Chapter 8: WITCH PUNISHMENT. Part 2: courtesy visit.

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In the infirmary, James and William Smith are in a comatose state, bandages cover the majority of their body, a yellow serum is injected to them for their healing.

The room is filled with flowers and letters containing wishes for recovery.

At their bedside is their brother, Allan Smith. He is worried about the recovery of his brothers; he is angry with the person who hurt them and he feels lonely. He wished he had Ella by his side right now.

Lily Baker, accompanied by Rune Evans and Ella Salvador enter the room.

Lily places a bouquet of flowers at James's bedside and takes a seat, Rune stands next to her. Ella stays in the background, she feels sorry for James and William, but what grips her the most is the sight of Allan's state, he has dark circles, he is pitiful, and their gaze just crossed.

Allan smiles at her to thank her for her presence, for a moment Ella forgets that she dumped him in order to be available for a better party, especially her brother.

Lily is about to burst into tears. "It's horrible, he's unrecognizable."

Allan replies, "According to the nurse, James has broken ribs, a fractured hand and a first-degree burn. He will survive and be on his feet soon enough. On the other hand, William has a concussion, the skull punctured, the muscles of the shoulder torn, second degree burn, the jagged bones, it is as if he has been crushed by a rock slide, and he is in a vegetative state. It will take a long time for him to get back on his feet."

"Considering the spells, they took, I think it's a miracle they're still alive." Rune said.

Lily looks at Allan "Blackwood was punished for that at least?"

Allan responds with a tired voice, "Less points for Slytherin and 2 month's detention. I told the headmistress it was too light a punishment given the severity of the damage, then she reminded me that my brothers are as at fault as Blackwood by signing a blood pact."

Ella has trouble listening to Allan, she refrains from going to hug him, especially as he spoke, his gaze was directed between her brothers and her.

Allan stands up "Ella, could we talk to each other in private please?"

Ella nods yes, they go out to talk in the hallway.

Lily squeezes James's lifeless hands.

"Say, Rune, would it be cruel of me to leave a letter for James? Kind to tell him it's over between us."

"If he wakes up to this kind of news, he'll want to not be out of a coma. Why? I thought you guys got back together?"

"No, I haven't confirmed anything. I had time to reflect after our discussion before his duel. You know... I like my current life; I have time to focus on the things that are important to me."


"Yes. I love this sport and with my free time I have the opportunity to improve myself. A training time that I do not have as a couple."

"You reassure me, I thought you fell in love with Blackwood."

"There is a limit to joke, Rune. And look at this." Lily points to the letters on the bedside table "Being with James I'll be just the most popular guy in school's little one... being just me... I'm the Quidditch captain, I'm an elder who protects her caddies ... I can do more for myself and for others by being single."

"What do you want me to tell you?"

"Tell me what to do."

"You already know what to do. Chose the professional path. If you reassure me that your little heart does not hesitates between several boys."

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