Moving to the little palace

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My mind was reeling with the sudden turn of much was happening in such a short time..I'd be leaving to go to the little palace. The threats that were out here in the open were needing to be taken care of but then things were moving so fast that my mind was spinning. Yet, as I looked at the man I loved, she knew that I was making the right choice.

The meeting with Prince Nikolai and my father had been tense, but Aleksander had handled it with grace and confidence. He was not backing down from his responsibilities as my fiancé, and his determination to protect me and our unborn child only deepened my feelings for him. I was not ready to leave my parents though as I knew that they would be unprotected but I was doing this also to protect them.

Within a matter of days Nico and I left for the little palace as my things were brought in there without me having to do anything. Nico seemed uneasy about this but as my bodyguard he would have to deal with it. Not many knew I was pregnant here, and I doubt that people knew that Aleksander was a vampire. 

Aleksander came and met with us as he put an arm around me leading me inside. "Welcome Amira." He said as he stopped and looked back. "Corporal Stark, you'll be on guard when she's alone and I have to work." He said as I looked back seeing Nico just nod. I was hesitant about all of this but Aleksander led me inside as he seemed eager to show me around. 

I wanted to figure out how I'd make my life here as servants came over and bowed. "General, is  this a new grisha for 2nd army?" The servant asked as I knew that I was not. "No, this is my fiancé pregnant fiancé. She will be treated with respect and kept watch on." He said as the servant was surprised but bowed in respect. "my apologies miss." the servant said 

"No need to apologize, I am Grisha just undeclared." I said as I was going to stick with being undeclared for as long as I could. "Undeclared..well this is the right place for you Miss. Being that you are pregnant, if you need anything feel free to ask us for help." The servant said as they left. Aleksander led me to his room where I would be moving in and he let me put things where I wanted...that took some time. He had to leave though when the royals wanted to speak with him about something.

In the evenings, we would steal moments of privacy, walking through the palace gardens or sitting on the balcony under the moonlight. It was during those quiet moments that I allowed myself to fully open up to Aleksander, sharing my hopes, dreams and things like that..

I questioned how things got to be this easy when I was such a.. defiant, resistant..well you get the picture. "You never gave up on seeking me out." I said as we were on the balcony. He held me close and whispered in my ear. "Never, my worth seeking out." He whispered in my ear.

I was thinking about it all as my life was now changing with moving to my fiancé's room..but now I had a life with him. I felt him put a hand on my stomach as I put a hand over his. "This is something no one else ever had.." Aleksander said 

None of his exes had his baby..this child is a blessing..but also my reason to possibly be turned if I don't survive this.. I thought

My thoughts were all over the place, I couldn't just use my sun light as freely here. I had announced myself undeclared so I had to remain undeclared around seemed he knew what was on my mind.

"I will have Baghra find you somewhere to use your small science away from others..supervised with the child on the way." Aleksander said

I had appreciation for whole life had just changed. "I'll set up you people who can be by your side when I am working." He said

I has a feeling that there were risks here..but the prince would be able to visit.

Soon there was a knock on the door and Aleksander went to let them in and they walked in. I walked over and they showed some respect to me as they offered me a kefta.

"I'm not 2nd army." I said to them as they looked at me. "It is for your protection. It's bullet proof, it will keep you and our child safe." Aleksander said

I knew that he was right as I decided to accept it and noticed it was all done up in his color..not any of mine on the kefta. He walked over taking care of helping me put it on as he stepped back and gave his nod of approval.

The grisha left and I felt out of place even though I was matching him. "You'll get used to wearing's for your protection and I promised your father you would be safe." He reminded me

Part of me still wanted to be defiant towards him but I was in love him. We were meant to be and I couldn't fight that even if I wanted to.

So he took my hand and led me around the little palace. Showing me the different rooms that were available to all the grisha here. A music room, a library, the garden and so many other rooms that were available. I liked to read so there was that but I knew all of this was going to be...

My life from now on...

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