Butter week and the Pub

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Watching people crying over the deceased didn't make me feel any better about what was going on. The woman was the first to get drained as I knew his charms worked most on women. The man was probably intoxicated to the point he could just take him out too and not be seen. Aidan led me away to get back to my grandparents but then we had to hide in an alleyway seeing first army soldiers.

"What is the first army doing here?" I asked, as it was odd to see them in town but then we noticed that they were recruiting for the first army.

I knew we lost good soldiers in the fold due to some skiffs that didn't make it through to West Ravka. Ravka was struggling with everything we had because we had to go through the fold to get resources. Aidan knew I was to be kept out of all of this but I was aware of everything that had gone on. A sun summoner was to help lead the way and someday destroy the fold but knowing what I could about the fold I was not going to be that sun summoner.

Aidan took my wrist leading me down the alleyway and through a way he knew too well, since I was to look like an ordinary Ravkan girl people would mistake me for one. Grandma Catalina said we couldn't participate in any of the first armies cause we were different. People thought highly of Grisha but the logic that many of the normal people sacrificing their lives for one of us was absurd to me.

It took a lot more time than we wanted to get around like this but we were able to do it and soon arrived at grandma's house. Once I walked in they all hugged me as if worried I was hurt or worse. "No, She stayed at my place last night." Aidan assured them. My parents seemed surprised by that as we didn't have the best relationship.

Aidan stayed for a while and had dinner with us, it was the first time I could relax. After that day I was always on alert when Butter Week came around. I was happy about it because we could celebrate with nobles and watch the parade. Walking out was fun and all my family had as we got in the middle of everything mingling among people.

Nobles were on floats, people were getting food and it was a celebration that everyone was enjoying. I saw a group of girls and walked in the group as I saw it was sweets and I loved a few of the sweets offered around this time. It was fun but when night hit people went into their homes for the fear of what was going on. Aidan talked me into going back to the pub so we walked in there and we decided to hit the pool table again as we walked in. I decided to put my hair up in a ponytail as the pub could get pretty bad.

"You two are back, ready for another game?" The man who was winning in the group asked and Aidan showed our amount of Ravkan currency to get in the game as we both nod.

I could feel that familiar tingling but I decided tonight to wear the black necklace just to see if anyone would pay attention. Most people didn't see me with my hair up but I was able to use the accessory from winter fete to make it look like it was holding my hair up without drawing attention. We all stood there as we waited our turn but Aidan nudged me as I was going over to do my turn and I looked at him. His look told me enough but I just shrugged as I walked, overseeing the men who offered me a shot and I downed it pretty fast before getting in position to play.

Know your limits and don't get drunk this time. I thought

I played well as I focused on hitting the ball before looking past the pool table seeing him staring at me. The necklace was in clear view for his eyes to see but it didn't mean I was agreeing on being his soulmate as I walked over standing by my half-brother. Aidan seemed to notice his attention on the group as he went overtaking his turn and I smiled at him.

Aleksander kept his eyes on us but he never approached while we played our game and every time we each had a ball in the hole we high five. I was having a good time and like last time Aidan won because he had the experience I didn't as he split the money with me.

"Well little sister, you seem to be having an admirer, you better not keep him waiting." Aidan joked but was also serious. "Not funny Aidan." I said

Still, I walked over like I was going to the bar where I ordered a drink purposely taking a seat at the bar with the seat by me empty. Aleksander came over as he sat by me and the bartender looked at him. "A glass of Kvas." Aleksander said as he was looking at me but I waited for my drink before I even looked at him but I looked back at the bartender and paid for both drinks once he put the glass of Kvas down.

I took the drink, getting up from the chair and walking away as he followed because I heard his footsteps. "Amira, will you give me a chance to talk to you?" Aleksander asked as I looked at him while taking another sip. "hm, no General. I don't think that's a good idea, you might try something to trick me into going with you." I said

"Who is the man you're hanging out with?" He asked as I had turned around to continue walking back as I took another sip. I about laughed hearing some kind of jealousy in his voice as he probably caught both our scents last night. I looked back at him and smiled, "My half brother from my dad's previous relationship." I said firmly

I could see the surprise but the fact he never really paid attention to Aidan before now was amusing. Aidan and I did not have the best relationship but we made do with what we could. "I like being at the pub and making my own way General, so not even you can stop me from doing what makes me happy. It's Butter week so why don't you just relax and tend to your Grisha. Either leave me alone or join in the festivities." I said

After I walked away I stayed with my brother for the night as I knew I'd probably just pissed him off again. Aidan took me home after that but I could feel his shadows concealing us in the dark from people seeing. Aidan shivered a bit feeling them as well. "Seems he wants to protect you." Aidan said as I laughed a bit "He just wants to earn my trust, not an easy thing." I pointed out

I was never the easy little sister growing up but we had always had each other. I was a Dual Summoner and my brother was a Squaller, so I had the best protection. We made it home and his shadows went away for the night.

After we all went to bed, we again participated in butter week celebration the next day and I was having fun. The sweet bread, the parade, the sweets, and the hard cheese were all here as it was every year. It was rare to feel so relaxed and free in times like this but then I saw something black in the corner of my eye and I looked up to see Aleksander.

"You are actually here?" I asked as I looked up seeing the sun was covered by the clouds, he offered me a basket of the sweet bread I liked so much. "Well, you are determined to do this your way and not let me get you to the little palace. Fjerdans could be anywhere and you live as if you are normal when you are Grisha." Aleksander said

"You've never been normal a day in your life." I said as I saw him look at me in shock before I accepted the basket "Still, thank you. I do like the sweet bread for this celebration." I said as I walked and I noticed he wasn't in his Kefta or cloak. I walked around for a bit before I decided to say something. "You're not in your Kefta." I said

"Well I thought you might get the wrong idea if I did." Aleksander said

He actually is trying and I am just being rude...was I wrong about him? I thought 

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