Chapter 9: WITCH AMBITION. Part 3: Opening the box

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Kiarah is at the library.

She has just reread the book Les Grands Mythes, she looks satisfied.

She sees Claudio Crowley at the entrance, a package in his hand.

She joins him and they walk to a bench in the hallway.

Claudio deposits the package, Kiarah deposits a bag filled with gold coins.

They get up and switch places. Kiarah takes the package while Claudio takes the bag.

They each go their own way as if they did not know each other.

Kiarah ignores the morning's lessons and takes a step towards the Screaming Shack.

Once inside, she takes out her wand and walks around the hut, casting enchantments to avoid prying eyes.

Once assured of being alone, she opens the package, a branch of the oldest tree in the world and a ruby ​​the color of blood.

With her wand, she gives the shape of a key to the branch, leaves a cavity in the middle to place the ruby.

She takes the box out of her pocket and enters the key through the lock, the ruby ​​shines, it spins, smoke comes out of the box, the atmosphere becomes icy in the cabin.

Then appears in front of her, a dark being, the lower part of his body is black smoke, the upper part as well as the head is covered with a black coat leaving only his arms showing which seems to be in a state of corrosion.

"Are you the one who opened the box?" The entity said, his voice echoing in Kiarah's mind.

This being in front of her has the characteristics of a man, yet when he speaks, it seems to have a man and a woman voice at the same time.

"Yes, I opened the box." Kiarah replies, "What's your name, Spirit?"

"I am not a Spirit; I am a locked superior being... imprisoned. I am known by many names, but this time you can call me Djinn."

"Djinn! I know what you have to give to the person who opens the box. What is your ordeal so that you can give me what I want?" Kiarah said with her usual calm tone.

"The ordeal depends on what you want, witch."

"Two things are enough for me, the first, the power so that I can sow pain and desolation in those who have hurt my family. And the second." She pauses for a moment, her breathing quickens, "May my mother come back from the dead."

Djinn remains standing for a moment, then turns around Kiarah, puts a finger on her chin.

Kiarah can make out two bright red dots staring at her, the gaze seems to penetrate deep inside her being, the room suddenly seems to plunge into total darkness.

"The power? Ha. Common. But to bring back a dead man? It's breaking the cosmic rules... only one being has power over death."

"Hmmm. Did I think you were powerful?"

"What do you know about us mortal?"

"Oh, I have seen your origins over and over and over and over and now I know. You were created... then you created creatures... humans... for your entertainment... for your war.

You beings came from elsewhere, you shared your knowledge and even your seed to win... and you lost... you are then imprisoned in a box at the mercy of the person who will open it."

The entity loses its temper, takes Kiarah by the shoulders, lifts her up and yells at her.

"At the mercy? False! I could explode you at the atomic level with the snap of a finger so much I hate your kind! The only reason that pushes me to do nothing is that this world is ruled by laws and I have to submit to them!"

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