Chapter 14: Sorcerer's Sacrifice 1. Part 2: haunted labyrinth.

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The wizards are in front of the portal.

"So, what do we do?" Rune asks quietly.

"Well, go through unknown obstacles and face the specter." Kiarah answers him.

"Are you sure there is no other way?" Lily asks. "Because I'm sure we can try to go through the portal and call for help." She said trying to be positive.

"Let's not foul ourselves Baker." Said Kiarah "Even with my most powerful spell I will not be able to break this barrier... it is surely linked to the life of whoever put it in place. In the end, our best way out is to neutralize it."

"What if we waited for help?" Rune suggests. "Someone will surely have already noticed our absence and at the moment, people are looking for us."

Lily smiled at the prospect.

Kiarah frowns.

"What is happening? Where has your rage for victory gone? Your desire to stop the specter? Save your possessed friend?"

Lily looks at Kiarah, while holding Rune's hand.

"We tried, we lost and we almost died. Let's face it, this specter is too strong for us."

Kiarah thinks back to the last events, especially those of the forest, it serves the fists.

She stares at the portal for a moment, then sees Daeren sitting on the floor, hands joined, watching the portal like her.

"You have nothing to say?" Kiarah asks him.

"Yes." Daeren said calmly, "There is little chance that there will be help."

"You don't know that!" Lily said.

"Yes, I know. This is the place that tells me."

The girls watch him waiting for an explanation.

"We are currently in another dimension; besides the environment, the flow of time is perhaps also different from our world. Jack said dawn, but dawn of what world? We don't know. And if help comes, they can get in, but get out? This is another story."

"Do you think the headmistress isn't powerful enough to break the barrier?" Lily said.

"She won't be able to break it. It may be powerful, there are laws that govern the world. This barrier is a spell that is tied to the vitality of the caster as Kiarah said. The only way to break it is to eliminate Jack."

"We lost earlier; I'll remind you."

"We lost because you changed the plan! If we killed the specter instead of imprisoning him__"

"We are not killers!" Lily cuts.

"Me neither. I only kill harmful monsters. But where I'm coming from is --- look where your conscience has taken us."

Lily is silent.

"You like to wiggle the knife in the wound, eh? Sadist." Kiarah said.

Daeren just smiles slightly.

"We're in deep trouble because of you and I want you to take notice. And I hate being in trouble because of other people's fault."

"Nobody made you follow us. You could have done as you wanted."

"Excuse me for wanting to trust you."

Daeren gets up and walks towards the portal.

"Where are you going to go?" Kiarah asks.

"Get out of this shit where we are. The longer we stay here, the more I can feel my deteriorating physical condition."

"You won't win." Lily told him.

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