The Beginning

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Author's note: So I'm changing up some details. Instead of Volcra there will be vampires. This is going to be an AU kind of story with many differences and mostly original with very little reference to the show.

When I was a child, I remember seeing my parents being together as a loving couple. My father would pick me up and he would look at me as if there was something bothering him but he would just hug me. I would notice on his wrist there were initials that I figured were moms as I hugged him back. I looked over his shoulder looking at my mom as I saw initials on her neck. I was only three at the time so I didn't know what to think of it.

"Alejandro, they will come to test her when she's old enough to be tested." Mother said

"I know Amara, that is why we will leave for Ketterdam before they come." Father said

I was unsure why we had to leave, I had been able to use my Grisha power but what could be so important that we had to leave. As a Three-year-old, I was just confused but my father seemed insistent. As days went on I was training along with my mother and father with sun and water to keep myself safe.

The following year I turned four, there was a knock on the door as I saw my parents look at me. I was unsure what was going on but my father pushed me into the closet and told me to wait there. I listened through the door wondering what was going on and since the closet wasn't very far from me. I knew that there was nothing I could do except follow my parent's instructions. The sound of the front door opening was present as I closed my eyes to try to focus.

"General Kirigan, what do we owe the honor?" Mother said

"Amara, I came to ask you to reconsider being part of the 2nd army. You could lead the Tidemakers to become as powerful as yourself." General Kirigan said

"I'm sorry General, but I have a sick daughter and she needs me more than the 2nd army." Mother said

I realized my mother lied to the general about my health and I questioned why she would do such a thing. I felt a weird tingling feeling on my neck as I put a hand over it wondering what that was about. I tried my best to keep my breathing even to not give away they'd put me in this closet or I'd be in trouble. I put my other hand over my mouth so I didn't give my location away as my father showed me to do when I started to panic knowing that I didn't know if this man was a threat. Still, I listened to him knowing that this wasn't going to be easy on my mother.

"Amara, please. People in this area are starting to disappear and they are believing that Vampires now exist." General Kirigan said

I had to lightly laugh a bit knowing that a Vampire couldn't walk in the daylight but then the existence of such creatures would be alluring. I was glad my hand was over my mouth to conceal these giggles no matter how silly they seemed. Knowing that I couldn't be out there to greet our Grisha General I wasn't sure why it was so important.

"I'm sorry but I have to insist you leave. I wouldn't want you to get sick, General." My mother said

"We'll be back, close to the day your daughter is to be tested. Has she shown what kind of Grisha she is?" General Kirigan asked, "Oh sorry, I forgot your husband is undeclared."

"Tidemaker, as I am." Mother said

I heard the sounds of footsteps and the door closed as more footsteps came to the closet. I removed my hand from my mouth but not my neck as Father opened it. When he saw I was holding my neck he went and moved my hand as he looked at my neck. The surprised look on his face was evident and afterward, he seemed to relax once the sound of the carriage was far away. I felt that feeling again in my neck as I shivered a little knowing that I had no idea what was going on. Mother soon approached as father picked me up as he turned to look at mother.

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