Family confrontation

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Meetings and him being a vampire I could have just figure out what I was going to do as I got up and walked out there. My grandma was the only one who knew I was pregnant but as I walked in I saw mom who looked at me. "Amira, is everything ok?" Mom asked as I looked at Grandma before I looked at her. "Mom...I'm pregnant." I said which surprised her but I knew this wasn't a normal pregnancy. I didn't know father was also there as he came in "Your what?!" He said as I flinched hearing him and I knew there was no denying this anymore.

"You heard it..Father." I said as my mother and grandmother were aware I was probably sneaking him in the house. "Now, he's her soulmate. It was inevitable for this to eventually happen." Grandma said as she went over and hugged me. "We're going to support Amira through this.." Grandma said as I nod. "Will he be coming for a visit?" She asked as I looked at her "He has a meeting with the King right now but maybe." I said 

 We waited there and I heard the sound of a horse arriving in the middle of the day as Grandma went to door and opened it. "You must be here to see Amira..and you brought the youngest Prince with you." Grandma said as they walked over and were led to the kitchen. Nico was handing me some tea as I drank it. Prince Nikolai approached "Amira, nice to see you again." He said as I showed respect "Prince Nikolai" I said as father was shocked seeing the youngest prince. Yet that changed as he looked at Aleksander "You got my daughter Pregnant." He said without a greeting. 

"Pregnant?" Prince Nikolai asked as he looked back at Aleksander then looked at me as he seemed to realize that a lot had changed since the last time. I just looked away but Aleksander didn't deny or confirm anything but he walked over to me as he held his hand out to me. I took his hand without hesitation as he had me stand up and he could tell that the younger Prince was checking me out in a way. Aleksander kissed me right infront of everyone as I was surprised but I kissed him back. My heart beat fast in my chest as I knew I was in love with him and we were already engaged. 

Aleksander pulled away as we both smiled before he looked at my father. "Yes, your daughter is pregnant. She is my fiancé therefore her well being is my responsibility and soon she'll be my wife." Aleksander said as Father didn't like it having light in his hand but I moved infront of Aleksander. "Dad, no. Don't make your grandchild fatherless.." I said as he didn't like it but he knew I was right. 

Aleksander put a hand on my shoulder as he was very protective of me now with the news of the child. "I'd like to insist Amira moves to the little palace. In her condition things could get very complicated." Aleksander said as I said I'd think about it. "My daughter move to the little palace for you to ex-" before dad could finish his words Aleksander cut him off "So I can protect her and keep her safe. She'll live with me in my room where she can get whatever she needs. Medical care, food and a safe place." Aleksander said 

Medical care...that is something I didn't think about. I thought 

Part of me just wanted to grab Aleksander and excuse us to my room as we were not going to be that easy. I knew that this wasn't easy as I looked at the way the Prince was looking seeing the ring on my hand as I really was his fiancé. "You can keep her safe?" Dad asked as he looked at me and then at Aleksander who nod. "Then it may be best. I don't want any of your exes showing up at my mother's house and trying to hurt my parents." Dad said

He's giving me away that easily? I thought 

"I can't right now with everything going on..the carriage is being fixed but within the next week I can move her then." Aleksander said as I was glad that it was going to give me another week before now. "And when will the wedding be?" Mother asked as I hadn't even thought about the wedding when it came to me and Aleksander. "When Amira is ready but now that she is having my child, probably sooner than later." Aleksander said 

Mrs. Amira Morozova...but to those in the little palace Mrs. Amira Kirigan. Either way doesn't sound bad I guess. I thought knowing it wasn't a bad idea.

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