Chapter 15: Sorcerer Sacrifice 2. Part 2: tenacious

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Kiarah and Jack engage in a violent fireball exchange.

Jack's fire are blue and Kiarah's fire are green.

Neither seems to dominate over the other.

Then Kiarah receives a fireball from behind.

Laurent and Philippe.

Now there are three of them facing her.

They chain the spells on Kiarah who does her best to protect herself by [Protego].

Jack and Philippe maintain their spell, while Laurent prepares to cast a more powerful spell.

Kiarah's [Protego] spell is broken producing the sound of broken glass.

Emerging from behind Kiarah, Rune and Lily arrive next to her with Kool.

Laurent - [Noctis furor]

A cloud of monstrous bats attacks the girls Laurent points to by his wand.

A barrier of [Chet] generated by Kool protects them.

Lily sends water balls with the [Ros Glans] spell.

Rune sends out air balls with the [Ventus Wiper] spell.

Their 2 combined spells form a barrage to counter bats.

Jack and Philippe send a burst of fireballs at them.

Kool's barrier protects them.

"I do not need help!" Kiarah shouts.

"We haven't come to help you." Lily answers.

"We're here because we want to go home, and if possible, without owing you anything." Rune said calmly.

Philippe - [Lux gladius]

A great sword of light is materialized, Philippe sends it towards the girls barrier which is cut like butter.

The girls disperse.

Kiarah - [Ignis tripodo]

Small circles of green fire are hurled at high speed on Jack and Philippe.

They are propelled against the wall.

Lily and Rune - [Expelliarmus]

A large ball of light sends Laurent waltzing.

They see a black shadow coming out of Laurent and Philippe's body to enter it again.

"I wanted to ask, what are those red eyes that you have?" Lily asks

"I don't know but I feel strong and that's all that matters!" Kiarah answers.

Jack and his cronies have time to get back on their feet.

Philippe - [Fulmen] Jack - [Inferus]

A ball of electricity is directed towards the girls, they intend to attack but a blue ball of fire goes towards them at the same time as the fate of Philippe.

Kool spawns the barrier again [Chet]

The barrier is instantly broken after protecting them.

"Keep them busy while I prepare a spell." Rune said.

A long exchange of attack and counterattack takes place.

Jack, Laurent and Philippe send quick blue fire spells.

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