Chapter 13: WITCH'S BALL. Part 3: the Halloween evening.

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It is 5:30 p.m., Jack O' Lantern orders his soldiers to hide in the shady corners of the forest while awaiting his sign.

The acheries disappear as if they were never there to begin with, leaving Jack aware that his body clothes are in tatters.

He goes to his room, on the way, he meets students who put on the masks he has prepared.

These students play pranks among themselves; they scare each other, they eat sweets and enjoy the evening in the company of their friends or their romantic partner.

Jack finally arrives at the dormitory and changes for the evening with the other students.

It is 7 p.m.

The majority of the students are in the great hall as well as the teachers, the others are all over the school.

Martin, Rune's boyfriend waits all alone on a bench, his friends come to see him, invites him to have fun with them since his dear and tender is not there yet.

He hesitates a moment before putting on his mask and joins his friends to play pranks on the students who do not put on costumes.

In the great room, Allan enters the room with Ella by his side.

Claudio Crowley is having fun with what appear to be customers buying the Rabbits product.

Morgana Lessa and her friends in the first year of Slytherin are present, they are well dressed. Unlike the other students, the first years of Slytherin did not play pranks, a first for this house which specializes in annoying other houses.

They are seated on a table with other students who are only present at the party by obligation, including Zoe Parkinson and Cassidy Nott.

Jack O 'Lantern makes his entrance, he is not accompanied by girls but by two students he has possessed.

They take a place.

Students make their entrance and the room gradually begins to fill up.

Principal Minerva McGonagall enters with teachers, she takes the floor to open the evening.

They start with a feast; the room is animated by the discussions of the students delighted to eat good food.

Then follows a talent competition, students already selected go ahead to exhibit their talent.

The choir opens the evening by performing In the Hall of The Mountain King by Edvard Grieg.

During their performance, the great hall changed color, ghostly images join the students to make them enter into the illusion.

Joy and fear chained one another among the students.

Animagus students transformed and demonstrated acrobatics. Their performance punctuated with music recalls that of traveling circuses.

For the scariest costume contest, the room is thrown into the darkest darkness, the candidates will try to scare the students in the room.

One of the candidates, begins with the sounds of wild beasts, then with running noises, to finally end with a roar followed by lightning whose lights reveal a werewolf.

The room is panicked, the student takes off the mask and reveals his identity, Andrew Eastmore.

The reassured audience applauds.

The teachers discuss among themselves.

"How did he do it when he's neither an Animagus nor a werewolf?"

Question that the pupils also ask themselves, it is the principal who brings the answer.

"The coating is a complex enchantment. Put on a mask and you take on the appearance of being made in the image of the mask. It's like being in a costume made of flesh and blood. Avoid doing it frequently, irreversible cases have already appeared."

The competition continues, and is in full swing.

Jack is happy, he feels his power growing.

It's 10 p.m., he gets up and goes to the bathroom.

He makes sure he's alone, then he bites his hand and draws a pumpkin skull on the mirror with his blood.

He sings an incantation, the blood shines and scorches, deep in the forest, a breach emerges, a long bright light.

"To you my soldiers, a door is open! Go to the human world, bring me back their worship for I am Jack O 'Lantern, for I am Halloween!"

All the Acheries go through the dimensional door opened by Jack.

They land in different locations around the world.

What their destination has in common: humans celebrate Halloween.

They infiltrate the shadows, roam the streets in plain view, they are mistaken for people wearing costumes.

They mingle with the children, every time someone says "Happy Halloween", "Trick or treat", with every emotion of fear experienced, a white light invisible to Muggle eyes is sucked into the mouths of the acheries.

Other acheries use Jack's ability to materialize fear on Muggles, they attack them, bite them to suck their life energy.

Those who are not attacked flee and scream in fear at the scenes of violence.

The lights are sucked in.

Muggles have fun and dance with the achheries thinking they are having fun with disguised people.

The point is that on this Halloween night, all the places visited by the acheries, people feel the greatest fear in their life, frightened by monsters or fall from fatigue, suffering from fever, rushed to the hospital because they were bitten by monsters.

Then they are ordered to return.

They cross the portal and return to the forest. They rush to the chaos portal to see Jack waiting for them, standing smiling.

Next to him, Philippe and Laurent.

They bow down, stretch out both hands, open their mouths and vomit out all the lights they have gathered.

Jack spreads his legs, extends his arms, joins the tips of his fingers, both thumbs and index fingers, thus forming a triangle with his hands.

Jack sucks in the lights through his mouth. They turn black when they pass through his hands in a triangle.

After offering their harvest, the acheries enter the portal.

He bursts out laughing.

"Yes. I am now as I should be."

It's midnight.

A black light envelops the body Mateo.

Out of it comes a man, gigantic, black eyes, a red skeletal head that seems to be heated, a blue cloak, which covers a naked body, and a lighted lantern in his left hand.

He takes a deep breath.

A pumpkin head also replaces that of Philippe and Laurent, it is the only physical change they have undergone.

Then Jack O 'Lantern hears a whisper.

His air becomes serious.

"Don't be such a killjoy daddy. I will immediately prepare the alter for the sacrifice."

Jack chuckles, takes fire from his lantern with his right hand and burns the tree that serves as a portal.

However, only the inscriptions burn as they become more vivid.

Jack enters the portal and addresses the acheries.

"Wake up wizards! The sacrifice will begin!"

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