The next day

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When I woke up it had to of been in the afternoon but as I moved I felt sore and who could blame me. My first night having multiple encounters with my Grisha soulmate and he'd basically abused my core for our pleasure. I heard the sound of someone come in as I pulled the blanket close to me and looked seeing a man with a tray. I realized just how bad an idea this was but I couldn't really regret it. Aleksander seemed to be walking out of another room connected to this one in a robe. 

-warning: Slight intimate move in this paragraph skip to after the paragraph if uncomfortable-

"Moi Soverenyi, who is this girl?" Ivan asked as I knew I wasn't part of the 2nd army so all of them didn't know me. I guess if Ivan had met me he didn't recognize me without my usual clothes. "My grisha soulmate, she's going to be going back to her home soon. Bring something for her to eat." Aleksander said to Ivan as Ivan nod and left. I was looking for my clothes when I started putting them on only to see the mess we'd made that still looked wet. "Aleksander, really?" I asked before he'd come over. He kneeled down infront of me and seemed to be thinking in thought before he moved the panties down and then connected his mouth to my core. I leaned back as I gasped from being so sensitive yet he didn't even slip his tongue in me just cleaned up the mess on me before he stood up. He kissed me as I kissed him back but then he slipped his tongue in my mouth as I tasted us together knowing he'd just cleaned up the evidence that had slipped out of me.  When he pulled away he smirked before licking his lips "I might have to come to you more often..slip in through the window and make you feel it happen all over again but make you have to kiss me when you moan or your parents will find out." Aleksander said against my lips. 

-End of skipped area-

After that he got up an removed himself out of my reach as I got myself dressed. Putting the dress back on since that is what I arrived in but I knew he couldn't actually get in unless I invited him in. When Ivan brought in the food he finally seemed to recognize me. "Oh you were the girl at the party last night.." Ivan said "The Grisha girl who refuses to move here." I was glad he recognized me but that wasn't persuading me. "Right..I overstayed my welcome here." I said as I knew hat it wasn't going to make me choose to be here with people talking like that. When Ivan left I sat and ate with him just long enough before he finally arranged a ride home for me and took me home. 

When we arrived at my grandma's home, he let me out and I got out but knew how to play this off. "Thanks for getting me home." I said as I walked in the home. Nico hugged me the moment I stepped in and checked me over. My neck, my eyes to see if I'd been turned but I wasn't, I was normal Grisha still. "He didn't turn you...but I saw you both walk off last night." Nico said as I smiled. "I was buzzed, he had me lay down and I fell asleep..." I said as I lied. I knew what I'd done but I wasn't ready to be the gambling chip and tell Nico I'd given in to temptation..

For a few days, things went back to normal but there was no way of knowing if Aleksander had succeeded in what he wanted. I didn't feel any different so I figured he was just bluffing about Sun Summoners being more likely to conceive on the full moon. My bite mark had healed so I was back to normal, back to my life. 

I laid in bed one day thinking about my choices that night and knowing I couldn't tell my dad. Yet I heard a knock on my door as I jumped before I looked to see my grandma and my mother walk in. The looks they had were knowing looks as I looked down ashamed. "Mother..Grandmother.." I said as the sound of them closing my door was clear and then they walked over sitting by me. "Amira, what really happened last night?" Grandma Catalina asked as my mother had known of my dreams. "Did you.." but before my mother could finish I nod. "I did.." I said as tears fall "But Stupid Nico made a bet with the bet I should've returned a vampire." I knew that was shocking but then my mother had me look at her "But you're not." Mother said as I smiled "I made him promise not to...unless I was dying and there wasn't a choice." I said 

Mother and Grandmother were shocked to hear about this but they nod. "We should check you out though." Grandma said as I looked at her, she must have seen the slight fear in my eyes. "Sun Summoners can get pregnant on the night of the full moon." Grandma Catalina said 

Saints! He was telling the truth! I thought 

"How many one night?" Mother asked but I could tell she didn't really want to know. "All night, I lost count.." I admitted as she seemed concerned. They had me lay down and Grandma left the room as I prayed to the saints I wasn't. I felt that internal conflictions in me again between not being ready and wanting to be ready. Grandma soon returned with one of her ancient trinkets she never pulled out as she had me move my shirt and she placed it on my stomach. "What will this do?" I asked as I worried what would happen, "If your going to have a baby, it will light up and it'll turn the color of the child's small science. Blue for Tidemaker, red for inferni, Yellow for Sun Summoner or black for Shadow Summoner." Grandma Catalina said 

Please be negative this time.. I thought 

As we all watched I noticed it didn't even light up and I relaxed knowing that it was negative. "I'm not..good. I'm not ready." I said as I gave a sigh of relief but that didn't stop him from coming for me soon enough. Now that I'd given in to him all he needed was permission to slip in through the window. "Any more you need protection." Mother said 

I was going to ask how again when Grandma left and then came back as she handed me something. "One of these, once a day. It'll keep you safe if you go back to him but don't let him see it. One missed pill and your body will make it possible to have a baby increasing the odds." Grandma said as I looked at her "Morning or night?" I asked as Grandma looked at me "Morning, when you first get up." Grandma said a

I nod but I didn't want to have all this so fast "I'll start it tomorrow." I said as Grandma shook her head "No, he could come any time. Now that you've surrendered to him all he'd need is permission to come through your window. It's the only way he'd be able to come in, he can't come in through the front door if his only intention is to have you again. Take it now." Grandma said as I did without hesitation. I realized how deep I was getting myself in already. 

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