Chapter 3: STUDENT LIFE OF WITCHES. Part 2: Kiarah observes and acts.

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Classes started two weeks ago.

Kiarah has the impression of being engulfed by the pace of work. She doesn't have time to take care of the Box her father gave her.

If she doesn't work hard enough, she will have bad results. Poor results would tarnish the reputation of her family, her father and her pride would not bear to be below the other students.

As her father taught her,

"Our Pure Blood is a privilege for us, we must always be on top to show the difference between those who respect their heritage and those who have flouted it by mingling with Muggles."

She's been reading this book on botany classes for hours, yet she doesn't understand a thing.

She lets go of her frustration on a plant that perishes in the face of the negative waves she gives off.

The Slytherin common room doesn't get very busy at night. Most of the students are in their rooms, or scattered here and there. Yet there is noise, and it disturbs her.

She sees the 1st year students, they look discouraged.

Now that she thinks about it, the persecution of Slytherin's early years has begun.

They have already decided on this year's target. Morgana Lessa, a Pure Blood.

What a waste that Slytherin's Pure Bloods Circle is ruled by a democracy. Gilles de Roy and his manners! I don't understand how he can be the leader. I am starting to tire of the Circle. It takes too much of my time and no drastic action against Muggles is ever taken. We just talk about our hate and never do anything. I want to act myself... In the end I think it will be up to me and the girls to change things. Hm?

"Did they brutalize you? Humiliated? Harassed? Insulted?"

Kiarah is surprised to hear Daeren's voice.

Her cousin, distant, but cousin all the same. They have a common ancestor and his mother is his father's cousin.

Daeren dared to stand up to her, and there are few people who can make her uncomfortable.

But more importantly, he wants to rebel against the only authority that matters to Kiarah... the purity of Blood.

He has nothing that sets him apart. He is an average student, with no particular talent. And he does not subscribe to the thought of the Pure Bloods. I'll take care of his case sooner or later.

She would like to return to her studies, but the scene unfolding before her eyes intrigues her.

She doesn't remember seeing or hearing her cousin being so involved.

You said you couldn't stand the persecution of the 1st years. Are you just going to bark or act?

Morgana with her voice still mixed with her tears and steeped in sadness said,

"Harassed. They called me ignorant because I was unable to answer questions during Potion's class. And in the process of defending against the forces of evil, they came after me. Some of my books were burnt and some were toffee-induced, they are sticky."

Daeren gets up, joins his two hands as if for a prayer and prepares to put names on Morgana's ordeal.

"There is more of a common course between the different houses now, to encourage mutual aid they say, but at the moment it makes the persecution of the Slytherins easier. Listen well, Ravenclaw likes to put others down because their pride is their so-called intelligence, I assure you there are fools among them and as well as I see smart people in front of my eyes. Gryffindor enjoys fighting, one of the things they are good at. Hufflepuff, a bunch of guzzlers for the most part."

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