Drunk kiss

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Eternal? I'd heard those words before, father said my Grisha power would make me eternal but I never thought about it. "Your kind of eternal is different from Normal Grisha power." I said as he looked at me in the reflection since I refused to look at him. His fangs were still present in the reflection as he smirked "Normal Grisha turn with one bite from me but you're not normal Dual Summoner." Aleksander said as I gulped a little "How many Grisha have fallen into your thrall due to your vampire powers?" I asked

Aleksander smirked a little at my question as he seemed like he thought of piercing my skin with his fangs but pulled away. "A few but most Grisha girls know to keep their distance. If you were to turn you would become a day walker easily with your sun small science." Aleksander said. I had enough as I walked back to the horse but he grabbed my arm, having me look at him. "You can't keep walking away, what happens when you can't hide in public anymore? I might not be there to protect you." Aleksander said and I pulled my wrist away "I never asked you to protect me to begin with." I told him

I got on the horse as he stood there and I remembered his words as I had the horse start to walk figuring he'd stop me. I was right the horse didn't get far as he grabbed the reins and got on the horse behind me. "We're not heading back yet." Aleksander said as he took the reins from me and had the horse go in a different direction I had no idea where he was going.

Where is he taking me? I thought

The horse galloped in the direction as I waited to see where he was taking me when we entered a town near the little palace. We ended up in Balakirev, a town I had seen in his carriage but never had the chance to explore. We didn't go far away from Karamzin but we managed as he got down and helped me down.

"You seem curious." Aleksander said as I shrugged a bit but he led me down the street into the town. Like Karamsin it had a few places but it had a pub as he seemed to notice it as well. "Interested in going in? You don't have your brother to win games with this time." Aleksander said as I walked past him "I don't need to win to have fun General." I said

We walked in and I was impressed with everything going on as I saw men playing pool for money. I noticed him taking a seat as I walked over "How much to play?" I asked as they told me the price to get in. I produced the money to play as it was fun for me to watch fools get drunk while I was winning or losing.

Let's see if I can win without my brother. I thought

I played a bit letting them think they were winning before I started to pull ahead with my wins. Aleksander kept his eyes on me but I was enjoying my time as I had a few shots in the process. I could tell he wasn't in the mood to see me drink but I didn't care. When the game was over I won and this time I didn't have to split the money with anyone. Walking over I sat down as I downed the last shot that was offered to me.

"You shouldn't drink so far away from home." Aleksander said as I shrugged, "You're here, no one is going to mess with me while the black general is around." I said to remind him of who he was. "So who was it about? A lost love? Someone you knew you'd outlive." I asked a bit buzzed with a smile. Aleksander must have picked up that I was buzzed cause he pulled me close as he looked into my eyes. "You could say that, a healer. Healers are Grisha but they're only mortal and you, you're Grisha but eternal."

I laughed a bit knowing he was flirting "I'm buzzed but not drunk, don't think you can make any moves on me." I said as I smiled showing the money "want a drink General?" His eyes were so dark that I felt him hold me closer as I blushed a little feeling him again by my neck. "Careful with your offers Amira or I might just do what you're not intending." He whispered

When he let me go I got up and walked away to get another drink paying for it, after the 2nd drink he picked me up after I finished taking me out of there. "Awww cooome onnn." I said with a slight slur. "Not in another moment of your life, I'm getting you sober then taking you home. Then I'll work on a plan to get you to the little palace." Aleksander said as I shook my head "Nope, no." I said

Aleksander didn't take my words as what they were but he took me out of that town, as he had to stop so I could get down throwing up on the ground. "Aw damn." I said as he laughed for the first time I'd ever heard him. "Horse riding made you get some of that out of your system." Aleksander said as I wiped my mouth standing up. "Are you really that worried about me drinking till you start slurring?" He asked as I turned around to face him "It makes me feel better than to know the truth." I said as he approached close to me. I figured he'd pull away from my breath but he touched my cheek which only made me look at him more. "What is your truth?" Aleksander asked

I wanted to deny it as I had but I was still under the influence of my drinks as I leaned in close to him. I felt like he'd pull away any minute due to my breath but I think he figured it out as he closed the gap between our lips. I had lived with the idea of living with my soulmate my whole life and to know he was a vampire scared me yet I was drawn to him. Aleksander soon pulled away as he helped me up on the horse and headed back to my grandparent's home.

"When you're sober enough you remember this, tell me how you really feel the next time we meet." Aleksander said

As we arrived Aidan was outside ready to get me as Aleksander helped me down and I stumbled a bit. I was sober a bit but still buzzed at the same time "You've been drinking?" Aidan asked and I laughed a bit. "Yep, also I won some money from the town over." I said as I showed him. He knew then I had chosen to drink. "I leave her with all of you, she was safe in my care." Aleksander said

When he left I went inside and laid down for a few hours, that was all it took to sober up as I looked up at my ceiling. I remembered his words clearly and then I remembered my actions as I covered my mouth.

I kissed him... I thought 

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