Chapter 4: TORMED WITCHES. Part 3: a sport.

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I got up with my left foot.

I try not to show it but I'm pissed off.

My comrades see it in my face and say nothing. It's better that way.

I still remember the words of the headmistress,

"Miss Baker, I congratulate you on your sympathy towards your cadets, your behavior is really exemplary, however this is no reason to provoke a fight and wrongly accuse an innocent woman."

How did this girl who openly shows her hatred of Muggles have been innocent? Maybe for now, but she's probably going to be up to something, I have a hunch.

The worst part is that I'm being punished with the person I hate the most right now, Kiarah Han.

The principal was clear, we are both in detention for a month.

Let's change our ideas!

Come on Lily Baker, now you're on the Quidditch pitch. Focus on selecting teams for the games of the year!

I am already in uniform and I advance with a determined step on the ground where the students of Ravenclaw await me.

The students... are they happy to see me? ......... No, it looks like they are in full admiration.

Stop smiling at me! That bothers me!

"Did a happy event happen?"

No answer.

I sigh.

"Well, we're lucky, the weather is sunny today. Too hot even, it could rain in the days to come. Walk around the field four times, as quickly as possible, the selection will start with that."

The students follow my instructions, they take their brooms and fly around the field.

I look at them from the bottom, a parchment containing the name and image of each student in my hand, and boxes to write down their performances.

Someone walks towards me.

"They are motivated this year, say so!"

I smile at the sight of the familiar face.


"You are the captain now Lily, I'm just a 7th year student, just Marco Davies, I came to see how you are doing as a captain. Are you disturbed?"

"Of course not, Captain, uh, sir, uh elder Davies, your presence would reassure me a lot."

He laughs at my embarrassment.

"Marco, just Marco."

"Okay Marco."

I now focus all my attention on the flight skills of the students.

I call them back to the ground.

I address them by taking the pose of a soldier who is about to speak to his officers. I don't want to shame Marco as the new captain.

"Just remind you of the rules, each team has seven players: three chasers, two batsmen, a goalie and a seeker. You are currently ten, seven of you will form the Ravenclaw team, as for the others, unlike the other houses, you will not be thanked, but will be part of the reserve, in the absence of the titular players you will play, when the elders will be graduates, you will be the incumbents. Therefore, everyone must be present during training.

Today's selection will aim to determine your roles, the first test is that of flight control, good news you are all on top.

Now the second test, take this Quaffle, do it, go into one of these three circles. And every three minutes, we alternate positions, one by one you will play the role of guardian, Wiltzer, you start."

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