The Bite

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I questioned if he was going to make me choose between my best friend or him when it came to my choices. I didn't want to be involved with a vampire but it wasn't like I had a choice either. Aleksander started to walk toward us and I worried he was going to do something to Nico so without thinking I got in front of Nico to stand my ground. 

"Amira. Move" Aleksander said as I put my hands in a fist knowing I wasn't going to use my grisha power on him. "No." I said as I wondered exactly how he turned those girls. It clearly had to be more than a bite with the way they were acting so I just had to hold my ground. He wouldn't do anything of the sort to me, right? "Amira move." Aleksander said again as I raised my voice "I said no!" I said 

The tension was very obvious but then Aleksander did something I hadn't expected. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him as he looked at me. He looked at me then looked at Nico as I wondered what he was going to do when I felt him move my hair and before I could say anything I felt him bite into my neck as I tried to push him off.

No! I thought 

He pulled away but then I saw him bite his wrist as I got scared but Nico grabbed me and pulled me from him as he looked at my neck seeing me shaking. "Are you crazy? You are trying to take the choice from her?!" Nico yelled as he picked me up and took me in the house before closing the door. Father and Grandmother hit the door with light to surround the house so he couldn't come in and complete what he started and Nico tended to my neck. Aiden and Adrian came over by my side as they saw me shaking and once it was bandaged I started to cry. Aiden came over and hugged me as I cried into his shirt knowing that my Grisha soulmate was the cause of this. 

"What happened?" Aiden asked oblivious to what had just happened as Nico looked at Aiden. "He bit her and I think he was trying to finish the job to force her hand." Nico said as Father walked over seeing that I was telling the truth this whole time as I looked at him. "We need to move." Father said as I knew there was no where that I could go that he wouldn't find me. 

Aleksander's pov: 

I was angry with the way things were going, the way she was staying close to that tracker. It was like he was more important to her than what I had worked so hard for to get her on my side. I knew she was supposed to have the choice but I lost my temper as I had grabbed her when she was standing in front of the tracker. I hadn't planned it this way, I was gonna turn that tracker into a vampire but after asking her twice to move and she refused I just lost it. I moved her hair and bit into her neck as she tried to fight me off and then I was gonna complete it with having her drink my blood to start the conversion but the tracker pulled her from me. 

As I snapped into my reality and I saw her shaking, I realized all the truth I'd built with her was lost at that moment. She was scared of me now but more importantly, I could still taste her blood in my mouth even though I had just bit my wrist. "Are you crazy? You are trying to take the choice from her?!" The Tracker yelled, before I could say anything he picked her up and rushed inside. I was going to try to talk with her but then the light of sun summoners concealed the house. 

They'll try to move her now but it's too late. I knew her blood scent already but now I've tasted her blood I can find her anywhere. Stage one is just a bite and it makes the one I bite desire me, if she can resist for five days it'll wear off but putting her through stage one over and over would be interesting to see how she manages. I thought 

I knew for now I just had to retreat but see how she'd fair as I knew she would either succumb to seeking me out or she'd just deal with it.  I left knowing that she was going to be dealing with a lot for the next five days. 

Amira's pov:

After everything we all talked it out but decided for now not to leave. Nico helped me back to my room as it was decided I was going to be laying down to rest. I closed my eyes to sleep but when I was dreaming about Aleksander. The dream was everything I desired in my Grisha soulmate as the dream felt real. At some point I sat up saying "Aleksander" before I started to breathe a bit heavy but Nico ran in there and checked on me. 

"Hey, you're ok." Nico said as he noticed I looked flushed and put a hand on my forehead "You're not running a fever." I tried to brush it off but when I thought about the dream I felt the bite mark throb a bit. "Ah." I said as Nico looked at me wondering what happened. "He bit me...that dream was intense like it was real..perhaps this is a test." I said as he looked at me and hugged me. "Mira, you can't let him win." Nico said 

I felt this ease when Nico helped me and I hugged him back but Nico was still human. I wished he was Grisha then maybe I would have more choices but in the end somehow I knew that I would end up with the darkling. I just wasn't going to give in to him any time soon as I closed my eyes. Nico had me rest my head on his lap and that eased me into a dreamless sleep for awhile but now I could never go to the 2nd army even if I considered it. 

This went on for a few days and I was having to take cold showers but my bite mark was healing nicely. I was going to get past this as I knew I was stronger than him as a Dual Summoner. I just had to stay strong but I changed to a warm bath after getting cold and I laid in the tub. I relaxed as I closed my eyes but then that was my mistake. 

I must have slipped into a dreamlike state as I felt arms suddenly be around me and my back was not against the tub anymore. "Amira." Aleksander's voice said as I shivered a bit as I felt like he really was here. I kept my eyes closed it was easier to try to ignore his presence in the dream. "Go away." I said as he chuckled in the dream. "Is that really what you want?" He whispered in my ear as I tried not to give him the reaction he'd want in the dream. I wondered if Aleksander saw these dreams his bite gave me as I refused to answer. "You want a Grisha soulmate like every Grisha does. You and I can become great equals all you have to do is give in." Aleksander said as I opened my mouth to say something but then I heard someone calling for me outside my dream. 

"Mira wake up!" Nico's voice said 

It took a few minutes before I opened my eyes as I gasped like I'd been holding my breath. I hated this but I knew he was right in the dream. "Your almost over this, it's mostly healed." Nico said before realizing that he disturbed me in the tub. We both blushed as I covered myself with my arms and turned to face the wall. "T-Thank you Nico" I said as I looked back at him seeing even his face was red. "S-Sorry." Nico said before leaving the bathroom. 

I must have been making noises in the tub.. I thought as I touched the tub behind me.

"It really felt like he was here." I said as I knew there was no denying that this was not going to end until one of two things happened. I gave in and became his wife or I ran from him to go where all the vampires in the fold were. 

It'll never really end...I'm eternal and he's eternal. I can run my whole life but he'll find me and what do I do when I'm alone? I thought as I silently cried at that thought

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