Preparing for the Masqurade

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As I walked in, I questioned everything that was going on at that moment knowing there wasn't much else. I had to sleep but I had to plan to protect this family at the same time because of me. He was right, if people figured out that he was my soulmate and if there were other vampires out there it would only be a matter of time. I needed to come up with something but I had nothing right now.

Saints! All the trouble a vampire can bring! I thought

"Hey." I heard Aidan said as I looked over to see my brother was still there as I sighed. "You have us to back up your plan." Adrian said as I smiled at both of them. "We need Grisha Steel weapons as backup and it's hard to come by." I said as they looked at each other before looking at me. "Baghra left some here but your mom kept them back in case you decided to go to the 2nd army." Aidan said as I walked into the kitchen as I saw my parents talking. "I'm not going." I said as they seemed surprised

"Amira, but your soulmate is-" I knew if I didn't say it now they would never know "A vampire. Who was able to find me through knowing my blood scent, otherwise none of you would have found me." I pointed out as they were shocked but I knew he'd deny this accusation if they told him but right now I didn't care. "I am needed here, where we can handle our own. I will protect this family if I have to." I said

We all devised a plan for a while as we looked over things and I sighed a bit knowing that it wasn't going to matter. Weeks passed and I kept watch outside the home for a carriage or a messenger. I knew the masquerade was coming up as I sighed. One day a few Grisha in service to the General did come as we let them in and they set boxes on the table before bowing to us and leaving. I walked over, looking at our names on the boxes as I looked at the box for me.

It better not be all black again... I thought

I hesitated to open it while I watched my mother and grandmother open their box as I admired their Etheraleki blue gowns with necklaces and shoes included. I questioned what mine would be as I opened it slightly figuring he had them make black again but to my surprise, it wasn't. I questioned if I could even wear this color since it didn't fit in with my area but he always seemed to want to make me stand out. Then there was a knock on the door as Mother opened it and the person showed respect before bringing another box setting it by the one I opened.

"I am Feydor, a heartrender and General Kirigan hopes you will wear the first dress but if you feel it is too much he sends you a second option." Feydor said, I was impressed with the manners of this heartrender but I knew there was always a catch with this. I was always special treated when it came to the Darkling because of what was on my neck. "I appreciate the choice of what I wear, why didn't it come with the others?" I asked. Feydor looked, seeing we already had the other dresses. "Ah, well he made this choice last and unlike last time your Grisha power will not be shown in the dress." Feydor said as I nod in understanding. "Thank you for bringing it." I said as he nodded, "Of course, Amira. I've heard great things about you from my other half." Feydor said

I took those words in for a few minutes trying to figure out who his other half was, it couldn't have been Genya. I didn't know many Grisha from the little palace except Baghra who was too old for him, Aleksander who was my soulmate, and the last was...Ivan! "Oh, I see. He hasn't made the greatest impression on me." I said, "Most people say that about him." Feydor said as he bowed "Till the party, General Kirigan will send a carriage for you and he insists to be surprised by your choice." I had to smile at those words before he left.

We had time but merely only a few days before we had to get ready and here I was debating between two dresses. The Blue one had black on it and so did the purple one but the black on the blue one made it a darker color blue that I had to admire a bit. I could fit in with the etheraleki like my parents and grandparents. So when the day came I decided to wear it as my mother and grandmother walked in to help me again. I wondered where my other grandparents were if they were hiding for some reason or captured. 


Catalina's dress and mask

Catalina's dress and mask

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Amara's dress and mask

Amira's dress and mask

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Amira's dress and mask

Once everything was taken care of, I questioned what to do about my hair but we heard a knock on the door

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Once everything was taken care of, I questioned what to do about my hair but we heard a knock on the door. I was worried about how this was all going to work out when I heard a familiar voice. "General Kirigan, has asked me to help his soulmate with her appearance tonight? Where is Amira" Genya's voice asked before I heard her voice as I was looking in my mirror and she took in my room. "Saints, how do you live like this?" Genya asked as my mom and grandmother left. "It's all I've known, it's home." I admitted as she walked over and she was messing with my hair first. "You really don't care for luxury or what the little palace could offer you?" Genya asked

"We live lives, some short some long and I don't want to be in the little palace if something happens to my grandfather." I said as she worked her tailor's small science. "Family is important to me, I am not Ravka's savior. I have no means of destroying the fold and what lies within it." I admitted. "The King thinks differently, he wants you in the 2nd army but General Kirigan seems to have swayed that decision for now." Genya said as she finished.

I was shocked to see how curly my hair could be and framed my face so perfectly that I smiled at myself. "Oh wow." I said as she had me adjust and face her closing my eyes, I knew what she was doing as she did it last time. When I opened my eyes she helped me with the mask as we looked in the mirror. "You look so mysterious, I wouldn't believe you were the General's Soulmate." Genya said as I nodded.

After she helped mom and Grandma Catalina we all left in the carriage to head to the party.

What will he have in store for me, tonight? I thought 

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