Chapter Forty Seven:The end

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"Let's find some where more appropriate to fight". Kawaki said and they both teleported on the now destroyed Naruto Hokage face. "Its over". Kawaki said. "I didn't think you'd get this far". Boruto responded. "I will send you where I sent the Seventh Hokage Boruto". Kawaki threatened him. "Was this the only possible outcome"? Boruto asked. "Yes that's right, The age of Shinobi is over". Kawaki responded. "I'm still a Shinobi". Boruto said as they clash with each other and then leaped back. Kawaki threw a punch at Boruto only for him to shift out of the way and then kick Kawaki in his side. Kawaki caught his leg and threw him to the ground face first. Boruto quickly recovered. Boruto teleported behind Kawaki and punched him in the back. Kawaki turned towards him and headbutted him. Boruto throws a Rasenshuriken at Kawaki and he did the same to Boruto causing the Jutsu to clash and then disperse. Boruto sent fire style into the air as Kawaki sent a barrage of punches at Boruto. "Kirin". Boruto said as Kirin went down onto Kawaki heavily frying him. As they fought they began to float into space. Explosions could be heard all threw out the galaxy from their power as they fought for hours. Eventually, the two of them became exhausted and all of their forms deactivated as they fell down to the valley of the end. Kawaki threw a punch at Boruto but he caught his fist and used the petra path to absorb chakra from him and then smashed a Rasengan into him. They both collapsed beside each other. "Kawaki, you left because Kara didn't give you a choice but you have one now, Come back to the leaf". Boruto pleaded with him. "But what if I mess up again"? Kawaki asked. "I will stop you again". Boruto told him. "Why have you always been so fixated on making me come back? Kawaki asked. "Because your my brother". Boruto responded. "F-Fine I will come back". Kawaki said as he coughed a bit and the Infinite Tsukuyomi ended.

In the other Dimension Sarada, Sasuke, Naruto and Tento were talking. "If i pass my moon seal then someone else will get space time ninjutsu to get out of here". Sasuke said. "Yeah but it would take so much chakra that the other three will die". Naruto said. "I think Sarada should have it". Tento said as everyone looked at him suprised. "She already knows how to handle Doujutsu, And Boruto is gonna marry her one day". Tento said. "Who told you that"? Sarada said confused. "Boruto did". Tento responded. "Either way I can't sacrifice all of you to do that". Sarada refused. "Sorry Sarada but you need to keep living". Sasuke said as he placed his Moon seal on Sarada giving her the Rinnegan. Naruto placed the Sun seal on her aswell. Sasuke then gave her his Eternal Mangekyo eye so she didn't go blind in the other eye.

Sarada left the dimension and came to Boruto explaining everything. Boruto hugged her as they both cried about the death of Naruto and Sasuke. "Tento said you said that you would marry me". Sarada told him. "Sarada I make a lot of mistakes and I don't want never telling you how i feel to be one of them, The truth is i have been in love with you for a long time". Boruto confessed to her. "So have I". Sarada responded as they kept hugging. A month later they new Hokage was decided to be Konohamaru and he was asked to give a speech. "As you all know many warriors have recently passed and I am becoming the Hokage because of one of the warriors previously being it, But do not get me wrong I am not replacing Naruto I am Honoring him, He trained me when i was little and told me he would become Hokage so i hope to continue his dream by protecting this village just as he once did".

(Hey guys thanks so much for reading and being on this Journey with me, The next book is coming and its about Boruto being older and running a team after that I have a next gen planned and we will see what happens after that.)

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