Chapter 6: WITCH DEFEATS Part 2: the night of the Rabbits

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The very night among the Ravenclaws.

Lily Baker is stressed by the message she received.

Perverts want to spy on him. She's discussed it with her friends before, she couldn't believe it, but the message put her at bay.

She chats with Rune and her dorm friends. They make disgusting expressions at the thought that boys might violate their privacy.

There has been a long debate over whether the post was just a hoax. And the Rabbits' modus operandi is to spy in the showers or toilets reassures one of her comrades.

Another reminds her that there is an enchantment at the entrance to the part of the girls' dormitory that prevents boys from entering.

Lily tries to reassure herself by listening to her friends, she suddenly jumps because of a slight noise, causing silence in the room.

"What's the matter?" Rune asks a little scared.

They look around them.

"Surely the wind ... this trespassing affair is a bit freaking out." Lily said.

They laugh before continuing to discuss.

A sure thing for them is that they are safe in their room.

It is with a light heart that they sleep, trusting the school's security system.

But out of caution, Lily puts her wand under her pillow, tied with a ribbon to her hand.

Once the lights are out and the girls have fallen into a deep sleep, 4 lights shine on the wall.



When Claudio finished his business, he ran to Daeren. The latter was perplexed that the request came from Kiarah and that the target was Lily Baker, for him the only peculiarity of this witch is the different color of her eyes, if not any sex appeal that could attract her.

Claudio was able to argue by recalling the only thing that motivates their project: money.

There are demands on Lily Baker. She has stood out since her argument with Kiarah Han in the Great Hall and she broke up with her boyfriend James Smith. A prime target for young singles and horny Hogwarts.

They waited for the evening. They put on their pajamas, a sort of black tights with hood. They apply a Maeleontis powder to it. Claudio got the formula during his shopping and with Daeren they produced it.

They sprinkle powder on their tights and they become transparent, taking the color of what their environment, camouflaging itself like a chameleon. They put on special glasses that glow in the dark.

Here they are invisible for the next 5 hours or until they take off their pantyhose.

They walk through the halls of the school and make their way to the Ravenclaw dormitory. They easily walk through the door, Crowley jotting down the password in his notebook.

Once inside, they head to the girls' room. At the entrance Daeren takes out his wand and quietly whispers a sentence, after that a kind of transparent veil splits in two like an open curtain allowing the boys to enter.

They seek and find the 4th year bedroom and wait patiently, glued to the wall.

They listen to the girls talking, Claudio refrains from laughing, Daeren nudges him to calm him down.

This caused a noise that the girls noticed, Daeren's heart is beating 100 miles an hour, for fear of getting caught, the risk is expulsion if it does ... unless of course have a very good but then a very good justification.

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