In the town of Keramzin

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Whenever I wanted to go out I had to be with one of them, so that no one suspected anything. I was only nine so I was past the testing age as we walked into Keramzin. Grandmother would hold my hand as we walked. She was taking me into the market while she was doing some shopping. She would smile at me as we walked down the market and we picked out a few things.

"Catalina." A woman said as she approached but I hid behind Grandma scared of strangers as she looked at me but I was mostly hidden. "Who is this with you?" The woman asked

"Anastasita, so good to see you." Grandma said as I kept hold of her hand and she smiled, "this is my granddaughter, Amira. She's a bit shy."

"Your granddaughter? My you don't look a day past twenty, you must tell your secret." Anastasia said and she just claimed good genetics as I realized that Grandma lived in the open but she did not live as a Grisha. Then she looked at me but I was still hiding behind Grandma, I just couldn't take the risk but everyone knew Grisha was able to tell their soulmates that's when I noticed Grandma's necklace, it was a choker necklace to cover the soulmate mark.

Maybe I could get one. I thought

"Amira, you be good for Catalina, ok?" Anastasia said and I nod "Yes, ma'am." I said. We kept walking for a while before grandma saw a person selling chokers and she looked down at me. I looked at her knowing that it was for hiding the soulmate's initials. "Let's get you one." She said

We walked over to the stand as Grandma looked at the stand, seeming to look for a choker necklace that would protect my soulmate mark when it appeared. I looked and noticed one that symbolized a sun summoner as I pointed it out to her. She noticed it too as she looked at it for a while before looking at the merchant.

"How much is the choker necklace?" Grandma Asked

I wasn't paying attention to what Grandma said as I felt that tingling on my neck and covered it quickly. I looked around knowing that it wasn't unusual but this was the market, why would the general be near here? Grandma hadn't noticed but before I knew what was going on she moved my hand and placed it around my neck.

"Let's get you home." Grandma Catalina said

She led me out of the market but we saw some Grisha walking and among them the black General. I stayed close to her as we walked, I saw her keep looking forward as we passed but not before I saw his wrist. He wasn't paying attention to his wrist but the initials AS were there as I kept my calm but then we heard him.

"Wait." General Kirigan's voice said

Grandma stopped with me as she seemed hesitant like she knew something I didn't but she kept me in front of her. When she turned around she kept me behind her but I knew he'd already seen me.

"Catalina, have you seen Amara and your son?" General Kirigan said coming over to her, "As an undeclared Grisha yourself you must be aware of his location." panic was going through me but I kept calm as Grandma was tapping my hand in code to keep calm. "I wouldn't know, he took his family some time ago." Grandma said as she was very calm. "I see and who is this with you?" General Kirigan asked, "Mila." Grandma said

I realized Grandma used my middle name to introduce me instead of my actual name because mom had named me similar to my mother. He seemed to notice I had a choker like my grandmother as he looked at her. "Has a soulmate marking started to appear?" General Kirigan asked, "Not that I know of but one can never be too careful. I'm the girl's guardian General and she needs a loving home with people she can trust, not a palace with other children who have been given up for the army." Grandma said, "Now if you don't mind, have a good day."

I never said anything so he probably thought I was mute, couldn't talk or speak. Grandma took my hand and led me away from him but I could tell she was on edge no matter what we did.

For the next couple of years, it seemed we were always running into him, and every time I saw him I saw my initials there. I knew the truth, I knew his initials had no K, he could change them all he wanted but his initials were AM. I was to pretend to be Mute when he showed up, they did not need a mute girl but I was trained well.

Around the time I was twelve I decided to go out on my own, we decided that I could handle it. I was given money and a list of things to get from the market as I went out on my own. People knew my name as Amira so they always welcomed me.

"Getting groceries for your grandmother, Amira?" One of the merchants asked

"Yes, sir." I said

I got everything and started to head back as I knew there was a lot to think about but it was starting to get dark. I knew girls older than me were disappearing still, human bodies found but that was it. Never a Grisha was taken and Fjerdans were hesitant to come with the news of vampires yet they still hunted our Grisha.

I was walking the path Grandma had taken me down several times figuring that I could get back home soon. When I heard the sound of a scream as I jumped, I hesitated as I looked down the path then I looked back the way to the house.

I should head home but someone is in danger. I thought

I went to look as I walked down against my better judgment and then when I got so far in the area I saw a black figure holding someone against the building. I was hesitant but I wondered what it was when I crept a little closer and got close but then I saw the figure stopped.

"Who's there?" The masculine voice said of General Kirigan

I realized I saw something I wasn't supposed to as I used light to conceal myself and ran home. I had learned to conceal myself in the dark from shadows if I needed to but I could hear them trying to follow. I kept my focus as I made it around the corner and ducked in the ally. Looking up I saw him standing there as he wiped his mouth. I wondered if this was what Merzost does to those who used it.

Is General Kirigan a vampire? Or maybe it's paint..yeah paint. He was just checking on the person. I thought

When he went back I ran home and got inside where I let grandma have her groceries but I went to my room. I laid down as I went over it in my head and I convinced myself I was just seeing things. It had to be my imagination that Vampires didn't exist except in the fold.

I hit my head...I had to have. I thought 

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