Chapter 3: STUDENT LIFE OF WITCHES. Part 3: Daeren's nightlife

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Daeren is under a tree, connecting a notepad where he wrote a plan.

How to get rid of a curse? Answer, need for positive energy.

How to harvest positive energy? Receive positive emotions like gratitude, love. The word gratitude is circled in red.

How to collect gratitude? Helping a person, being nearby with an amulet when the person will say words of gratitude, when the amulet shines, gratitude is collected.

How to use positive energy? Gather the energy in a closed cauldron, once a certain amount has been obtained, ask for what you want. The quality of the wish will depend on the quantity and quality of the energy gathered.

How to help people? Sneak out of Hogwarts at night and help those in need.

The success of the plan depends on the stages to be followed.

The first step is to reopen the Chamber of Secrets to make it a base.

He has doubts, but what he is sure of is how to open the room. The source of information he had was author JKR's book The Adventures of Harry Potter.

He was sure that the contents of the book were true.

He knew the book was written with permission from the real Harry Potter, but the writers love to romanticize the stories.

He read the part on The Chamber of Secrets.

Now he will reopen this Chamber. A special place that was to become his base.

He goes into the girls' bathroom, the book in his pocket and avoiding getting caught.

For once my parseltongue talent has a use.

Daeren opens her mouth and says,

"Ayaeeeh Esseytha saahthay."

Nothing is happening.

He scratches his head, checks the book.

"No mistake. Maybe they sealed it after the war?"

He turns to go out when a noise calls out to him.

The passage has opened.

Daeren smiles.

As for the reason for this delay in opening ...

"Rust surely. The room has not been opened for years."

He goes down through the hole in front of him.

He hears the passage close behind him.

Downstairs there is dust everywhere, he is like in a sort of cave, he takes out his wand out of caution and walks forward and finds himself in front of a large door decorated with snake figures.

He turns the pages of the book, then says,

"Sssssaytha ssss sssseyaa ayaeeh aayaaa."

The snakes on the wall move and the door opens.

He arrives in a large room, with statues of snake heads on the sides. In the background, a statue in the shape of the head of a bearded man, the beard in the shape of a snake.

He walks along the path and stands in the central square of the chamber.

There is no trace left that a Basilisk could have lived in this place............... During the reconstruction of the Castle, everything was put back in its place. Which explains the cleanliness of the place if you can put it that way, there is a lot of dust.

Daeren has found the Chamber of Secrets.

He lets his joy burst out with a cry of victory.

He is determined to make the place his own, to make it a base.

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