Another bite

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As the last day came and the bite was healed I gave a relief sigh. Nico never left my side as he laid my head on his lap most nights. I hadn't slept well in five days of healing but I was glad it was over. I had a feeling he would do it again as I sighed but looked up at Nico. 

he wanted to turn you. I thought 

Nico was my connections to the humans so it seemed fair. I wasn't going to give in but as I was getting up the sound of horses coming was easy. I didn't feel the tingling but that was fine I just needed to get past this as I gave a relief sigh. Nico and I went to check and listen as there was a knock on the door. Grandma was the one to answer the door. 

"Yes, can I help you?" She asked as we stayed there, I knew that people were talking about another event happening at the grand palace soon. "Yes, Ma'am. I am Fedyor, we've met before and General Kirigan has wanted to invite Amira to the next event of the royals as his date." Fedyor said as Nico put an arm around me. "Oh, I'm sorry. Amira hasn't felt the greatest and she hasn't been sleeping much." Grandma Catalina said 

I don't want anywhere near him. I thought 

"I understand but the general would insist." Fedyor said as my mother walked over to the door. "Give a message to your General, my daughter is not going anywhere near him after the mark he left on her the last time he visited. Unless he formally apologizes for it, he can keep his distance." Mother said

Saints, mom. You let the heartrender have it. I thought 

"The general..hurt his grisha soulmate?" Fedyor asked as my mother knew to choose her words carefully. None of the other Grisha knew he was the heretic or he was a vampire as I stayed out of sight. Fedyor though must have picked up my heart beat cause I heard a sudden change. "Is she even afraid to speak with another Grisha? Her heartbeat is a little loud." Fedyor asked as I turned to Nico who hugged me and he calmed me down. "She couldn't sleep for five days, she's been on edge. She won't even talk to most of us." Mother said 

"I will relay the message." Fedyor said as he left soon enough as Nico held me close. "I won't let that darkling turn you into a vampire against your will." Nico said as I wanted to cry. 

A couple of days passed since then and I was scared to even step out of my own house. I almost wished for his stupid nightmares because at night we had to light shield the house because those vampire girls found where I live. I knew what they wanted, to kill me to get me out of their way so they could have him as I looked at my wrist. It'd been blank most of the nights but this particular night I saw his initials on my wrist as I heard the sound of a fight outside my window. 

"Why her?!" One demanded as he was going up against them and I couldn't help peeking outside my window to watch. "The saints have deemed her my soulmate, you're terrorizing her at night." Aleksander said to them as they didn't want to back off but when he had enough he shrouded them in shadows but then he looked at my window seeing I was looking as he let them go. "Go away and don't come back to this house or next time I won't be as merciful." Aleksander said 

I watched as they ran but I knew he couldn't come in or get to me while the sun barrier was around the house as he walked towards to edge of it. "I won't let them keep terrorizing you Amira, but you need to meet me half way here." Aleksander said, I didn't know what to say to him. He'd haunted my dreams for five days and those dreams were not really nightmares, I'd just said that because Nico would believe. "I saw them, the dreams you were having." Aleksander added as my eyes widened and my face felt hot as I went to walk away but I couldn't move. 

"Your mother gave my heartrender quite the speech, he kept asking what to do or what I did. She's right though, I did mark you that night as mine but it healed." Aleksander said and for a brief moment I swear I saw his vampire fangs as I put a hand on my neck. I wanted this to just be one of my nightmares of him because that's what it felt like but when I pinched myself I was awake. This was real and I had to face my problem head on and stop running from it. "Saints you don't even want to speak to me, do you?" He asked 

I don't even know what to say to you.. I thought 

Somehow I found the strength to walk away from the window and pull the curtain but when I thought I'd walk to the bed I walked right out of my room. My mind thought about to the dreams and how much I felt this desire building in me from thinking about it. I was walking to the door when I felt water and I gasped. "Mira, what are you doing?" Nico said and it snapped me out of what I was thinking as I looked at him. "I-I needed that." I said as I looked at the door. I knew that there was no way he could influence me from the window but yet I almost went out there. "He's here." I told Nico who walked to one of the rooms and got a towel as he started to dry me off. 

"Not alone, not now not ever." Nico said as I nod before walking to the door and opened it. I saw the light barrier stay as I saw him standing there waiting in his black Kefta and I walked out there but stopped within the barrier. "What do you want? You have tormented me enough and I believe I said we were done." I reminded him as he got close that he could but he offered his hand to me and I shook my head. "I won't attend any more events, you can insist all you want. You bit me against my will, that will be the last time." I said trying to hold strong and yet he still offered his hand. 

I looked at his hand as if there was a reason he was holding it out and I kept my hands to myself. "You hesitate but your inner desires were revealed in those dreams. You want everything your parents have. They are Grisha soulmates and you've longed for the day you found yours, now you have and you are rejecting me because of what they say." Aleksander said as I tried to ignore him. "Did that kiss mean nothing when you were drunk?" 

"Stop it" I said but he kept pushing me, I didn't want to keep being asked as I knew part of me had always liked Nico but I knew he was right. "When are you ready to act like an adult and stop acting like a child needing protected?!" Aleksander said as I looked at him. I'd kept his secret but now I was done. "I don't need you telling me how I act, Black heretic." I said knowing he couldn't get to me or so I thought. I probably shouldn't have said that because despite the sun shield his shadows part it where I was and I gulped as he walked to me. "You know people who call me that don't normally live to tell about it, you on the other hand." He said as he grabbed me and pulled me close whispering in my ear. "I think you deserve five more days of those dreams to really think it over." 

I was scared as I tried pulling away but then heard the sound of Nico aiming his gun. "You created that monstrosity called the fold." Nico said aiming his gun at the General. "Nico, don't do it." I said as I looked back at him and I saw Shadows knock Nico against the house as he fell unconcious. I turned to try to help him but Aleksander refused to let me go as he pulled me close and whispered in my ear. "You brought this on yourself, every seven days I'll come till the next event and put you under this. Eventually, you'll just sleep right through these dreams letting them play out in your mind." Aleksander said as I put my hands together and sent water splashing Nico just as I felt his fangs pierce my neck again and gasped. 

It doesn't hurt as bad as the last time... I thought 

I didn't have the strength to stay awake as I fell foward and he grabbed me.

Nico's pov: 

I remember everything went dark and then her Grisha power hit me as I woke up to see him bite her again but this time she didn't scream out like last time. She didn't look like she was in such pain as the last time but when she fell forward I knew it was worse. I got up as I stood up and went for my gun but that Shadow Summoner knocked it away. "Do your job and protect her from the other vampires tracker." The Black General yelled as I walked over "Let her go." He said as I expected him to toss her to me but he handed her to me. I could have stabbed him here and ended her suffering but I wasn't willing to take that risk as I took her back. "She will choose me in the end, it may take years but I have something you don't on my side. Time." He said to me. "She is Grisha, she will be ageless and one day you'll grow old and you'll die. She'll come to me someday and beg me to turn her and we'll stay together forever young." 

Before I could say anything he started to walk away "Oh and if her parents ask, you didn't see me. The other vampires attacked her." Aleksander said and like that we were within the sun barrier safe. I took Mira into the house and she was unconscious even when morning came as I wondered what was going on in her mind. Her mother came in and noticed "How did this happen?" She asked as I tried to say it was the darkling but nothing came out. "The female vampires they were outside." I said as her mother looked concerned. When she left I looked at Amira's unconcious form. 

Mira what is happening to you this time. I thought 

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