies and candy canes on the table and wrapped you and him self in it and ate.

Lue and you slept next each other since you got sick and lue wanted you to be happy, skully wasn't happy though because he wanted to play out side. you were happy and fell asleep in his arms. the Christmas tree made the room brighter even though the light were off.

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