Chapter 4: TORMED WITCHES. Part 2: The Rabbits.

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Daeren has been engaged in his nocturnal activities for 1 week.

This is not without consequences for his student life: he sleeps in class and almost all day.

He uses a quill that takes note of what the teacher says but the point is, he's sleeping, tired of his extracurricular activities.

During his moments of lucidity in the afternoon he realized that there had been change without him knowing what.

The first, his cadet, Morgana Lessa, is no longer tormented, she has made friends and the only exchanges they make is a little hello with her hand.

The second, students from the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw houses and a few Hufflepuffs hate him. When he passes, he is entitled to that look that says "get out". When he sits on a bench, the students leave.

The third, Slytherin students, Purebloods start to like him, greetings and smiles in the hallway.

Daeren sensed that something was wrong.

He hastens to go see the only person he believes is responsible.

He walks briskly down the hall and into the boys' bathroom.

He walks in front of a cabin.

"What have you done again Claudio?"

The toilet cubicle opens.

A boy appears, blond, straight hair, looking innocent. He looks seriously at Daeren.

"What's the harm in masturbating in the toilet?"

"Not that! I'm telling you what's going on right now. Students who hate me and Slytherins who like me. This only happens when students are unhappy with our business!"

Looking at the boy, memories come back to Daeren's head. Claudio Crowley, 4th year of Slytherin, Pureblood but more important, a friend, his only friend.

Their first meeting was in 1st year, Daeren was quiet and reserved, Claudio was arrogant and looked down on people.

Everything, opposed them, until a particular event, Claudio surprised on Daeren's bed a big book, a manga of a sexual nature, a hentai. Curious about the content Claudio read without realizing the time. When Daeren surprised him with his book, instead of an argument, it was a long discussion about the content that happened. Their friendship was born.

Daeren provides manga, hentai, porn book to Claudio. The latter made copies and sold them illegally to those concerned.

Sharing a common interest in the female body, the two boys are often in embarrassing situations.

1st year, they sneaked into the girls 'bathrooms to listen to their discussion, also sneaked into the girls' locker rooms to spy on them. They got caught on the way. People treated them like degenerates but there are those who treated them like heroes.

2nde year, Claudio aimed to write a book with all the periods, characteristic of Hogwarts girls with the help of Daeren. They didn't kindly ask the girls, no, they spied, they camouflaged themselves, using all the spells and potions at their disposal, to get the information. It took a lot of their time, there were times of arguments, of doubts, but they succeeded.

Except that there was something missing at the end of the book, some pictures.

They got themselves a special paint, painted the wall of the girls' locker room, which then became transparent.

They could take pictures of the naked bodies of the girls, of those who went to the locker room at the time.

The book was complete, kept secret, only known to the boys who pay for the content.

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