Growing up

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I put the sight out of my mind and went about my life, as usual, time just passed so fast that I was fifteen before I knew it. Everyone was for certain that we were all safe now and I was out of the clear as we all were outside in the backyard. We were singing and dancing as we were sure that everything was good for all of us, as a pureblood Grisha family we just kept to each other mostly. 

"Amira, do you know your mother's favorite song to sing to your father?" Grandma Catalina said and I smiled shaking my head "yep, I do. I haven't tried to sing it before but I could." I said and she nods giving me the ok. So I took a seat to have good posture as my grandparents and parents took hands while I closed my eyes starting to sing.

I opened my eyes while singing and watched them dance with each other, their initials on each other on them and I wondered if I could have that sometime. I knew they kept me from the General but I had a strange feeling he was somehow connected to me. No, I knew he was because I saw his wrist but I wasn't supposed to be around him.

When I was done we all smiled but then Grandma noticed something and I saw someone in a red Kefta. Mother walked over clearly knowing what it was or who it was as I listened. "Hello Ivan, General Kirigan needs something again?" Mother asked, as he handed her the letter and she looked over reading it before looking at him "You can't be serious, Ivan?" Mother said, Ivan just kept this neutral look on his face "You ran Amara with your daughter, did you think we wouldn't know where you were eventually? You and your family are to attend the Winter Fete. Being you are all Grisha, General Kirigan will send outfits for the event." Ivan said

Mother didn't seem like she was in a position to argue but we all were not in that kind of position. "Does it have to be this Winter Fete or can it wait three years?" Mother asked as Ivan looked at all of us, me last with my sun summoner necklace around my neck. "You're hiding the girl's soulmate." Ivan said and Mother got angry "I have a right to do so until she is eighteen." Mother insisted, Ivan looked like he was thinking as he looked at her "If I do not return now then I will see you again in three years, don't run we know what your daughter looks like. Next time your mother-in-law sees the General try not to lie to his face about her name and being undeclared." Ivan said walking away

I was in shock knowing that General Kirigan didn't know my name at all and yet here we were sitting out in the open. Still, we went back to what we were doing enjoying our time, Ivan never really came back so we knew we had three years. After that day I started to count down the days to my eighteenth birthday and to the next Winter Fete.

It felt like every day was shorter than the last as soon my eighteenth birthday came and I removed my sun summoner necklace looking in the mirror. I didn't see anything on my neck but then I knew he wasn't here at my grandparent's place. As I looked in the mirror I questioned if he would grace us with his presence but then my mind went back to the night I went to the alley and I felt that tingling.

Is General Kirigan really a vampire? If so, how does he come out in the sun? I thought

I wondered if he was planning to convert some of the summoners into vampires, was he alluring as the myths say about vampires. I knew I was thinking over this too much as I closed my eyes but then the sound of a carriage was evident and I knew our outfits for the Winter Fete were here but that tingling feeling was there on my neck. I hesitated but I knew I needed to look to know if I was right as I opened my eyes seeing AM right there on my neck.

Aleksander Morozova, that is what father said AM stood for but I thought he didn't mean it. I thought

I put the necklace back on concealing it as I stayed in the bathroom and put my ear to the wall listening. I heard the sound of the door and I knew some myths said that vampires had to be invited into the home. "General Kirigan, I see you've arrived." Grandma Catalina said, "Hello, may I come in?" General Kirigan asked and I knew Grandma never let anyone but family in. "No, General. I don't take orders from you but your heartrender may bring the boxes in." Grand Catalina said.

I knew that there was always an invitation needed, I figured mom had invited him some time ago into her and dad's home because he was inside the house but I listened. The shoes that the heartrenders wore didn't have spurs and the General always wore spurs on his shoes so I knew he wasn't inside. "May I at least meet your granddaughter and know her real name?" Aleksander said, Grandma didn't answer right away but I heard her "I know you're listening, come here, it's safe." Grandma Catalina said

I sighed walking out of the bathroom, I walked over and showed my respect to him. "General Kirigan." I said He seemed to look at me and he was focused on my necklace. If I truly suspected he was a vampire I questioned how he withstood so many heartbeats in the little palace. "What is your name? It surely can't be Mila as your grandmother said." General Kirigan said and I just smiled. "Grandma likes to call me by my middle name, but my name is Amira, Amira Silina."

I saw him hold his wrist as I knew what he was thinking, he clearly was looking for his soulmate. Most Grisha was looking for their soulmates, but Grandma and I were not paying attention to Ivan as I felt my necklace be lifted some revealing the AM. I noticed a slight smirk as I removed the heartrenders hand and when he tried something I had sunlight in my hand keeping him away.

"I suggest you keep in mind whose home you're in when touching me. This is my grandparents' home and I won't tolerate you doing that." I said to Ivan

Ivan seemed shocked but I was undeclared as most people thought but I was eighteen if I wanted to use my version of the small science I could. Ivan was heading out but I quickly switched sun to water hitting him with it and walking away. "Good day General, I think it's time you and your heartrender leave." I said I was a bit annoyed.

"See you all at the Fete, it was good to meet you Ms. Siliana." General Kirigan said

I knew I was found out as a Dual Summoner and I could care less at the moment. I disdained that heartrender most of all but that was where it stood. Still, we had time and we all decided to humor him. I went out to get groceries. I could still do this on my own but I hadn't volunteered to do this since that night.

I need to know and every town gets attacked drained of blood. I thought

I went about things as usual making sure to stay out before dark and made my way back. I knew the risk but I needed to know as I walked slowly but again like last time in that same alley was the smell of blood. I went down and looked around the corner seeing a girl, a human girl I knew being held against the wall of the alley with a hand covering her mouth as they were feeding. I felt that tingling and my eyes widened.

My a vampire? I thought while watching.

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