A talk

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As I sat there thinking about the baby on the way and the new Sun Summoner I couldn't even shake off what was going on. "From now on you should tell when y-" before the soldier could finish I stood up and pointed to the door. "Your stationed outside if I recall right. Nico is stationed inside to watch my every move." I said as he was shocked at my outburst and I looked at him. "I am his fiancé and if I don't want to tell you things that is my right." 

The soldier realized he may have overstepped with me but I didn't care at that point as I was starting to get the mood swings. He went out the door and I sighed but after everything I went back to my room and laid down. I waited for him to show up and when he didn't I decided to write a note and leave it on the outside of the window for him as I went to sleep. When I woke up I saw him in the chair in my room as I sat up and he showed me the note. 

"Your jealous?" He asked as I looked at him knowing it wasn't like I couldn't be..he didn't talk about what he did in the little palace. "You have a Sun Summoner now that is at the little palace. You don't need me." I said as I knew that wasn't true. He'd pursued me since finding out I was his soulmate...and he was still a vampire. He moved fast and had me pinned down on my bed as I was surprised while he looked at me. "You're wrong..or did you forget that I've been pursuing you since I found out you are my soulmate? My better half destined by the fates." He said as he tapped where my soulmate mark is. "Not only that I love you Amira..and I love this.." he said as he moved from my soulmate mark to place a hand on my stomach. "A baby that will be born of Shadow and Sun bloodlines..if people find out what you are there will be more risks." 

Those other female vampires..they'd kill me for having your baby.. I thought 

"Your the one who has been defiant and not wanting to come to the little palace to not wanting to be Ravka's savior. So the saints allowed another to be found so you don't have to be." Aleksander said as I looked at him. I still had doubts, but maybe it was because we lived separately that I couldn't just rely on his words alone. "You're telling me she means nothing? Don't you have to be working in the little palace?" I asked as I questioned just how he had time for me.

He walked over as he put a hand on my cheek "Move to the little palace, we can be together always and I can protect you further." He said as I went to open my mouth to say something but then closed it as I looked away. "I don't believe you." I said as I knew there was so much going on there and he told me nothing. "You never talk about what you do there and then you somehow have time to come here.." 

"In the morning or at night, but normally I do paperwork and meetings with the King through out the day. Seeing you is the thing I kept in mind when I'm done." Aleksander said which caught me off guard as I knew that he was doing things but I never realized he was that busy. "But you told me you'd be here last night and you didn't show up till now." I mentioned as he nod. "Unfortunately I was on a horse for twelve hours to get Alina to the little palace. Druskelle attacked my carriage after I'd had my faithful heartrenders take her on ahead." Aleksander mentioned as I was surprised to hear the enemy was close. 

He walked over as he sat by me and put a hand on my cheek as he could tell I clearly didn't know but he'd never told me. "I mean it, move in with me Amira. You're already pregnant, we're engaged and your safety is at risk." Aleksander said trying to push me into going with him. I knew if I moved out that was it, I'd be in the little palace and away from everyone I knew. "I'll think about it...if my safety becomes in great danger then I will. No questions asked." I said as I knew I needed time to think about everything. 

He nod as he sighed before he kissed my forehead "I have to go, I have a meeting with the King. But I promise I'll come tonight." He said as I nod in understanding as he left. I sighed and laid back down as I looked at the ceiling. I knew that he was right and I was jealous but I had a right to be, didn't I? 

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