first kiss

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Jeff The Killer

you sat next to jeff while he played halo and he would yelled in the mic each time he died which was every ten seconds. Jeff stood up bashing the buttons almost breaking them. jeff got angry when someone called him a cry baby so jeff stood up and swigged his arms around like kids when it doesn't get what it wants. Jeff forget how close you were and hit you right in the face. he paled and sat on the floor and cheeked your face to be sure if you were ok. Only a swollen lips so jeff kissed it to heal it faster, then continued to play his games.

Ben drown

Ben dragged you to the park so you could see him do flips because you didn't believe him when he said he could. after the first flip you believed him but he just wanted to show off. he did as many as he could do. After 15 flips people started to show up, they pushed you to see the flipping midget. One guy pushed you down and stood on you to see ben. ben stopped and looked at the guy

"get off my girlfriend" he growled

the guy got off and ben picked you up and carried you away and flipped the guy off. ben stoped at a bench setting you down, ben felt bad about seeing you being stepped on so he kissed you.

Lost silver

you played on your DSI and the game you played was Pokémon. you were in your room due to our parents visiting you, your dad was angry because you didn't clean a dirty dish and he was the on to dirty it. bangs came from the door so you hid under the bed

"open up (Y/n) I know you're in there" yelled your father.

You texted silver to help you

'help me'

'what's wrong'

'my dad, he angry at me'

'be there soon, just hold up ok'


Silver hoped out and the door opened, an angry father walked in, but that anger turned to fear in seconds. Your father left and you sat on your bed, silver kissed you before leaving.

Ticci toby

You decided to bring toby to the store, which was a good a idea at first.You look and around trying to find your boyfreind who had a good idea to acted like a child. so you got your stuff you went to check your stuff out till a hand grabbed your arm so you looked behind you and you saw your ex, you paled and you went to leave but he held you there

"let me go" you spoke

"I just want to be a thing again" he whispered in your ear

You pulled away and jogged to the check out, but you were picked up. you held on to the cart for support but the cart moved as you were pulled.

"come on were both single" he smiled darkly.

"no your single, I have a boyfriend who acts like a child" you spoke the truth.

A giggle came from you ex, he dropped you and pulled you up making you face him. he went to say something until a box of always pads hit him in the face. Toby stood there with toys and a tutu on for some reason, which made the moment. Your ex laughed at toby until toby kissed you and you two walked away. after that you brought toby to the store with you, and had to go to therapy because of the tutu.


masky had a good idea to go jogging and bring you, his reason was it was nice out, your reason was it 6:00 in the mourning. so you got a piggy back which he didn't mind because it helped him trained. after a good hour of jogging it started to rain. You went to leave till you heard thunder so you took shelter in a tool shed. you two played cards for a good hour or two. masky was happy you kept cards in your bra . After a hour of cards rain poured harder and a workers told you two to leave, so masky graved you a piggyback rid it was fun till he tipped. when he looked up you had a bloody nose so he kissed you to make you fell better.


hoodie made you go to the fair with him because his best friend said no and he didn't want to be alone, after the sob story which was annoying you went. You sat in the first ride it was big and scary but hoodie wanted to go on, you had no problume with this. The ride started and you started to hate hoodie.

"Why did you make me go on this ride" you yelled hanging on to hoodie like a tree.

In the end you threw up on hoodie and he never wearing his work cloths to fair again, but he did take you to the kitty rids. After you went to a photo both, the pictures were taken and the last pictures was you and hoodie kissing you kinda feel bad for the people in there with you.

Slender man

Slender made you stay home because it was raining, your mother wanted you away from the window but your sister was play in the thunder storm. your mother jumped threw the door

"GET AWAY FROM THE WINDOW, YOU COULD GO BLIND" your mother yelled in anger.

You looked at her and said calmly

"yea because a pink fucking unicorn is gunna jump down with a pink flash light and shine it in my eyes, wow don't want that, but lets just have your little girl play in a thunder storm and get killed that sound like fun" you said sarcasticly.

Your mother smacked you and sent you down stairs, after she went to the kitchen you ran out grabbing your sister and ran to the forest only to be found by slender, he brought you and your sister to a old house to warm up. you told him what happened so he kissed you to show he care which'd scarred you sister forever.

eyeless jack

You were dragged to the doctors office by jack because you didn't get your shots yet and you sat in the room on jacks lap because he was holding you so you didn't run out again. The doctor walked in with a needle which'd made you wiggle around to get out of the death hold. after jack held you down and the doctor shoved the needle in your arm. After your shots you ran out and lock jack out of the car and he tried to opened the door but it was locked. He hit the window and pulled at the car door.

"Let me in it's raining" he yelled annoyed.

you looked at him and shock your head, he hit the window. After 15 minutes you let him in because of your guilty, jack pulled you into a kiss. You went to ask him why he kissed you but saw a empty needle in his hand. your vition went black.


puppet wanted to go to a foam pit so you went. puppet had a good time playing in the pit but he was getting board and had a good idea. He floated behind you and pushed you down and flaoted away, you glared at him and tryed to get out. After five minuts you got out and looked for puppet. after looking around and fell into a deeper and bigger bit. You struggled to get out and you gave up and look up only to see puppet on the roof. You wanted to strangle him to death but he was to far. He floated down and pulled you out and lied you down, puppet than kissed you. After he carryed you home because you lost your phone in the foam pit, and you would get a call when someone find it.

Bloody painter

Helen had a good idea for you to go out side while he yelled at his customer for calling you useless. You heard swears and stuff breaking and screaming. The female ran out and Helen walked out closing the store and had you walk with him even though the sky was clowdy but you were happy. He looked at you and kissed you, before heading home.





You had to watch lue run because you didn't want to do your work. A guy sat next to you and popped in a question

"are you single"

you shook your head

"were's your boyfriend"

you pointed to the only person running

"you wanna have sex" he smiled

you sat up and ran to lue in matter of seconds and told him what happened. Lue walked to the guy and puched him in the face

"stay away from my Our Girlfriend or I'll gut you understand, if not there two people in this body that will kill you"

the man ran away, and lue kissed you. After that you and lue went to your house and watched a movie.

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