Going to a Pub

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Once we got home, we all walked into our home where I was ready just to get out of this dress. I like Genya and I knew I didn't get to talk to her very long but that was ok. I knew a Tailor's small science only lasted a few days so I would leave it. Once I got to my room I stripped out of the dress and I got rid of the shoes off my feet. I threw his necklace on my bed and went to take a bath where I cleaned off everywhere I felt he'd touched. It didn't matter what I did I could still feel that lukewarm feeling in my hands but I wanted to get rid of the smell of the Fete.

Once out I got ready for bed and Just went to bed finding it the easiest to tolerate everything. When morning came I helped around the house as Grandma decided to start making her garden in the backyard. I didn't mind helping a bit then after it reached about the late hours, I decided to go out to the pub in Keramsin as I put my sun summoner believer necklace on before entering as I saw people there. Most people in Keramsin knew I was Catalina De La Rosa's Granddaughter her name before she married grandfather.

I noticed someone flagging me down as I looked seeing someone I recognized and I walked over to take a seat. "I didn't think dad would let you out so easily." Adian said, I shrugged a bit as we both ordered shots and then walked over to the pool table. Some people were hustling for money and I knew that it was pretty easy as we looked at each other with a smile. Adian was my half-brother from my dad's previous relationship, he was older than me but we managed to find mutual ground.

"What's the bet?" I asked curiously and they looked at us as they told us what it cost to join in and Aidan showed the money for both of us. Everyone around the pool table was having shots and playing pool. Since I wasn't a squaller I could play fair and I told Aidan to not cheat as we competed with everyone. We played fair but I was new to the game pool so anything I got in the hole was beginner's luck.

After so long Aidan won with his past of playing many times but he split the Ravkan currency with me so I could use it to get some things for the home. I was having fun and I had a few too many shots that I was staggering a bit. Aidan picked me up after so long knowing I'd had much more than I should have and started taking me to a table to sit down.

"Stay right there." Aidan said

If I wasn't buzzed/drunk I would have gotten up but I could still feel when he was close, the one I didn't want to see. Aidan came over and made me drink something which killed my buzz and made me aware of my surroundings. I was surprised but then I knew what was going on and I took Aidan's hand leading him to the back of the pub as I just had a feeling. Hiding in the dark we were not where anyone could see as I watched.

"What are we doing?" Aidan asked, as I put my finger to my lips and he looked at me before he looked out too.

If I knew I saw Aleksander, I knew what he was doing now since I left the Fete so quickly so he probably wished to see me. I saw him approach the bartender and since we were hiding in the back all I could do was watch. My grandmother had taught me to read lips so I could tell what he was saying. "Have you seen a girl, tall with blue eyes, brunette hair and a black necklace?" Aleksander asked the bartender, as the bartender thought about it and I knew the bartender saw a lot of girls but no one matched my description. It was rare for a Ravkan girl to have my kind of hair and eye combination but I'd chosen to wear the necklace my grandmother bought as we watched. "No, I can't say I have. We get a lot of people come in, girls come and go but if she was here she probably already left." The bartender said as I made out his words.

I could tell Aleksander was not pleased with his answer and he looked at his heartrender Ivan who I couldn't see very well but I knew I'd only gone up to the bar once tonight. Aidan had gone up more than I had so I could have left as he told him. I saw the bartender say something next that made me a little worried. "You can look around General and see if she's here." The Bartender said

I looked quickly, keeping my heartbeat calm knowing a vampire that would be the easiest way to detect me. My scent mixed with everyone else's so I knew he was having a hard time pinpointing me out of a group as I saw people leaving out the back. I saw neither of them was looking yet so I led Aidan out the back as we escaped.

"Whatever you do, keep calm and just come with me." I said as we kept moving, he didn't understand as I knew exactly what was going on but I needed to get him home at least. Aidan looked back seeing just pub drunks coming out laughing and then going back in. I knew we had the advantage. I just needed to get us far away.

"What is going on? Why are you in such a rush to get away from here?" Aidan asked and I knew I needed to tell someone. "The black Heretic, it's said he created the fold that turned those inside the fold into Vampires. Everyone thought he was trapped in there with them made into a Vampire." I said, Aidan was next to me and he nodded as I was not done he could tell that. "That was a lie, he didn't get trapped because he is a shadow summoner so he walks in the daylight with his shadows and can be anyone with a tailor's help." I added

I couldn't completely figure out General Kirigan but he knew I was onto something here. I was just not telling him the whole truth because I was not sure what was going to happen. "That doesn't explain why we had to leave so suddenly." Aidan said and I kept looking forward as we were almost there. "My soulmate is the black Heretic." I said which surprised him as we kept going until we made it to his house. Since it was dark he let me in and we stayed there for a while as he removed my necklace seeing AM on my neck but it was fading.

"The grandson of Sankt Ilya Morozova, who allegedly is dead." Aidan said

"We don't know that for sure." I said and Aidan nodded, "I said allegedly."

I stayed there for the night and waited till morning before venturing out to head home. Aidan didn't want me to take any chances so we went together as we walked. I wore my necklace just in case since I could just tell when Aleksander was close but we stumbled upon a couple of dead bodies as my hands trembled. Aidan noticed and I was scared because I knew who had done this and I questioned if I had angered him last night.

I got away...I am the one who he desires and can't have..but this is disgusting. I thought 

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