Masquerade party

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Sitting in the carriage, I crossed my arms a bit while we had the masks on. Aidan and Adrian sat on either side of me while mother and father sat across from us. Behind us in another carriage were Grandma Catalina and Grandfather Jorge, as we all knew that we were invited to these events because of me.

"What you said about the General? Is it true?" My father asked, as I looked at him and nodded. "He knows my scent, he knows how to track me if I go missing. If you approach him and ask, he will probably deny it." I told father as for once we were all in Etheraleki blue, I wouldn't stand out like last time and people stare at a girl in the General's color.

So what now? I thought

When we arrived, I took a deep breath as the carriage stopped, the door was opened as Ivan and Feydor were there. "Welcome back to the little palace." Ivan said as he moved aside and Aleksander walked forward as he looked in and his eyes met mine as he saw I was sitting between my brother and cousin. "Amira, you look lovely." He said as I got up and he offered his hand as I took it, allowing him to help me out. Feydor and Ivan assisted everyone else as I looked back at them.

I let his hand go as I walked beside him, I didn't want people getting the wrong idea. I wasn't here to be his date to this, I was a guest like everyone else. "Stubborn as always." Aleksander said as I wouldn't even look at him. "I only came because you asked, let's not make this something it is not." I said as we walked but then he grabbed my arm and had me look at him. "What is this not? You are my Soulmate, it is exactly as it looks. I invited you here to be part of the party." Aleksander said

I knew vampires had powers, one of his was influencing other Grisha but for some reason that didn't work on least not all the time. "I am here of my own free will, I could have stayed home." I said as I knew for now we were at ends. He put a hand on my cheek before he seemed to bring me close to him and for a second I closed my eyes as I was reminded of kissing him drunk. That feel of his lips against mine in the brief moment while I was sobering up almost made me want to do it again. I opened my eyes as I looked at him and raised my arms to make him let go as I walked away as I said almost.

Soulmate Jerk, I can't even enjoy my inner desires. I thought

When I was walking I bumped into someone, at first I hadn't realized who it was until I noticed how expensive his outfit for tonight was. "S-Sorry, I should pay more attention." I said as he seemed to look at me before offering his hand to me. "Would you like to dance?" The man asked, I assumed he was one of the King's sons if the King had more than one son. "Uh, sure but aren't you Moi tsarevich, the king's son?" I asked as I put my hand in his.

Leading me out on the dance floor, he danced so easily and he was human I could tell that easily. The royals were all human, I'd already had the honor to meet the Tsar and Tsaritsa thanks to Aleksander. "No one ever talks of me as that, they would more like to refer me as a sobachka." The prince dancing with me mentioned. I was in shock that people referred to him as a puppy which told me that he was the youngest prince. "I am Prince Nikolai, your dress puts you in the Etheraleki Grisha. Are you apart of 2nd army?" Nikolai asked as I just shook my head. "I am just a visitor who wore a blue dress tonight for the party. General Kirigan invited me and my family." I said

"Well then, that makes you a mysterious girl behind a mask. Are you Grisha?" Nikolai asked as we kept dancing. "I am." I answered since he was the prince and we kept dancing. I could feel the glares on us and knew it was the General who was angry with me dancing with him. "So, you didn't like the luxury of the little palace?" Nikolai asked as he spun me around and I laughed a bit. "No, not exactly. I live with my parents, grandparents and half brother. My grandfather needs us to help take care of him but tonight was one of his good days." I said as I looked over to Grandma Catalina dancing with Grandfather Jorge, they were so in sync as soulmates. It reminded me of what I wanted, to be with mine.

"Grisha soulmates, right?" Nikolai asked as his attention went back to me and I looked at him. "I suppose one could say that." I said with a smile knowing that I was having fun. When he twirled me again and pulled me close he looked directly into my eyes. "Do you have one?" I gulped a bit under his presence. "Every Grisha has a soulmate, Prince Nikolai." I said as the music ended for the dance. "Have you found yours?" He mumbled before kissing the top of my hand.

I blushed under the sudden move as I heard footsteps going over and when I looked up I saw Aleksander standing beside me. "Amira, you ran off, I was worried." Aleksander said as he saw Prince Nikolai and he had to have heard him as he pulled me close to him once my hand was let go. "I see you have kept my soulmate company.", the fact he said it before I could answer was making me uncomfortable. I knew too much as I was still blushing knowing that it was so informal to me being kissed on the hand.

"I had no idea she was your soulmate, General. The question was asked to her." Prince Nikolai said as he looked at the two of us behind the mask. "She seems rather uncomfortable with you, have you done anything to offend her?" I was quiet as I pushed Aleksander away knowing that I couldn't stand him for what he was. "She's just a bit stubborn. Most women are, in their own ways." Aleksander assured Prince Nikolai

"I'm sorry, I need to go home." I said abruptly as I turned to leave but then Aleksander took my hand as he pulled me back. I went to say something but the look of hurt in his eyes made me stop. "I believe Feydor asked you to save a dance for me tonight. Will you honor it?" Aleksander asked as I looked at him and then over at the Prince who was watching. "One dance, then I am going to go home." I said

When the music started Nikolai walked away as Aleksander took both of my hands as we danced. "You need to be more careful around the royals." Aleksander said as we danced. "The Tsar still wants you in the 2nd army." I sighed knowing that it wasn't easy. "I am not coming to the 2nd army, I don't care how much they want me here." I said with a firm tone. Aleksander chuckled as he seemed to adore my defiance. "That is what I like about you, you don't give in so easily."

I questioned if that was a compliment or not, there was just a lot going on that was not right. I needed to get away from here but even when the dance was over I ended up walking over. He led me to a table that had prepared food. "Oh wow." I was in shock knowing there was so much here and I knew we didn't have dinner. I hated the fact he knew this as I saw people walking over as we ate. Once I was done with eating and my drink I sat up as I looked at him.

"I'm going home." I said as I started to walk towards my family, I needed to get away from the group. I came across the prince again as he approached me "You're leaving?" Prince Nikolai asked as I nodded. "It's late and I want to get home before the attackers in the village start up." I said, a lie to cover for the darkling. I didn't understand why I covered for him when he was the one at fault for those deaths. "Perhaps I could interest you in a horse ride tomorrow, with me?" Prince Nikolai asked as I was surprised. "You don't even know me, except what you see with a girl with a mask." I reminded him as he chuckled. "I have my ways, will you say yes?" Prince Nikolai asked as I knew it would piss off Aleksander so I nodded. "I will." I said

Trust me if you were standing here the hostility that was in the air from behind me was evident. "Then tomorrow." He said as he let me go to my family and as we all came together we left before gathering too much attention. Thanks to Baghra we could escape again and just head home as I took the mask off with relief.

"You seemed to enjoy your time." Mother said as I knew it wasn't all bad but that didn't change what was going on. "I just want this day to be over and go home." I said as my grandmother put a hand on my shoulder. "I know, we all do." Grandma Catalina reminded me as I just nodded, closing my eyes while we were there. 

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