Getting Lost and then found

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I realized while standing there with Baghra in the forest that she had lived a long life and my grandmother was probably around the same age as her if they had known each other when they were little girls. I wondered what that meant for me, for my father...he would outlive my mother. Grandmother would outlive my grandfather and even then we were here. The thought hurt me more than I cared to imagine it would.

I needed to figure out how to keep them both alive for as long as possible, any friends I would have I knew were only fleeting beings if they were human. The idea that Grisha aged so differently than humans still bothered me. I have attached to the idea of humanity something other Grisha could not understand. We lived such long lives and yet humans were just mortal and full of life.

"You and my son are two different people, I don't see how he is your soulmate." Baghra said, snapping me out of my thoughts as I knew that was true. I sighed as I started to walk away just wanting to go home, I didn't care at the moment if I felt the tingling signaling that he was close. "Thank you for the training , Baghra." I said as I kept walking.

I don't know how far I went but I kept looking over my shoulder realizing I might have gone the wrong way. I thought I'd turned toward the house but instead, I was getting lost and it was getting dark. Every noise made me jump now cause I didn't know if I was close or not. I started to run faster as I soon bumped into someone looking up meeting his gaze. I was afraid at first but when I saw Aleksander I calmed down.

"Amira, you're out here in the forest. Do you know how dangerous it is?" Aleksander asked

I opened my mouth to say I was training with Baghra and I must have taken the wrong way but nothing came out. He sighed as he picked me up and then before I knew it we were outside my grandmother's house. I realized just how useful his powers were and I was thankful it was him and not someone else. "Be more careful next time." Aleksander said

I knew that I needed to be careful but as he led me to the door I was quiet. I had a feeling something in the woods was watching me in the shade. Something that might be like him but didn't have the same power to get out in the sun. Grandmother Catalina answered the door and I went over to her as she hugged me. "Baghra said you got emotional and started leaving by the time she went after you she couldn't find you." Grandma Catalina said, then I felt her look behind me. "It's a good thing you were able to find her General, who knows what could have happened."

"The woods are not safe for any Grisha, especially one with the power of sun. Were one of the vampires outside the fold they would want a taste of the blood that could give them time in the sun." Aleksander said to Grandma. I looked at him knowing he was the only vampire that I knew of outside of the fold that no one knew about except his mother. Maybe all these deaths were not all of him but he was unsure who it was either from the look. "Would you consider joining the 2nd army, Amira?" Aleksander asked

He can't be serious? If I went there then I would leave everyone here with the sun in danger. I thought

"No, not unless I don't have a choice." I said as Grandma left us to talk and since he'd already been invited I had no choice but to tolerate him. He stood where I could look at him "You don't get it, do you? Sunlight may harm them but you are a walking target being my soulmate." Aleksander said as I just wanted to refuse. "You're coming to the little palace where you can stay safe. You put the other sun summoners at risk if you keep staying and it won't be long that those who dislike me that are like this will kill all you care about till you're the last one standing."

I was shocked hearing that but that made me reconsider a lot more than I was already going on. I needed to protect them but I didn't want to leave either because it felt like I was going to give up my freedom. "Fjerdans are hunting Grisha, you draw quite a lot of attention." Aleksander said as I sighed a bit. I'd heard of Fjerdan hunters looking for Grisha but then I heard someone walk-in "She's not going alone." Aidan said

We both looked over at my brother knowing he was just a squaller but that was where his powers differed from mine. Adrian walked in as he was visiting with aunt Analise. "We want to protect her too but we can't do that if she leaves." Adrian said. I backed away as I remembered the fete and what happened. "No, I'll just go to another town and make due. I don't need your help or the little palace." I said

"Amira, please. Your safety is important and the little palace is the best place.." Aleksander said as he reached for my wrist but I backed away. I knew what the shadow summoners were, living amplifiers and I didn't need that right now. "You saved me and for that I am grateful but no." I said

Looking at me I had never seen someone so annoyed by the fact I could refuse, I would lead and defend this family. I would face the Fjerdans and protect this house if I had to, they wouldn't be coming after this family. "You cannot do this alone." Aleksander said as Adian and Adrian got on each side of me. "She's not alone, she has us to help her." They said

Aleksander was not threatened by my blood relatives but what he didn't like was the fact I was still holding strong to refuse to go to the little palace. We were not going to be dealing with the little palace. We were not his Grisha, we belonged to ourselves but he grabbed my hand pulling me to him. "I cannot lose you after finding you, I've waited so long for you and now you're within reach and yet you refuse." Aleksander said, "I built the little palace so people, our people could be safe and here you want to stay like this."

"Coming from someone who never changes his life and leads every time. I don't need your pity." I said with a slight glare as I was ok with being alone if that was how it had to be. "There is another party coming around, the annual masquerade party. Say you'll come and let me have a dance with you." Aleksander said as I knew he was not going to give up on having his soulmate and for now, I could humor him. "Fine, I will go." I said

"Excellent, I'll be sending your dress for the event and then we can discuss more on your time." Aleksander said as noticed it was dark and kissed the top of my hand. "Good Night Amira, please get some sleep." I felt my heart twitch and knew we'd shared a kiss but that wasn't what bothered me. I was holding strong as I knew it was best this way. "Good night, have a safe trip back." I said as he left and I went to take a bath before heading to bed. 

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