Chapter Two:The festival begins

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The festival started, everyone was outside enjoying the occasion including Boruto when suddenly all of his old classmates approached him. They all stood their silent until Iwabe stepped in-front of them. "While you were gone we all got alot stronger me and mitsuki are jonin while everyone else are chunin". Iwabe stated. "Well when the next chunin exams come i will prove that the time i was gone was not wasted". Boruto replied. "Well their is another way where you can show off how strong you've gotten". Iwabe informed him. "How"? Boruto questioned him.

"The leaf recently made this game we do during festivals called the last shinobi standing game, basically two people enter a big area in the middle of the festival with a white circle on the ground and then they figth, the first person to get knocked out or sent behind the white circle loses then the winner figths someone else and the winner to that fight would then figth someone else and it lasts ten rounds". Iwabe explained. "I guess i can do that". Boruto stated as he streched. "Well then hurry up because it should be starting soon". Iwabe stated as they all made their way to the last shinobi standing area with the 20 feet wide and 20 feet long white circle. "Alright everyone you all know the rules so would two people please step into the white circle". Naruto asked and Kiba quickly walked into the circle. "I'm gonna dominate anyone that comes in this circle for the next ten rounds". Kiba declared and Boruto tried to step into the circle but he was grabbed by Iwabe. "Before you go up their i want to show you what i'm made of". Iwabe told him and Boruto nodded.

Iwabe stepped into the white circle. "Ok looks like the first round is Iwabe Yuino vs Kiba Inuzuka,Begin now". Kiba and Akamaru would charge towards Iwabe and Iwabe would start doing handseals. "Earth style: Mud wave Jutsu". Iwabe shouted as he slammed his hand on the ground. This caused the ground under them to began moving like waves in the ocean effectively setting Akamaru and Kiba off balance. Once this happened Iwabe pulled out his staff and slammed it into Kiba's chest sending him flying out the white circle and causing Akamaru to run after him. "Looks like the first round is over in a flash would someone else please step inside the white circle". Naruto asked.

Boruto then walked inside the circle. "It seems the second round is my son Boruto Uzumaki the challenger vs Iwabe Yuino the winner,Begin now". Boruto charged forward pulling out his katana and releasing a barrage of strikes towards Iwabe. This forced Iwabe to go on the defensive with his staff. "Is this all you got"? Iwabe asked with a cocky smile. "Not even close". Boruto replied with a smirk as he threw his katana high in the air before quickly disarming Iwabe and throwing the staff out of the circle and then catching the katana. Iwabe's eyes widened and his mouth opened in shock as Boruto enfused lightning into his katana and swung it at Iwabe forcing him to leap back and end up outside of the white circle. "So you really have gotten stronger". Iwabe said chuckiling as he stood up and dusted himself off. "So who wants to challenge Boruto in the third round"? Naruto asked the crowd.

"I will". Sumire declared as she entered the white circle. "Boruto i am very happy to see that you are alive you helped me through alot when we were younger, That said i will not hold back". She informed him. "I wouldn't have it any other way". Boruto said as he smiled being excited for the fight. "Then its settled, the third round is Boruto Uzumaki the winner vs Sumire Kakei the challenger, the two of you may begin now". Naruto announced. Sumire then did multiple handseals. "Water style: Water bullet Jutsu". She aimed the water bullet for Boruto as he did handseals of his own. "Wind style: Gale palms Jutsu". He places his hand on the water bullet as it shot towards him causing a gust of wind to release from his hand and direct it back at her. She ducked under the water bullet and performed more handseals. "Water style:Water clone Jutsu". A water clone is formed and it charges towards Boruto. "Shadow clone Jutsu"! Boruto shouts and a Shadow clone punches the water clone. causing Sumire to run up to the shadow clone. While she was distracted by the shadow clone Boruto grabbed her waist and threw her out of the white circle. "Well looks like thats the end of the third round". Naruto announced.

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