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After that day I stayed inside mentally going over everything that happened the day I went out with General Kirigan. We went to the fountain then we went to the other town and the pub. I was able to figure out much of what happened but the last thing. The very last thing was the kiss. My soulmate was a vampire, a vampire I could not fully accept yet I wanted to be with my soulmate.

Telling my parents about what happened was more than I could bear knowing that the story still lingered. I still wanted to know though what was the reason for the creation of the fold. Fear? Revenge? Maybe he lost someone that had meant something to him and was killed by the people he fought for.

My thoughts were broken when I heard a knock on the door and I looked over at it. I figured it had to be one of my parents or my grandparents. "Yes?" I said as the door opened revealing my mother "Amira, is everything ok?" She asked, I rubbed the back of my neck as she came over to me sitting down as she held me close. "Is it about General Kirigan? Or his real name Aleksander Morozova?" Mother asked

"A little bit of both, he created the fold. Those people are vampires inside the fold never allowed to get out of there even when it's dark." I said as she comforted me. "Are you afraid that he's a vampire?" Mother asked as I couldn't say but nod. Mother sighed as she must have known something was up. "I suspected when your father mentioned he was Aleksander Morozova, the one who created the fold but we cannot tell people about him." Mother said as she pulled me close "All you can do is be respectful when he comes around and make sure he is happy but at the end of the day you are the one who has to decide if you will follow this path of your soulmate or walk away."

I knew there was no option to walk away, he was a vampire who had my scent. If I ran to the other side of the fold and to Ketterdam he'd find me. He'd never let me escape no matter how far I was going to try to get from him. I think mom had a few thoughts it might happen but she sighed. "A letter came today for you, wanting your cooperation with the 2nd army. They want you to join in the ranks to learn to fight and destroy the fold. Answer not needed right away." Mother said

I was shocked hearing this knowing that I wanted nothing to do with the 2nd army. If I went into the 2nd army then I was closer to him, my pub outings would be gone. I refused to go and then we heard a knock as mom left me to go answer the door. I stayed there for a while before I heard someone walk in and when I looked up I saw Baghra.

"You're Baghra, we met at the Fete." I said in surprise, I completely forgot that she was going to come but I noticed she was wearing a cloak. She walked over and looked at me "I see, all of you is here. You never denied your small science but you have used it to escape the thing that kills people." Baghra said, I just nod knowing no one knew it was General Kirigan doing the killings but I knew it was. "You also know the truth?" Baghra asked as I nodded. "Yes, Ma'am." I said

Baghra nodded as she led me away from my room and out in the woods where she began her practice with me. I had worked hard under my father, my grandmother, and everyone else to try to hone my skills. Baghra seemed impressed with my abilities as I did have a good set of parents to teach me and my grandparents did support me in their ways. "You've endured this much, staying out here where most Grisha don't belong. You found a place to belong being around your Grisha family." Baghra said

Baghra then sensed something and she walked over to the necklace with the darklings symbol as she saw the AM on my neck. Visible or half visible I wasn't sure but she seemed to watch as I felt the tingling before it faded. "He went the other direction, he has his sights on you and now that he knows you are his soulmate. He will do everything in his power to get you where he can have you close by." Baghra said

everything in his power to have me close by? I thought

"I have no intention of letting him have his way, Baghra. A letter came wanting me in the 2nd army but I refused." I said

Baghra seemed surprised that I'd already received the invitation to the 2nd army and was refusing before even giving it a chance. The King had met me but didn't know my power, just a dual summoner. "If I go then the king will want a demonstration of my power and that is just not in what I want. I like my life here, I can do what I want with my family and I can go wherever I want." I said

"In his eyes you are staying where you don't belong, in a town where you shouldn't be in." Baghra said, "I am old enough to make my own decisions, I go to the pub. I play pool with my brother in winning money and it works out." I said

Baghra looked at me as she thought about it "You seem to have things figured out." Baghra said as I smiled, "But my son won't give up or be deterred from what he wants. He wants his soulmate, he has dreamed of the day that the girl who was meant for him would be born. He also dreamed she was a sun summoner. You are a Sun Summoner and Tidemaker, a very extremely rare thing but maybe not as rare as they think." Baghra said

I looked at her wondering what she meant by that, mom said there wasn't another like me out there that was Sun Summoner and Tidemaker. My cousin Adrian was Inferni and Tidemaker. "Sun Summoner/Tidemaker there is only one. Inferni/Tidemaker is not so rare. Squaller/Inferni is uncommon, Tidemaker/Durast. Durast/Tailor, Heartrender/healer. and Tailor/heartrender have never been found." Baghra said

I listened as I never really thought about the things she said as I looked at her. "Shadow?" I asked knowing Aleksander was a Shadow summoner. "Shadow summoner with any of the others have not been found either. Were you to have children with my son there is a possibility of the first Shadow/Sun Summoner." Baghra said

I blushed at the idea and looked away knowing that wasn't even a thought in my head. "I don't even know if I ever considered children." I admitted, "It doesn't even seem possible with him." Baghra looked at me when I said that "He's not a complete vampire. He can still do summoner things as you can tell and I think children would be possible. If he wouldn't assist you someday, I will." Baghra assured me

I hated the idea that this seemed to be my fate but I knew there wasn't a lot that I could do. "Do you want a soulmate girl?" Baghra asked as I crossed my arms leaning against a tree. "I do, but I just don't like the idea that Ravkans are being killed by my soulmate. Even if he is killing those who steal." I said. Baghra looked like she was understanding "I learned something a long time ago, if you're going to be eternal don't get attached to those you meet. They are fleeting beings who are ash to you." Baghra said

How could she say that to him? I thought

"I can't see things your way." I said as Baghra said "and that is Catalina's behavior in you. Catalina was my friend when we were girls. She met my father and he was the one who made the amplifier she wears." Baghra said, I was just in shock as I stood there.

How old is my grandmother? I thought 

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