The reveal and another Sun Summoner found

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We laid like that for some time that I just felt content as I fell asleep with the way we were laying. He'd moved me on his chest as I was tired, he was a vampire yet he didn't hold back with me entirely. I knew he didn't as I was so used to the way things were at the time. When I woke up I saw him adjusting me as if he caught a scent and I reached out for him. "Where are you going?" I asked as he looked at me. "Your parents are soon going to be here. Best I go." He said 

I sat up pulling the blanket to cover me as I looked at him watching as he dressed himself before going over to me and kissing me. I kissed him back as he smirked before he left through the window leaving but closing the door behind him. I watched in awe that he could still do that so easily and soon I heard the door to the house open as I sighed before going to shower to get the evidence off of me. When I came out with a towel Nico had walked in and I blushed slightly. "Mira, uh sorry.." Nico said as he left and I got dressed but I couldn't tell Nico what had happened. 

If I can't tell Nico then who do I tell? I thought 

Grandma soon came in and showed me my pack of pills that Aleks had thrown out "He was here, was he not?" Grandma asked as I nod. She nod as she walked in and had me sit down. "Lay down Amira.." Grandma said as I did and she ran the test on me again. I covered my eyes afraid to look as we sat there in silence but when I looked down I could barely make it out. "Well?" I asked Grandma as I looked at her. When she looked at me I knew the answer before she said it as I picked it up seeing the opposite. 

Saints..I'm going to be a mother.. I thought 

I realized my time at home was coming to an end but fuck I loved every minute of what he was doing. I realized that this pregnancy could also put me on the brink of death with being a normal grisha...well as normal as one can be when being born with two small science. Still he was coming back tonight and I just had to come up with a plan on what to do next. I loved the idea of what he was doing but then I remembered what he did after we'd gotten done as if he caught it. 

Of course he did..he's wanted this.. I thought 

Did I want this too? I remembered when I was a kid thinking about the day I'd meet my Grisha soulmate..the idea of the life we'd have together..I closed my eyes. I never imagined that my grisha soulmate was a vampire Grisha..the black General..who was also the black heretic. Yet now a child was getting involved as she was pregnant..she opened her eyes as she sat up and looked at her grandmother as she stood up. "What shall I do?" I asked

Grandma was doing some thinking as she looked at me knowing my activities were my choice. My I was pregnant and my dad was not aware of my activities. "You have to tell your father..otherwise when the General demands you to go to the little palace." Grandma said as I looked at her. I was in a no win situation as I laid back and looked at the ceiling as I soon heard Grandma ask. "Do you love him?" I looked at the ceiling still as I knew I did..I didn't want to..but damn he made me feel good. "I wouldn't have said yes to his proposal if I didn't.." I said 

I was still in my thoughts knowing too well that it wasn't fair that I was like this. "I can't go to the little palace..the King will find out the truth. I can't be Ravka's savior..not like this..not now or ever." I said as I closed my eyes. The idea living in the same life as my mom when she was a girl...I couldn't do that. I could not live the life as a grisha in hiding, the idea that people would hate her..

Hate me...the 2nd army girls already hate me. I show up to those events..I dance with him..he's practically all over me at those parties..and then I get pissed and leave. I thought 

When I thought about the way things were and the way I handled most of the times that I went there. The King wanted to know why I was still at home, some Grisha who he didn't even know for sure. My identity as the Sun Summoner was secret but somehow I just wanted someone else to take Ravka's savior..

Would he look at whoever would be found? All Sun Summoners I know are here..but Grandma's sister had descendants? I never met her but she's out there.. I thought 

Grandma soon left me be and I enjoyed the time alone till I decided to get up. When I went to walk out the room and I put a cloak on I decided to do some stuff in town. Nicolas and the other first army soldier followed me around which was fine as I got some stuff. Day light was on my side when the other vampires came out at night. Nico walked closer as he seemed to notice a difference. "You seem confused.." Nico said as I just nod. I still couldn't tell him and I didn't trust that soldier who was also following. 

As we were watching, I didn't even get it as we got near first army area I just wanted to see what Nico normally did seeing all the men and women there..I had once thought about joining first army but I had chosen against it...for the risk of being sent to 2nd army. I noticed 2nd army stationed there and I felt the tingling that meaning he was here. I saw a boat getting ready to go in the fold as I realized that people were boarding. Nico walked over standing beside me "That's the skiff..those chosen get to board it to cross the fold.." Nico said as he knew that he was to watch me. Here I was pregnant and I couldn't even tell my best friend as we watched. 

I expected Aleksander to practically move toward where I was but as I saw him walking I saw he was working. Talking to Grisha soldiers but his eyes scanned the area as I saw him look at his wrist but I was standing where I could see him but he could not see me. Still I watched as he moved to watching the skiff as it closed up and as I saw with my own eyes it moved in the fold. I shivered at the idea of going in there, hearing the Volcra from here they made me feel bad for them. 

Humans turned Volcra..Women, men, children.. I thought after having heard the truth once before. 

I decided I was going to walk back home with my bodyguard and the other first army soldier when I saw it. A burst of sun light in the fold, as if the saints answered the prayer I'd said this morning about not wanting to be Ravka's savior. Now a Sun Summoner was found but while part of me was happy about this the other part worried about how far ones loyalty to their grisha soulmate would be when another Sun Summoner came into play..and yet I knew we were engaged..yet I already doubted him. 

I wanted to see as I noticed healers getting to the skiff when it came back into port finding a hiding spot to watch. After a few moments I seen him move through shadows but before I could think he was heading to his tent he was right before me without anyone noticing as I backed up. "What are you doing here? Are you trying to get caught?" Aleksander asked as I looked at him. I realized his vampire senses meant he caught my scent as I looked at him. He had no right to tell me where I could and couldn't go. "I wanted to see what it was like here..I didn't know you'd be here." I said 

I could see he was thinking as he looked at me then at Nico who was clearly still traveling with me before he turned me to Nico. "Take her home, now. With this eyes will go off Amira and we can distract people from asking. In her current condition she cannot be of use to the King..and I would never risk her like that." Aleksander said as he was serious to Nico. Nico just looked at me when he said in my current condition and I had kept quiet. The soldier with us though was the one to speak catching what Aleksander meant. "Why didn't you say something? We'd have never let you out of the house." The soldier said as I grit my teeth. "Exactly why I kept quiet." I said in anger as Aleksander gently kneeled by my ear as he whispered "I'll see you tonight." 

Then he gently pushed me on my way as I started to walk back as I saw him walk to his tent. When I felt a familiar warmth I looked back seeing Sun light coming from his tent on my back home. I knew now Ravka had a savior and I was going to be kept in the dark from the King. 

What will you do now that you found another Sun summoner?  I thought touching her soulmate mark. 

I made it home and just went to my bed as I knew I'd never stepped in dangerous area and lived at home. 

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