Chapter 15: Sorcerer Sacrifice 2 Part 3: after match

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Daeren opens the door to the Great Hall and sees the damage, as well as the injured.

He walks slowly over to Kool's torn body.

"Good job, buddy."

He picks up the stack that is in Kool's head.

He lifts the debris that crushes Lily.

He draws a large circle with his wand, in the circle he inscribes inscriptions.

He spills his blood there, that of Lily that he picked up on the ground, that of Rune that he took on her forehead, and that of Kiarah on her nose.

The circle and the inscriptions shine and some sort of balls of red light emanate from them.

He places Lily, Rune, Kiarah and Mateo's burnt body in the circle.

He lays his head on Kiarah's stomach.

The balls of light enter their body, and little by little rebuild muscles, bones, tissues, skin.

Iris manifests herself outside the book.

"Blood magic. I don't understand how anyone can love this disgusting thing."

"Blood is life Iris."

"I know, let it flow yes but manipulate it. Yuk."

"Did you just come out and share your vision of blood with me?"

"No, to educate you."

"On what?"

"You saw the strength of these specters... of their creature... there are four more like that."

"What are you getting at?"

"It is essential... essential that you develop yourself."

"That's what we're already working on, right?"

"Yes. But I'm talking about crash course now. And for that we need this place."

"This world of chaos? Staying here for a long time is fatal for my health."

"If you stay there for 24 hours, yes. But I have my scheme. This world is flowing in spiritual energy, I would almost feel at home."

"Do you want to stay there?"

"No. I am not a monster or a creature of chaos. Well, I want you to do 2 things."


"I'm going to draw runes on a wall to create a door, you draw the same thing in my book, that way we can go back and forth at any time."

"And the second?"

"Speed ​​up the process, the barrier blocking the portal is no longer there, which means free access for anyone, especially for the creatures of this world."

"I would like to but it is not up to me."

Iris approaches the circle and puts her hands on the inscriptions.

The light becomes brighter and the balls of light speed up their work.

"Do you master this kind of magic?"

"Magic? If you want. Isn't that the term you and your ancestors use to refer to the manipulation of energy?"

"Yes. Tell me, is your role to defend the knowledge accumulated by my ancestors?"


"But you have your own knowledge."


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