Horse Ride

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We kept walking in butter week but I was not going to let up on my resistance. Aleksander seemed to be looking at my neck from what I could see out of the corner of my eye. I wondered what he was thinking when he was looking at my neck, was it due to my necklace, or was it because of my power. I doubt he'd try to force me to be a vampire that would take away my free will and no one liked that but then my power was sun and water would I be the one to walk in the day easily?

Shaking that thought from my head I kept walking, this went on for the next couple of days during Butter week he would show up and walk with me. I was able to ignore him half the time but I was also very much aware of his presence. His eyes never leaving me as if I was going to disappear or something. Sure, Fjerdans were everywhere if they knew what they were looking for but still. I wondered if he ever fed off a Fjeradan before when it came to being a vampire instead of human Ravkan citizens.

"No, if you're wondering if I've killed any Fjerdans that way." Aleksander said as I looked at him, "They probably would not have the best taste and I only have been taking out thieves."

Thieves? They were still people too so I couldn't understand his logic on how that was even better but then people had to steal when they couldn't afford to get by. I kept walking as day was turning into night and the end of butter week was happening. I smiled as I was heading back to Grandma's house when he grabbed my wrist. I shivered a little as I looked at him wondering what he wanted.

"Will you go on a horse ride with me tomorrow?" Aleksander asked, I wondered if he was trying to prove there was some kind of humanity left in him as a vampire. Part of me was saying I should give him a chance and the other part was saying no way but the part saying give a chance won my inner battle. "Ok, I'll go horse riding with you but I've never been on a horse." I said, instead of saying what I thought he would, he took my hand and kissed the top of it. "Till tomorrow then." Aleksander left then walked away in the crowd

My heart twitched when he showed some chivalry, I thought that kind of old chivalry was dead but clearly not. Going home I went to bed after putting everything away and tried to get some sleep. I couldn't really sleep that much but I managed to do it somehow as I woke up and got ready for the day. Looking in the mirror I saw Genya's tailor's small science was fading so I called grandma's tailor friend who willingly came over and helped me look decent.

When I heard the sound of a horse approaching I wore something easy to ride in as I walked out seeing him descending from the horse. I guess since he knew there was no way I could ride on my own he only brought one horse. Offering his hand to me I hesitated but took his hand as he helped me get on the horse then he got on behind me.

"Keep your hands on the reins." Aleksander said

I looked at the reins on the horse as I took them in my hands as he carefully put his hands on mine as he had shown me how to manage the horse. When we were ready he told me just keep a grip as he led the horse getting it going as we turned around and I had no idea where we were going. I questioned if going alone with him was wise but I knew that was a bit too late to question as I watched where we went.

Where is he taking me? I thought

I knew there was not a lot but the horse made a good pace and before I knew it we arrived at the place and he got down first then helped me down. I needed it cause I was not used to this but I walked over to the fountain seeing that it was the story of the fold. I walked over tracing the carvings and knowing the story of the fold it was clear this had everything but the missing piece. Why was the fold really created in the first place?

"Did you want to gain power?" I asked, hesitation was there as he sighed. "I never meant for it to be what it became. I wanted to turn the King's men into an army to fight for me and it became what it was." Aleksander said as he walked over "I know that people suffered for what the fold became but not without my own curse. But you already figured out my curse is part of Merzost."

I wouldn't look at him knowing I still tried to make it like I saw nothing. "That night when you were a child, you shouldn't have been out but you used light to conceal that was smart." Aleksander said as my eyes widened knowing he knew. "How long have you known?" I asked as I kept my eyes on the fountain while standing to look at the water. "I've known since the day that you were hidden in fear in the closet that you were my soulmate but it wouldn't have looked bad if I had tried to take you from your parents then. As I was leaving your parents house I adjusted my sleeves when I saw the dark outline of Initials and when I pulled it down I saw yours. AS." Aleksander said as he was looking at me but I looked at his reflection in the water, it was his Grisha powers that allowed such things for him to look normal. "I had no idea of your name but I knew you were meant to be with me. Waiting till you were older was the best option and when the testers went to your parents house and no one was there I knew they'd run with you."

I listened to it all, the truth in his words that he'd known all this time so I started to think our meetings were not coincidental. "How did you find me?" I asked, "That meeting when you were in the market in Karamsan was not coincidental." Aleksander smirked as I watched his reflection to see his expression as I waited for the answer. "I heard Catalina was walking around with a girl around the age of who we were looking for. In wanting to see if it was you I made sure to cross paths with you. I still had no idea of your name but I had the last part which confirmed the S and when you both had passed I checked my wrist again seeing the initials." Aleksander said

I put my hand over my neck everytime it happened until I got my necklace, now I just know where he is. I thought

Aleksander walked closer getting behind me as he pulled me close "You can't deny what the saints have chosen. You will see things my way eventually, Amira." Aleksander said as I kept watching in the water seeing him getting close to my neck as his fangs started to show some "We will be eternal together someday."

He wouldn't try to turn me yet...would he? I thought

A/N: Should Amira be turned into a vampire in a later chapter of soulmates? Comment Below Yes or No.

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