Back to the taverns

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After everything I went about my life as normal, going to taverns and playing pool with my brother but nothing was the same. I knew Aleksander was going to come for me eventually to have me again as Grandma put it. I felt it before he entered as I stopped and looked seeing him walk in. 

I downed a drink not caring if he saw me, as I was playing my round. When it was over Aiden walked to get more drinks when I felt him wrap an arm around me. "Hello Amira." Aleksander said as he held me close. "You've been busy." I retorted knowing that the last few days he'd been away being busy but the way he held me close I could feel him "I have been but my mind still goes back to you riding me..tell me did anything come out of the night?" Aleksander whispered in my ear making me shiver. "No." I said

I heard his hiss of anger as I figured he'd wanted something to come out of it but I was glad nothing came out of it for now. I'd also been on the pills Grandma had gave me and I'd stashed them where he couldn't hopefully find them if I let him in my room. Before I could say anything he led me to the bathroom where he picked me up and put me on the sink table. "Aleksander this is a bad idea." I said as he didn't seem to be listening. He used his shadows to barricade the door and I realized what he wanted as I went to get down but he made me sit right back where he placed me. 

"I am not doing this with you in the bathroom." I said being defiant as he placed his hands on either side of me. "Really? You think you have a choice.." He moved his hand under my chin to look as he kissed my neck. His fangs grazed my skin but not pierced it this time and I'd be lying if I said he didn't have an effect on me. Then he pulled away "You've been bitten twice, your healed up. To turn you I have to bite you and then feed you my blood but once your healed up..the chance to turn you is gone." Aleksander said as I nod. He moved his Kefta and then bit his wrist as he opened my mouth as I tried to resist but he let a few drops fall in my mouth before he pulled away and licked his wrist of the remaining blood. "Saints! What was that for?" I asked as I felt the drops go down my throat.

"Connection, now no matter where you go I'll be able to find you. If your in danger I'll know. It takes more than two drops to turn someone into a vampire." Aleksander said as I pushed him off a bit angry. "I am not yours to take just anywhere to have your way with now I'm leaving this bathroom. I'm not gonna publicly do this." I said as I got down and started to head for the door. I looked at the shadows as I put my hand together and tried to disperse his shadows with my light. They were stronger than I anticipated as they wouldn't just break apart. 

I heard him laugh as he watched me amused "I have many years to your ten years of training. It would take more than that. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back but instead of having me sit on the sink he had me looking in the mirror while he was behind me. "With our connection, I can feel your yearning." He said as his hands started at my back and moved down to the lining of my pants as his hands made their way around. "Tell me you've not been anticipating my arrival back to you." Aleks whispered in my ear as I fought the shiver my body wanted to do as I felt him undo my pants. "Aleks.." I said trying to keep my control of myself. He merely chuckled and smirked at my reflection as he started kissing my neck. "So beautiful, but you know what I want and I tend to win." He whispered against my ear.

Think he'll win? 

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