bet and decision

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When we arrived, Aleksander motioned for Nico to get out as Nico looked at him before he got out. Then Aleksander closed the door a minute before he looked at me and leaned in close. "You saw that deal." Aleksander said as I looked at him "I did but will you really take my choice from me?" I asked as he looked at me contemplating the answer. "You will have a choice Amira. I am a man of honor who keeps his word especially to his Grisha Soulmate." Aleksander said

After that he reopened the door and let me go first. Nico offered his hand to help me down and I accepted it despite him being in agreement on a bet. Before Aleksander got out I lightly punched Nico "that's for making a bet on me." I said softly to him as he gave an apologetic look at me. I heard Aleksander laugh at me punching my friend as I looked over seeing my family getting out knowing they had no idea. Aleksander offered his arm to me "Shall we go in?" Aleksander asked as I nod going with him.

As he led me in with everyone else going about as usual I noticed he seemed to be watching the area as I looked around seeing all the nobles. As he led me in they all parted for him and me since I was on his arm. I noticed some grisha girls glaring at me but he adjusted my necklace so that his initials could be noticed once and then put it back. "Was that necessary?" I asked as he looked at me "It is, you are not just any guest and I'm careful to conceal the other mark." Aleksander said

When Music played he adjusted to where he took my hand and led me out on the dance floor. I just looked at him knowing it wasn't often that I got to dance with anyone. I didn't want to be mistaken for someone else but the way he moved smoothly was easy to see. His years alive could be noticed as we danced to the music that was there. I didn't mind as I thought it was good but I couldn't break eye contact while we were dancing on the floor.

Your long grisha life has shown to let you be an expert in dancing. I thought

When the dance came to an end I thought we were going to be done but then music started up again as I wasn't sure what to think at the time. We continued to dance on the floor but I was not used to heels so he had to work with me. Yet as we moved I didn't mind the way things were as I was just glad to get this over with eventually.

"You dance nicely." He said while the song was playing

Then the next one

When the last song started, I noticed it was a slow one but that didn't mean it made this any easier for me. I had to make sure I didn't submit to him tonight as I kept my eyes locked with him. When I tried to look out at who was watching to see if Nico was, he sighed. "You still care for that Otkazat'sya." Aleksander said softly as I looked up at him. I knew that term was reserved for Non Grisha, humans who would not live as long as us. "So what if I do?" I asked as I looked at him and he twirled me and had my back to him while we danced as I noticed Nico was watching as he held me close. "Do I need to remind you whose initials are on your neck?" Aleksander whispered in my ear

I gulped some knowing he had that to hold against me since the saints deemed us soulmates. "You won't really do it.." I said softly as I felt him stare at me. "You don't think I'll fulfill my promise in that agreement?" Aleksander asked as I knew he'd already bit me. All he had to do was give me the blood to finish it but I would defy him right here. "Yes, you won't..." I said as he twirled me and had me look at him before he led me somewhere we could talk alone. "And explain to me why you think this?" Aleksander asked me as I kept my breathing even. "Because you gave me your word you wouldn't...and now you're going to give me your word you will never try to turn me unless I am dying." I said knowing in the event the enemy finds me while I live outside the little palace walls they could easily attack me or worse try to kill me. Aleks seemed to consider my words here as he looked at me with his dark eyes. "So you choose to become this once you're on the brink of death? Do you know how risky that can be? If I agree to your terms, what would you do in show of good faith you won't resist me?" Aleksander asked

I got close to him as I put a hand on his Kefta and thanks to the shoes I didn't have to lean up much as I pressed my lips against his. I noticed at first he seemed to be surprised since my lack of wanting to be with him and my resistance. When he kissed me back it was mere seconds I felt the wall against my back as we had a heated make out right there against the wall in the shade. He eventually pulled away but I couldn't take it anymore as I pulled him back and kissed him. When he parted from me I whined some. "Amira?" Aleksander asked as I looked at him "I can't keep acting like I don't care...I want you to make it reality..not a dream anymore." I said

Aleksander seemed to look to see if anyone was near us before he led me to the open area for us to talk as we ended up in the courtyard. "You know what you're my deal with Nico you would be turned." Aleksander said as he kept hold of my hand. "And you're not going to do that unless I'm dying." Amira said as he looked at me. "I'm outside the little palace, you can't protect me like the others. So you'll only turn me if I'm dying and there is no healer around." Amira said as he seemed to consider my words before he agreed. If I was dying he couldn't have my resistance to turn me and he'd get his grisha soulmate as he pulled me close and kissed me. I kissed him back as he picked me up off my feet and used his shadows and speed to get us to his room.

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