Dream (Lemonish)

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Author's note: Dream is very Mature for 18+ in some ways would recommend skipping if under the age of 18. 

Amira's pov (Dream): 

I remembered what had happened, I'd fainted after he'd bit me for a second time and subconsciously I felt Nico put me on the bed. I slipped into the dream before I could pull myself from it as I was laying there. In the dream, I opened my eyes and sat up as I looked around but then I felt myself be pulled back down and when I looked I saw him. 

"Hello Amira." Aleksander said as I tried to stay resistant and gulped a bit, I knew it was a dream because he'd bit me. Yet I felt this connection with him and this dream version of him touched me I felt something that I hadn't admitted in the real world..desire. I was actually looking at him this time unlike the other times I'd been through this. "You don't seem so resistant this time." Aleksander said as he leaned in until there was very little distance from our lips as I tried to gain control. "Aleks..please" I said as I realized that my resistance was hardly here in the dream. 

What is going on? I've been resisting him since the last bite but my plea was like I want him to kiss me. I thought 

I saw him smirk as I blushed in the dream and felt his lips meet mine as I realized quickly when I kissed him back that I had no control of this dream. I felt him move me where I was hovering over him and instinctively my legs separated to be on either side of him while I was on my knees. I felt his hand instantly grab my legs and pull me ever so forward that I was sitting on him and felt him rub our garments together as I pulled away to gasp. The desire that I felt was hard to resist as I started to realize something else and it made my blush even darker. Aleksander smirked as he looked up at me "You feel that, it's over you and the torture you're putting me through waiting for you." Aleksander said as he was looking over me. I knew what I was wearing was pants and a shirt to keep myself covered. 

"St-..please.." I said as he kept rocking his hips so the fabric was rubbing together and I felt him, I felt this unfamiliar feeling between my legs that I couldn't register right away as I felt him adjust me and heard the sound of the buttons coming open. My desire had me distracted as I felt powerless and he yanked the pants down before I could stop him "You can't really say no in these dreams, your resistance isn't here this time." Aleksander said as he smirked and had me look at him. I kept my breath even as he kissed me and for the dream, I kissed him back as he messed with my panties before he moved them to the side without taking them off of me and slipping a finger inside me as I gasped parting from the kiss as he started a pace. 

"W-what are you doing?" I asked as I tried to get the strength to move back but it didn't work as he kept going. Hearing that chuckle come out of his mouth sent shivers down my spine "I really wish I was doing this in your bedroom instead of your dreams." Aleksander said as he added another finger and I bit down the gasp this time instead of letting it out. "At least this tells me your tracker friend isn't touching you, tell me something Amira. Who are you saving yourself for outside your dreams?" I tried to shake my head as I felt something building in my stomach a moan escaped my lips and I felt so embarrassed about it. "Y-You won't answer my questions so why would I answer yours?" I said 

Aleksander stopped and I whined but I didn't know why was it from him stopping or from my frustration against him. "I'm preparing you, Amira, just cause you're resistant in the real world doesn't mean I can't show you my intentions in your dreams." Aleksander said as he ever so slowly moved his fingers again. "Now, I answered your question. You can answer mine, Who are you saving yourself for outside this dream?" I bit down on the noise wanting to come out as I felt him pick the pace up and I gasped. "M-My Grisha soulmate..Y-You." I said as he smirked "It feels good, doesn't it? My fingers inside you, but I won't let you get there on my fingers." 

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